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Specification of FlexRay Network Management, No.28, AUTOSAR R21-11(182) CP

Last updated at Posted at 2022-05-26

Specification of FlexRay Network Management, No.28, 2021-11

AUTOSAR R21-11記事一覧はこちら。

AUTOSAR 21-11, 160文書読んだ。2022年5月に半分到達。

AUTOSAR R21-11(0) 仕様ダウンロード一覧。単語帳。参考文献資料作成


Term Description
CC Communication Controller
NM Network Management
WCET Worst Case Execution Time
DET Default Error Tracer. AUTOSAR Module for detection and reporting of errors during development.
SRS Software requirements specification
SWS Software working specification
API Application program interface
Com Communication module
OS Operating system
SchM Schedule Manager
PDU Protocol data unit
CPU Central processing unit
PNL Partial Network Learning
FrIf Abbreviation for the FlexRay Interface
FrNm Abbreviation for the Network Management on FlexRay
NmIf Abbreviation for the generic Network Management
ECU Electronic control unit
ComM Communication manager
FrSm FlexRay State Manager
HW Hardware
Bus-Sleep Mode Network mode where all interconnected communication controllers are in the sleep mode.
NM-Network Instance of the FlexRay NM to handle one physical FlexRay Bus. Caution: The FlexRay Bus contains two FlexRay channels which cannot be handled independent of the other. Therefore the NM-Network covers both FlexRay bus channels. This is equivalent to one NM-Cluster
Network requested NM network is requested if FrNm_NetworkRequest has been called and neither the network has been released nor Bus Sleep Mode has been entered afterwards
Network released NM network is released if FrNm_NetworkRelease has been called and network has not been requested afterwards
Repeat Message Request active A Repeat Message Request is active if FrNm_RepeatMessageRequest has been called or a NM PDU with Repeat Message Request bit set has been received in Network Mode. It is not active anymore if Repeat Message State is left or Bus Sleep Mode is entered.
NM Data Cycle Number of FlexRay cycles necessary for all nodes to be able to send NM Data at least once.
NM Message Packet of information exchanged for purposes of the NM algorithm.
NM Repetition Cycle Number of FlexRay cycles where no change of voting behavior is possible. Value has to be a multiple of the NM Voting Cycle. Used to
improve the reliability of the voting.
NM Slot Slot reserved for purposes of network management.
NM Timeout Timeout in the NM algorithm that initiates transition into Bus-Sleep Mode.
NM User Data Supplementary application specific data that is sent independent of the NM Vote on the bus.
NM Voting Cycle Number of FlexRay cycles necessary for all nodes to vote at least once. NM-Vote Information transmitted using the FlexRay Bus indicating the vote of a ECU to keep the bus awake
NM-Vector FlexRay NM Vector is the aggregated data available when the FlexRay CC optional NM Hardware Vector Service is used.
NM-Data Data related to NM transmitted using the FlexRay Bus.
NM-Cluster Obsolete, equivalent to NM-Network
CBV Control bit vector
ClusterAwakeVote At least one Node other than itself votes for keeping the cluster awake.
Positive NMVote in static segment NM-Vote PDU reception or transmission with Voting Bit set to '1'
Positive NMVote in dynamic segment NM-Vote PDU received or transmitted
Negative NMVote in static segment NM-Vote PDU reception or transmission with Voting Bit set '0'
Negative NMVote In dynamic segment: NM-Vote PDU is neither received nor transmitted
Top-level PNC coordinator The top-level PNC coordinator is an ECU that acts as PNC gateway in the network and that handles at least one PNC as actively coordinated on all assigned channels. If synchronized PNC shutdown is enabled, the toplevel PNC coordinator triggers for these PNCs the shutdown, if no other ECU in the network request them.
Intermediate PNC coordinator An intermediate PNC coordinator is an ECU that acts as PNC gateway in the network and that handles at least one PNC as passively coordinated on at least one assigned channel. If synchronized PNC shutdown is enabled, it forwards received shutdown requests for these PNCs to the corresponding actively coordinated channels and starts their shutdown accordingly.
PNC leaf node A PNC leaf node is an ECU that acts not as a PNC coordinator at all in the network. It processes PN shutdown message as usual NM messages.
PN shutdown message A top-level PNC coordinator transmit PN shutdown messages to indicate asynchronized PNC shutdown across the PN topology. A PN shutdown message is as NM message which has PNSR bit in the control bit vector and all PNCs which are indicated for a synchronized shutdown set to '1'.





[1] List of Basic Software Modules
[2] Layered Sofware Architecture,
[3] General Requirements on Basic Software Modules
[4] Requirements on Network Management
[5] Specification of the AUTOSAR Network Management Protocol
[6] General Specification of Basic Software Modules
[7] Specification of SystemTemplate
[8] FlexRay Communications System Specifications, V2.1
[9] AUTOSAR Specification of Communication Manager
[10] Specification of Generic Network Management Interface
[11] Specification of FlexRay Interface
AUTOSAR_SWS _FlexRayInterface.pdf
[12] Specification of ECU State Manager
[13] Specification of Default Error Tracer
[14] Specification of Standard Types
[15] Specification of Platform Types
[16] Specification of Compiler Abstraction
[17] Specification of Operating System
[18] Specification of FlexRay State Manager


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