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AUTOSAR CountdownAdvent Calendar 2022

Day 4

Requirements on I/O Hardware Abstraction, No.75, AUTOSAR R21-11(241) CP

Last updated at Posted at 2022-05-29

Requirements on I/O Hardware Abstraction, No.75, 2021-11

AUTOSAR R21-11記事一覧はこちら。

AUTOSAR 21-11,160文書読んだ。2022年5月中に全部読み。

AUTOSAR 21-11, 62文書読んだ。2022年5月中に半分到達予定。

AUTOSAR R21-11(0) 仕様ダウンロード一覧。単語帳。参考文献資料作成


Term Description Example
Class A class represents a kind of electrical connection to the ECU. It could be for example an analogue, a discrete,… Analogue Class, Discrete Class…
Electrical Signal It is the electrical signal on the pin of the ECU Physical input voltage at an ECUPin
ECU pin It is an hardware electrical connection of the ECU with the rest of the electronic system
ECU Signals It is the software representation of an electrical signal. A signal has attributes and a symbolic name Input voltage,Discrete Output, PWM Input …
ECU Signal group It is the software representation of a group of electrical signals from the same Class Only for discrete Inputs and discrete Outputs
Attributes Characteristics that can be Software (SW) and Hardware (HW) for each kind of Signals existing in a ECU Range, Lifetime / delay, …
Symbolic name The symbolic name of a signal is used by the IO Hardware Abstraction module to make a link (function, pin)
Data Type Analogue: Datatype of the signal Discrete: either bool or AUTOSAR defined type (BoolType) (VoltageType, CurrentType, ResistanceType, BoolType) Each DataType has a given size: 16 bits or 32 bits
Range This is a functional range and not an electrical range.) For analogue signals [lowerLimit...upperLimit] (Voltage, current), [0...upperLimit] (resistance) For discrete signals [0,1] For timing signals [0…upperLimit] (period), [- 100…100%] (Duty Cycle) [-12Volts...+12Volts] (voltage)
Resolution This attribute for many Classes is dependent on the range and the Data Type. Example: (upperLimit - lowerLimit) / (2datatypelength -1) For the others is known and defined. Voltagemin = -12 Volts Voltagemax = 12 Volts Data Type : 16 bits Resolution => 24 / 65535
Hardware Resolution This is the maximum possible resolution of the hardware (ADC) ADC converter could have a 8/10/12/16 bits resolution
Hardware Accuracy This is the accuracy of Hardware. It depends on hardware peripheral used for acquisition and/or generation ADC converter could have an accuracy of +-3LSB
Accuracy It depends of hardware peripheral used for acquisition and/or generation. ADC converter could be a a 8/10/12/16 bits converter
Diagnosis Diagnosis capability of the functionality Diagnosis Not Supported (could be a static check) No valid information available Short to Power Supply Short to Ground Open Load Over Temperature Diagnosis OK
Synchronization A signal could be synchronize with another signal or with an event like a trigger If a discrete signal is “TRUE”, acquire an analogue signal
Access Defines if the Signal is attached to a Get(Read) / Set(Write) feature.
Inversion Inversion between the physical value and the logical value. This attribute is not visible and not configurable by users of IO Hardware Abstraction. Physical HighState -> (Signal=False) Physical LowState -> (Signal=True)
Lifetime Only for Inputs: It is the maximum allowed age of the data (time is in microseconds). If Lifetime is 0, then the signal is directly get from the register. Lifetime = 0 is a direct access Lifetime = 1000µs the value read is at maximum 1ms older
Delay Only for Outputs: It is the maximum allowed time until an output is actually set (time is in microseconds) If Delay is 0, then the signal is set immediately Delay = 0 is a direct access Delay = 100µs the command is set until 100µs elapse
Filtering /Debouncing It defines if the Signal is provided as a raw value or if a filtering/debouncing method is included in the IO Hardware Abstraction module for this Signal. Raw, Debounce 3 Samples, Wait 10ms,
Sampling Rate Time period required to get a Signal value. Sampling rate for a sampling windows (burst)
Report Changes This attribute is only applicable to Discrete Inputs. It defines the capability (or not) of reporting level changes. Enable or Disable
Pulse Test This attribute means that the output shall be tested thanks a dedicated pulse. If this attribute is not set, diagnosis will be done while using the output.





[1] Layered Software Architecture
[2] Software Standardization Template
AUTOSAR_TPS_StandardizationTemplate.pdfAUTOSAR 英語 単語帳 参考文献 AdventCalendar2022


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