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Formal verification of a realistic compiler,

Xavier Leroy

AbsInt / CompCert

7. References

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Formally Verified Native Code Generation in an Effectful JIT -- or: Turning the CompCert Backend into a Formally Verified JIT Compiler

Aurèle Barrière, Sandrine Blazy, David Pichardie

This work presents a model JIT with dynamic generation of native code, implemented and formally verified in Coq. Although some parts of a JIT cannot be written in Coq, we propose a proof methodology to delimit, specify and reason on the impure effects of a JIT.



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The Trusted Computing Base of the CompCert Verified Compiler

Authors: David Monniaux, Sylvain Boulmé


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Certifying C program correctness with respect to CompCert with VeriFast

Stefan Wils, Bart Jacobs


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