Specification of FlexRay Transceiver Driver, No.74, 2021-11
AUTOSAR R21-11記事一覧はこちら。
AUTOSAR 21-11, 160文書読んだ。2022年5月に半分到達。
AUTOSAR R21-11(0) 仕様ダウンロード一覧。単語帳。参考文献資料作成
Term | Description |
µC | Microcontroller |
Active Star(Network) | Star topology networks consist of one ore more active central nodes which rebroadcast(s) all transmissions received from a branch to all other branches on the network. All peripheral nodes may thus communicate with all others by transmitting to, and receiving from, the central node(s) if they are located on another branch. On detection of the failure of a branch the active star will isolate its peripheral nodes from all other branches resulting in fault confinement |
API | Application Programming Interface |
AUTOSAR | Automotive Open System Architecture |
BD | Bus Driver |
Branch | Element of an active star network topology sharing (i.e. electrically connected to) the same transmitter and receiver circuit on the physical layer. The failure of a branch will result in the isolation of its peripheral nodes by the active star from all other branches resulting in fault confinement. |
BSW | Basic Software |
CC | Communication Controller |
ComM | Communication Manager, See [8] for details |
DEM/Dem | Diagnostic Event Manager |
DET/Det | Default Error Tracer |
DIO/Dio | Digital input output, one of the SPAL SW modules |
EB | Externally buffered channel. Buffers containing data to transfer are outside the SPI Handler/Driver. |
ECU | Electronic Control Unit |
EcuM | ECU State Manager, see [7] for details |
EPL | Electrical Physical Layer |
ERRN | ERRor output signal, Negated i.e. active LOW FlexRay Node A logical entity connected to the FlexRay Network that is capable of sending and/or receiving frames. |
FrIf | FlexRay Interface |
FrTrcv | FlexRay Transceiver |
GPIO | General Purpose Input Output |
I/O | Input/Output |
IB | Internally buffered channel. Buffers containing data to transfer are inside the SPI Handler/Driver. |
ID/Id | Identifier |
ISR | Interrupt Service Routine |
MCAL | Micro controller Abstraction Layer |
MCG | Module Configuration Generator |
MISRA | Motor Industry Software Reliability Association |
n/a | Not applicable |
OS | Operating System |
Port | Port, one of the SPAL SW modules |
RAM | Random Access Memory |
RxD | Receive Data |
RxEN | Receive Enable |
SBC | System Basis Chip; A device, which integrates e.g. CAN and/or FlexRay and/or LIN transceiver, watchdog and power control. |
SchM | Schedule Manager |
SPAL | Standard Peripheral Abstraction Layer |
SPI/Spi | Serial Peripheral Interface. |
SPI/Spi Channel | A channel is a software exchange medium for data that are defined with the same criteria: configuration parameters, number of data elements with same size and data pointers (source & destination) or location. See specification of SPI driver for more details. |
SPI/Spi Job | A job is composed of one or several channels with the same chip select. A job is considered to be atomic and therefore cannot be interrupted. A job has also an assigned priority. See specification of SPI driver for more details. |
SPI/Spi Sequence | A sequence is a number of consecutive jobs to be transmitted. A sequence depends on a static configuration. See specification of SPI driver for more details. |
SRS | Software Requirement Specification |
SW | Software |
SW-C | Software-Component |
SWS | Software Specification |
XML | eXtended Markup Language |
[1] List of Basic Software Modules
[2] Layered Software Architecture
[3] Specification of ECU Configuration
[4] General Requirements on Basic Software
[5] FlexRay_ EPL-Specification_ V2.1_Rev_D2_N010
FlexRay_ EPL-Specification_ V2.1_Rev_D2_N010.pdf
FlexRay_ EPL-Application Notes_ V2.1_Rev_D_N009
FlexRay_ EPL-Application Notes_ V2.1_Rev_D_N009.pdf
Specification of ECU State Manager
Specification of Communication Manager
Specification of DIO Driver
Specification of SPI Handler/Driver
Requirements on FlexRay
Specification of Communication Stack Types
Specification of Basic Software Scheduler
Specification of Memory Mapping
Basic Software Module Description Template
General Specification of Basic Software Modules