Methodology for Adaptive Platform, AUTOSAR 22-11, AP, No.709
CAN、OSEK/VDX OS、DIAGは、ISO定義を先に確認しましょう。
OSEK COM、OSEK NMなどはISOの規定から基本的な部分で定義を変えています。
AUTOSAR R22-11 Release Event 20221208
間違っていたら、いいね を押していただいて、コメント欄にご報告くださると幸いです。
要求/仕様(Requirement and Specification)
AUTOSAR R22-11 Adaptive Platform 一覧はこちら。
Adaptive Platform Release Overview, No.782, AP, AUTOSAR 22-11 新
Foundation Release Overview, No.781, FO, AUTOSAR 22-11 新
Classic Platform Release Overview, AUTOSAR R22-11, CP, No.0(2)
AUTOSAR R22-11 マラソン
AUTOSAR 文書番号と発行年
AUTOSAR R22-11 一覧(2)
Abstract Platformとの関係
Adaptive Platform統合
文書変更(Document Change)
• Consolidate the usage of Glossary
短縮形(short name)
Abbreviation | Meaning |
ABI | Application Binary Interface |
AP | AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform |
API | Application Programming Interface |
ARXML | AUTOSAR XML is the standardized exchange format for AUTOSAR configuration. |
COM | Communication Management |
CP | AUTOSAR Classic Platform |
CP Gateway | TR Glossary ([4]) defines: A gateway is functionality within an ECU that performs a frame or signal mapping function between two communication systems. Communication system in this context means e.g. a CAN system or one channel of a FlexRay system. For clarity we use the term CP Gateway instead. |
DoIP | Diagnostics over IP |
DM | Diagnostic Manager |
DTC | Diagnostic Trouble Code |
ECU | AUTOSAR TR Glossary ([4]) defines: ECU = Electronic Control Unit.For clarity we use the terms ECU-HW and ECU-Instance instead. |
ECU-HW | We consider an Electronic Control Unit as a container for any combination of AP and CP stacks.For this document the term ECU-HW is typically abstracted/independent from physical or virtual realization - if issues like ECUHousing containing multiple physical ECU-HW, or physical ECU-HW providing multiple virtual ECU-HWs are of importance this is explicitly mentioned. |
E/E system | Electric and Electronic system |
HW | Hardware |
ID | Identifier |
IP | Internet Protocol |
JSON | JavaScript Object Notation |
NM | Network Management |
NV | Non-Volatile (memory) |
OEM | Original Equipment Manufacturer |
OS | Operating System |
PHM | Platform Health Management |
POSIX | Portable Operating System Interface |
SD | Service Discovery |
SOME/IP | Scalable service-Oriented MiddlewarE over IP |
SWC | Software Component |
TCP | Transport Control Protocol |
TLV | Tag Length Value |
UCM | Update and Configuration Management |
UDP | User datagram Protocol |
UDS | Unified Diagnostic Services (UDS) is a diagnostic communication protocol used in electronic control units (ECUs) within automotive electronics, which is specified in the ISO 14229-1 |
UML | Unified Modeling Language |
UUID | Universally Unique Identifier |
VFB | Virtual Functional Bus |
VLAN | Virtual Local Area Network |
XML | Extensible Markup Language |
XSD | XML Schema Definition |
英日(English Japanese)
No. | count | word | 日本語 |
1 | 1444 | the | その |
2 | 1045 | of | の |
3 | 758 | description | 説明 |
4 | 740 | software | ソフトウェア |
5 | 652 | adaptive | 適応 |
6 | 633 | a | 一つの |
7 | 616 | design | 設計 |
8 | 574 | and | および |
9 | 573 | for | にとって |
10 | 556 | to | に |
11 | 550 | methodology | 方法論 |
12 | 512 | service | 奉仕 |
13 | 504 | in | の中に |
14 | 425 | platform | 枠組み |
15 | 422 | tr_ameth_ | tr_ameth_ |
16 | 381 | sw | software(短縮形) |
17 | 358 | autosar | (短縮形) |
18 | 333 | diagnostic | 診断 |
19 | 329 | define | 定義 |
20 | 324 | cluster | 集まる |
21 | 291 | ap | adaptive platform(短縮形) |
22 | 259 | system | 系 |
23 | 256 | machine | 機械 |
