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Requirements on CAN, No.1, AUTOSAR R21-11(187) CP

Last updated at Posted at 2022-05-27

Requirements on CAN, No.1, 2021-11

AUTOSAR R21-11記事一覧はこちら。

AUTOSAR 21-11, 317文書読んだ。2022年6月3日にFO, AP, CP全部到達。

AUTOSAR R21-11(0) 仕様ダウンロード一覧。単語帳。参考文献資料作成

目的と成果(Purpose and Outcome)

item description
who CAN user
what there are few differences with ISO
importance high
comment Please read v.2 or v3, there are initiaters.


Term Description
CAN Communication Matrix Describes the complete CAN network: - Participating nodes - Definition of all CAN PDUs (Identifier, DLC) - Source and Sinks for PDUs Format is defined in other AUTOSAR workpackage
Physical Channel A physical channel represents an interface to the CAN Network. Different physical channels of the CAN Hardware Unit may access different networks.
L-PDU CAN (Data Link Layer) Protocol Data Unit. Consists of Identifier, DLC and Data (L-SDU).
L-SDU CAN (Data Link Layer) Service Data Unit. Data that is transported inside the LPDU.
Hardware Object A Hardware Object is defined as message buffer inside the CAN RAM of the CAN Hardware Unit. Also often called Message Object
Hardware Object Handle The hardware object handle (HOH) is defined and provided by the CAN Driver. Typically each HOH represents a hardware object. The HOH is used as parameter by the CAN Interface Layer for transmit and read requests to the CAN Driver.
L-PDU Handle The L-PDU handle is defined and placed inside the CAN Interface Layer. Typically each handle represents a L-PDU or a range of L-PDUs, and is a constant structure with information for Tx/Rx processing.
CAN Controller A CAN controller serves exactly one physical channel. See Figure "Typical CAN HW Unit" in CAN Interface SWS.
CAN Hardware Unit A CAN hardware unit may consist of one or multiple CAN controllers of the same type and one or multiple CAN RAM areas. The CAN hardware unit is either onchip, or an external device. The CAN hardware unit is represented by one CAN Driver. See Figure "Typical CAN HW Unit" in CAN Interface SWS.
Multiplexed Transmission Usage of three TX HW objects, which are represented as one transmit entity (Hardware Object Handle) to the upper layer. Used for Outer Priority Inversion avoidance
Inner Priority Inversion Transmission of a high-priority L-PDU is prevented by the presence of a pending
low-priority L-PDU in the same physical channel.
Outer Priority Inversion Occurs when a time gap is between two consecutive TX L-PDU transmissions. In this case a lower priority L-PDU from another node can prevent sending the next L-PDU because the higher priority L-PDU can't participate in the running bus arbitration because it comes too late.
Bus A bus represents a CAN or LIN network. A bus has a given physical behavior (e.g. CAN low-speed or high-speed). A bus may support wakeup via bus or is “always on”.
N-PDU Network Protocol Data Unit of the CAN Transport Layer
N-SDU Service Data Unit of the CAN Transport Layer. Data that is transported inside the N-PDU.
static configuration Configuration, that is not changeable during runtime. This means that a configuration is typically done once during startup phase of the ECU. This concern is independent from the possibilities to introduce the configuration parameters into the ECU itself: Pre-Compile-Time, Link-Time or Post-Build-Time
STmin Separation Time min
BS Block Size
HTH CAN hardware transmit handle





[Can] Specification of CAN Driver
[CanIf] Specification of CAN Interface
[CanSM] Specification of CAN State Manager
[CanTp] Specification of CAN Transport Layer
[CanTrcv] Specification of CAN Transceiver Driver
[SrsSpal] General Requirements on SPAL
[SrsGeneral] General Requirements on Basic Software Modules
[TPS_STDT_0078] Software Standardization Template
ISO 15765-2(2004-10-12), Road vehicles — Diagnostics on Controller Area
Networks (CAN) — Part2: Network layer services
ISO 15765-3(2004-10-06), Road vehicles — Diagnostics on Controller Area
Networks (CAN) — Part3: Implementation of diagnostic services
ISO 15765-4(2005-01-04), Road vehicles — Diagnostics on Controller Area
Networks (CAN) — Part4: Requirements for emissions-related systems
Related Example Transceiver Data Sheets See current data sheets for e.g. ST L9669, Freescale MC33389, Philips TJA1054 (CAN LowSpeed), TJA1041 (CAN HighSpeed)

文書履歴(document history)

ver. 0.01 初稿
ver. 0.02 Purpose and Outcomeare added. 20220604


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