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Virtual Functional Bus, AUTOSAR R22-11, CP, No.56

Last updated at Posted at 2022-12-20

Virtual Functional Bus, AUTOSAR R22-11, CP, No.56

AUTOSAR Countdown Calendar 2022



AUTOSAR R22-11 Release Event 20221208


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AUTOSAR R22-11 Qiita 記事一覧はこちらに編集中です。


文書変更(Document Change)

Replaced "Figure 2.1" in the document with the "Figure 2.9" from TR_Methodology
Changed the caption of "Figure 2.2" to "Concept of the virtual functional bus"
Rephrased references to the obsolete step called “Configure System”


Kind Description
Application software component The Application Software Component is an Atomic Software Component that implements (part of) an application. It can use all AUTOSAR communication mechanisms and services. The Application Software Component interacts with sensors or actuators through a Sensor-Actuator Software Component.
Sensoractuator software component The Sensor-Actuator Software Component is an Atomic Software Component that handles the specifics of a sensor and/or actuator. It directly interacts with the ECUAbstraction (this is illustrated by a port called “IO”). See Chapter 6, Interaction with hardware.
Parameter software component A Parameter Software Component provides parameter values. These can be fixed data, const or variable. This Software Component allows for data access to either fixed data or calibration data. See chapter 10.
Composition software component A Composition Software Component encapsulates a collaboration of Software Components, thereby hiding detail and allowing the creation of higher abstraction levels. Through delegation connectors a composition software component explicitly specifies, which ports of the internal components are visible from the outside. Composition Software Components are a specialized type of Software Components, e.g. they can be part of further Composition Software Components.
Service Proxy software component The Service Proxy SW Component is responsible for distribution of modes throughout the system. Once deployed each ECU should have a copy of every instance of this software component type. However at the VFB level only one is necessary.
Service software component A Service Software Component provides standardized services through standardized interfaces. To provide these services, this component may interact directly with certain other basic-software modules (this is represented by the double arrow). See Chapter 7.
ECU abstraction software component The ECU-Abstraction Software Component provides access to the ECU’s specific IO capabilities. These services are typically provided through client-server PPorts and are used by the sensor-actuator software components. The ECU-abstraction may directly interact with certain other basic-software modules (this is represented by the double arrow). See Chapter 6, Interaction with hardware.
Complex driver software component The Complex Driver Software Component generalizes the “ECUabstraction component”. It can define ports to interact with other components in specific ways and can also interact directly with other basicsoftware modules. The purpose of the Complex Driver Software Component is described further in Section 6.5 Complex Driver.
NVBlock software component The NV Block Software Component allows SWC-S access to non volatile data. Specifically this block allows for the modeling of the NV data at the VFB level. It is the responsibility of the NV Block to map individual NV data elements to NV Blocks and to interact with the NV Manager in the BSW. The behavior of this component is to be generated based on the port services in the RTE.





[1] Methodology
[2] Glossary, AUTOSAR_TR_Glossary.pdf
[3] Main Requirements
[4] List of Basic Software Modules
[5] Layered Software Architecture
[6] Software Component Template
[7] Specification of RTE
[8] Specification of Timing Extensions
[9] Explanation of Application Interfaces of the Body and Comfort Domain
[10] Explanation of Application Interfaces of the Powertrain Domain
[11] Explanation of Application Interfaces of the Chassis Domain
[12] Explanation of Application Interfaces of Occupant and Pedestrian Safety
Systems Domain
[13] Explanation of Application Interfaces of the HMI, Multimedia and Telematics
[14] Application Interfaces User Guide
[15] ISO 17356-4, OSEK/VDX Communication (COM)


Countdown Calendar 2022

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Virtual Functional Bus, AUTOSAR R22-11, CP, No.56(2)

文書履歴(document history)

ver. 0.01 初稿 20221209
ver. 0.02 URL追記 20221231
ver. 0.03 URL追記  20230108


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