24 | 222 | be | である |
25 | 197 | this | これ |
26 | 195 | r | r |
27 | 194 | by | に |
28 | 186 | interface | 界面 |
29 | 185 | application | 応用 |
30 | 183 | with | と |
31 | 179 | architecture | 建築 |
32 | 178 | configuration | 構成 |
33 | 178 | package | 小包 |
34 | 175 | document | 資料 |
35 | 174 | is | である |
36 | 173 | as | なので |
37 | 167 | vehicle | 車両 |
38 | 166 | instance | 実例 |
39 | 165 | an | 一つの |
40 | 165 | or | また |
41 | 161 | id | identifier, 識別子(短縮形) |
42 | 157 | manifest | 管理票 |
43 | 150 | definition | 意味 |
44 | 147 | executable | 実行可能 |
45 | 146 | autosar_tr_adaptive | autosar_tr_adaptive |
46 | 141 | level | 水準 |
47 | 137 | process | 処理する |
48 | 136 | related | 関連している |
49 | 136 | task | 仕事 |
50 | 135 | are | それは |
51 | 135 | rs_meth_ | rs_meth_ |
52 | 133 | instances | 例 |
53 | 128 | communication | 通信 |
54 | 128 | on | の上 |
55 | 124 | function | 働き |
56 | 121 | may | かもしれない、五月 |
57 | 117 | e | e |
58 | 115 | see | 見る |
59 | 113 | brief | 簡単に |
60 | 110 | table | 表 |
61 | 109 | cp | cp |
62 | 108 | element | 要素 |
63 | 108 | work | 仕事 |
64 | 105 | ecu | electric(al) control unit(短縮形) |
65 | 105 | that | それ |
66 | 101 | note | 覚書 |
67 | 101 | relation | 関係 |
68 | 100 | artifact | 人工物 |
69 | 97 | port | 港 |
70 | 97 | time | 時間 |
71 | 96 | type | 型 |
72 | 95 | root | 根 |
73 | 94 | mapping | 対応づけ |
74 | 94 | network | 通信網 |
75 | 93 | m | m |
76 | 93 | mult | (短縮形) |
77 | 91 | data | 与件 |
78 | 91 | map | 地図 |
79 | 86 | deliverable | 成果物 |
80 | 86 | interfaces | 界面 |
81 | 85 | topology | 位相幾何学 |
82 | 84 | from | から |
83 | 83 | figure | 形 |
84 | 83 | tasks | 仕事 |
85 | 81 | interaction | 相互作用 |
86 | 81 | products | 製品 |
87 | 80 | specification | 仕様 |
88 | 79 | clusters | 房 |
89 | 78 | required | 必要 |
90 | 76 | develop | 発展させる |
91 | 73 | specific | 明確 |
92 | 73 | up | 上 |
93 | 70 | component | 成分 |
94 | 70 | kind | 親切 |
95 | 69 | c | c |
96 | 68 | sub | 副 |
97 | 67 | between | の間に |
98 | 67 | chapter | 章 |
99 | 67 | implementation | 実装 |
100 | 66 | also | もまた |
101 | 66 | build | 立てた |
[1] Methodology for Classic Platform, AUTOSAR_TR_Methodology
[2] Requirements on Methodology for Classic and Adaptive Platform, AUTOSAR_RS_Methodology
[3] Standardization Template, AUTOSAR_TPS_StandardizationTemplate
[4] Glossary, AUTOSAR_TR_Glossary,
[5] Software Process Engineering Meta-Model Specification,
[6] Specification of Manifest, AUTOSAR_TPS_ManifestSpecification
[7] Explanation of Adaptive Platform Software Architecture, AUTOSAR_EXP_SWArchitecture
[8] Layered Software Architecture, AUTOSAR_EXP_LayeredSoftwareArchitecture
[9] Specification of Abstract Platform, AUTOSAR_TPS_AbstractPlatformSpecification
[10] System Template, AUTOSAR_TPS_SystemTemplate
[11] Software Component Template, AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate
[12] Diagnostic Extract Template, AUTOSAR_TPS_DiagnosticExtractTemplate
[13] Specification of Update and Configuration Management. AUTOSAR_SWS_UpdateAndConfigurationManagement
関連文書(Related document)
AUTOSAR Abstract Platformへの道(詳細編)
2023年1月 記事数一覧
2023 書き初め
「はじめてのCAN/CANFD 」 ベクタージャパン <エンジニア夏休み企画>【読書感想文】
三方良し Udemy 車載LAN入門講座 CAN通信編
詳解 車載ネットワーク CAN, CAN FD, LIN, CXPI, Ethernetの仕組みと設計のために(1) 著者 <エンジニア夏休み企画 読書感想文>
詳解 車載ネットワーク CAN, CAN FD, LIN, CXPI, Ethernetの仕組みと設計のために(2)参考文献 <エンジニア夏休み企画>【読書感想文】
詳解 車載ネットワーク CAN、CAN FD、LIN、CXPI、Ethernetの仕組みと設計のために
AUTOSAR Abstract Platform User Group Weekly Report(1) 2022.1.8
AUTOSAR Abstract Platform User Group Weekly Report(2) 2022.1.15
文書履歴(document history)
ver. 0.01 初稿 20230130
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