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Requirements on Automated Driving Interfaces, No.911, AUTOSAR R21-11 (47) AP

Last updated at Posted at 2022-05-06

Requirements on Automated Driving Interfaces, No.911, 2021-11


AUTOSAR 21-11, 42文書読んだ。2022年5月中に半分到達予定。

AUTOSAR R21-11(0) 仕様ダウンロード一覧。単語帳。参考文献資料作成


Terms Description
AD Automated Driving
ADI Automated Driving Interfaces
AEB Autonomous Emergency Braking
HiL Hardware in the Loop
ISO International Organization for Standardization
LIDAR LIght Detection And Ranging
MiL Model in the Loop
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
OSI Open Simulation Interface
RADAR RAdio Detection And Ranging
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
USS UltraSonic Sensor
XiL ... in the Loop
V2X Vehicle-to-X-Communication is the generic term for various communication technologies in automotive, including vehicle-tovehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication. The information is either transmitted directly between vehicles, between vehicle and roadside infrastructure or by using existing mobile networks.



no. count word 日本語
1 187 the その
2 104 of
3 81 sensor 感知器
4 65 to
5 63 for にとって
6 56 and
7 54 a 一つの
8 51 iso International Organization for Standardization(短縮名)
9 48 interfaces 界面
10 43 be です
11 43 on の上
12 42 shall しなければならない
13 41 automated 自動化
14 41 autosar AUTomotive Open System Architecture(短縮名)
15 41 driving 運転
16 41 in
17 41 rs_adi_ rs_adi_
18 36 adi Automated Driving Interfaces(短縮名)
19 34 data 与件
20 30 interface 界面
21 29 document 文書
22 29 requirements 要件
23 28 is です
24 26 by
25 25 rs_main_ rs_main_
26 24 e e
27 23 use 使う
28 22 description 説明
29 21 material 材料
30 21 rationale 根拠
31 20 c c
32 20 g g
33 20 or また
34 20 support 対応
35 19 as なので
36 19 case 場合
37 19 draft 下書き
38 19 r r
39 19 sensors 感知器
40 18 are それは
41 18 d d
42 18 dependencies 依存関係
43 18 supporting 対応
44 17 id identifier, 識別子(短縮名)
45 17 with
46 16 an
47 16 ap adaptive platform(短縮名)
48 16 application 応用
49 16 applications 応用
50 16 autosar_rs_automateddrivinginterfaces autosar_rs_automateddrivinginterfaces
51 16 specification 仕様
52 14 adaptive 適応
53 14 not いいえ
54 14 used 使った
55 13 should したほうがいい
56 13 standardization 標準化
57 13 that それ
58 12 based 基づく
59 12 mandatory 必須
60 12 types
61 11 elements 要素
62 11 functions 関数
63 11 fusion 融合
64 10 able できる
65 10 all すべて
66 10 defined 定義した
67 10 recorded 記録
68 10 service 奉仕
69 10 this これ
70 10 ultrasonic 超音波
71 9 any どれか
72 9 different 違う
73 9 performance 効率
74 9 profiles 横顔
75 9 using を使用して
76 8 have 持ってる
77 8 lidar LIght Detection And Ranging(短縮名)
78 8 platform 土台
79 8 radar radio detection and ranging(短縮名
80 8 signals 信号
81 8 technology 技術
82 8 validation 検証
83 8 without それなし
84 7 access 接続
85 7 at
86 7 camera 撮像器
87 7 does する
88 7 it それ
89 7 non
90 7 oem original equipment manufacturer(短縮形)
91 7 work 仕事
92 6 between の間に
93 6 development 発達
94 6 efforts 尽力
95 6 exchange 両替
96 6 from から
97 6 network 通信網
98 6 new 新着
99 6 signal 信号
100 6 software ソフトウェア
101 6 specified 指定
102 6 standardized 標準化
103 6 v v
104 6 vehicle 車両
105 6 want 欲しい
106 6 when いつ
107 6 which どれの


[1] ISO-23150 Road vehicles–Data communication between sensors and data fusion
unit for automated driving functions–Logical interface
[2] Standardization Template, AUTOSAR_TPS_StandardizationTemplate
[3] Glossary, AUTOSAR_TR_Glossary
[4] Explanation of Sensor Interfaces, AUTOSAR_EXP_SensorInterfaces
[5] Main Requirements, AUTOSAR_RS_Main


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