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Specification of Timing Extension for Adaptive Platform, AUTOSAR 968, R22-11, AP, 20230421

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Ethernet, UNIXが生まれて20年で大衆化したのと同じように考えると分かりやすいでしょう。 


AUTOSAR Abstract Platformへの道 R22-11

This article is not completed. I will add some words in order.















AUTOSAR R22-11 Qiita記事一覧 20230421 。







R20-11,R21-11, R22-11の3年分だけになりました。


AUTOSAR R22-11 Release Event 20221208

Classic Platform Release Overview, AUTOSAR No.0 ,R22-11, CP, 20230421

Foundation Release Overview, AUTOSAR, 781, R22-11, FO, 20230421

Adaptive Platform Release Overview, AUTOSAR 782, R22-11, AP, 20230421

要求仕様対応(Requirement and Specification)

Abstract Platformとの関係



文書変更(Document Change)

• Added SL-LET feature


Term Definition/Meaning
ECU Electronic Control Unit
I/O Input/Output
SW-C Software Component
TD Timing Description
VFB Virtual Functional Bus
Jitter For a periodically occurring timing event, the jitter is defined as the maximum variation of its period with respect to a predefined standard period.
Latency The latency of a timing event chain describes the time duration between the occurrence of the stimulus and the occurrence of the corresponding response.
Maximum interarrival time Describes the maximum time interval between two consecutive event occurrences. In the more general case, this attribute is an array of the maximum latency between two, three, four, ... event occurrences.
Minimum interarrival time Describes the minimum time interval between two consecutive event occurrences. In the more general case, this attribute is an array of the minimum latency between two, three, four, ... event occurrences.
Period Describes the expected time interval between two consecutive event occurrences, neglecting variation (jitter).
Response End point of an event chain.
Synchronization Synchronization focuses on the occurrence of different timing events. Synchronization of timing events means that they shall occur simultaneously within a certain tolerance interval.
Stimulus Start point of an event chain.
Timing analysis Timing analysis is a method of determining the timing behavior of the system. This includes consideration of timing relevant system behavior like task preemptions, interrupt handling, resource blocking, etc.
Timing constraint A timing constraint may have two different interpretation alternatives. On the one hand, it may define a restriction for the timing behavior of the system (e.g. minimum (maximum) latency bound for a certain event sequence). In this case, a timing constraint is a requirement which the system shall fulfill. On the other hand, a timing constraint may define a guarantee for the timing behavior of the system. In this case, the system developer guarantees that the system has a certain behavior with respect to timing (e.g. a timing event is guaranteed to occur periodically with a certain maximum variation).
Timing description The timing description of a system, subsystem or software component consists of events and event chains. The former one describes events that can be observed and the latter one describe their causal relationship.
Timing event A timing event is the abstract representation of a specific system behavior – that can be observed at runtime – in the AUTOSAR specification. Timing events are used to define the scope for timing constraints. Depending on the specific scope, the view on the system, and the level of abstraction different types of events are defined.
Timing event chain A timing event chain describes the causal order for a set of functionally dependent timing events. Each event chain has a well defined stimulus and response, which describe its start and end point. Furthermore, it can be hierarchically decomposed into an arbitrary number of sub-chains, so called ”event chain segments”.
Timing event occurrence A timing event is said to ”occur”, when a specific system behavior – represented by the timing event – can be observed.
Tming guarantee see glossary entry for ”Timing constraint”.
Timing information Superordinate concept for timing properties and timing constraints.
Timing path A timing path defines a sequence of communication or computation activities of the system, whose timing behavior shall be examined. Timing paths can be expressed by event chains.
Timing property A timing property defines the state or value of a timing relevant aispect within the system. Thus, a property does not represent a constraint for the system, but a somehow gathered (e.g. measured, estimated or determined) or defined attribute of the system.
Timing requirement A timing requirement defines a restriction on timing that shall be fulfilled to ensure proper operation of the system. Timing requirements can be expressed by using timing constraints.
Timing validation Timing validation compares the result of timing analysis (see glossary entry for timing analysis) with the expected behavior defined by timing constraints (see glossary entry for timing constraints)



no. count word 日本語
1 1649 the その
2 1059 of
3 932 timing 時期
4 719 event 行事
5 556 a ひとつの
6 418 in 中に
7 418 to
8 365 is です
9 309 and
10 281 atp Autonomous Transaction Processing(短縮名)
11 276 time 時間
12 271 for にとって
13 270 this これ
14 262 autosar AUTomotive Open System Architecture(短縮名)
15 261 description 説明
16 258 service 奉仕
17 255 platform 土台
18 222 constraint 制約
19 212 events 行事
20 187 tps_timex_ tps_timex_
21 185 type
22 184 prototype ひな形
23 161 adaptive 適応
24 161 specification 仕様
25 159 be なれ
26 157 element 要素
27 153 extensions 拡張機能
28 148 an 一つの
29 144 note 覚書
30 142 tags
31 141 port
32 141 r r
33 134 draft 下書き
34 130 data 与件
35 130 document 文そ
36 123 shall しなければならない
37 119 occurrence 発生
38 119 that それ
39 118 at
40 118 referrable 参照可能
41 116 ap adaptive platform(短縮名)
42 115 extension 拡大
43 114 occurrences 出来事
44 114 td Timing Description(短縮名)
45 111 are それは
46 109 id identifier, 識別子(短縮名)
47 108 autosar_tps_adaptive autosar_tps_adaptive
48 108 point
49 107 class
50 105 component 成分
51 101 constr_ constr_
52 101 instance 実例
53 100 chain
54 100 used 使用済み
55 99 package 小包
56 97 by
57 97 or または
58 96 constraints 制約
59 95 specifies 指定する
60 94 expression 表現
61 92 figure
62 91 table
63 90 system
64 87 ar AUTOSAR(短縮名)
65 87 chains
66 85 attribute 属性
67 85 can できる
68 85 on の上
69 85 rs_timex_ rs_timex_
70 80 sw software(短縮名)
71 78 response 応答
72 78 status 状態
73 77 aggr aggregation(短縮名)
74 77 identifiable 識別可能
75 76 as なので
76 76 pattern 類型
77 76 structure 構造
78 76 with
79 75 which どの
80 74 m m
81 74 ref reference(短縮名)
82 74 templates 雛形
83 73 reference 参照
84 72 variable 変数
85 69 stimulus 刺激
86 67 enumeration 列挙
87 67 kind 親切
88 67 purpose 目的
89 64 base 基づく
90 63 between の間に
91 63 common 一般
92 63 parameter 引数
93 62 given 既定の
94 62 object 物体
95 61 c c
96 61 interval 間隔
97 60 mult 複数の(接頭辞)
98 60 multilanguage 多言語
99 60 only それだけ
100 59 behavior 行動


Glossary も 参考に入れましょう。

[1] Requirements on Timing Extensions, AUTOSAR_RS_TimingExtensions
[2] Methodology for Adaptive Platform, AUTOSAR_TR_AdaptiveMethodology
[3] Virtual Functional Bus, AUTOSAR_EXP_VFB
[4] Standardization Template, AUTOSAR_TPS_StandardizationTemplate
[5] Generic Structure Template, AUTOSAR_TPS_GenericStructureTemplate

関連文書(Related document)

AUTOSAR Abstract Platformへの道 R22-11

自動車 記事 100

Basic principles, ボッシュ自動車handbook(英語)11版まとめ<2>

JAXA/IPA クリティカルソフトウェアワークショップ WOCS言語関連発表(改定版)

CAN(controller area network)

「はじめてのCAN/CANFD 」 ベクタージャパン <エンジニア夏休み企画>【読書感想文】

三方良し Udemy 車載LAN入門講座 CAN通信編

詳解 車載ネットワーク CAN, CAN FD, LIN, CXPI, Ethernetの仕組みと設計のために(1) 著者  <エンジニア夏休み企画 読書感想文>

詳解 車載ネットワーク CAN, CAN FD, LIN, CXPI, Ethernetの仕組みと設計のために(2)参考文献 <エンジニア夏休み企画>【読書感想文】

詳解 車載ネットワーク CAN、CAN FD、LIN、CXPI、Ethernetの仕組みと設計のために

This article is an individual impression based on the individual's experience. It has nothing to do with the organization or business to which I currently belong.

文書履歴(document history)

ver. 0.01 初稿  20230812


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