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Specification of Operating System Interface, No.719 , AUTOSAR 21-11 (33) AP

Last updated at Posted at 2022-05-04

Specification of Operating System Interface, No.719 , 2021-11


AUTOSAR R21-11(0) 仕様ダウンロード一覧。単語帳。参考文献資料作成


term Description
OSI Operating System Interface
AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform see [2] AUTOSAR Glossary
Adaptive Platform Foundation see [2] AUTOSAR Glossary
Adaptive Application see [2] AUTOSAR Glossary
Execution Management The element of the AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform responsible for the ordered startup and shutdown of the AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform and Adaptive Applications.
Application see [2] AUTOSAR Glossary
Operating System Software responsible for managing Processes on a Machine and for providing an interface to hardware resources.
Process see [2] AUTOSAR Glossary
Initial Process A process with management rights, e.g. to determine exit status, for all processes within the AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform.
Foundation see [2] AUTOSAR Glossary
Machine see [2] AUTOSAR Glossary
Executable see [2] AUTOSAR Glossary
Functional Cluste r see [2] AUTOSAR Glossary



no. count word 日本語
1 230 the その
2 154 of
3 107 system
4 97 operating 操作
5 79 to
6 78 and
7 72 in 中に
8 68 autosar AUTomotive Open System Architecture(短縮名)
9 67 c c
10 61 rs_ap_ rs_ap_
11 56 a 一つの
12 52 interface 界面
13 45 for にとって
14 40 sws_osi_ sws_osi_
15 37 be です
16 37 document 資料
17 37 specification 仕様
18 36 adaptive 適応
19 35 process 処理する
20 34 platform 土台
21 34 rs_osi_ rs_osi_
22 31 are それは
23 31 may かもしれない
24 31 shall しなければならない
25 31 sws_osi_na sws_osi_na
26 30 is です
27 30 time 時間
28 28 not いいえ
29 28 processes 過程
30 27 as なので
31 27 that それ
32 25 application 応用
33 25 r r
34 24 this これ
35 23 by
36 22 library 図書館
37 22 shared 共有
38 22 support 対応
39 22 use 使う
40 21 ap adaptive platform(短縮名)
41 21 autosar_sws_operatingsysteminterface autosar_sws_operatingsysteminterface
42 21 id identifier, 識別子(短縮名)
43 21 memory 記憶装置
44 20 an
45 20 execution 実行
46 20 standard 標準
47 19 management 管理
48 19 on の上
49 19 or また
50 19 posix Portable Operating System Interface(短縮名)
51 18 from から
52 17 any どれか
53 17 applications 応用
54 17 code 符号
55 17 data 与件
56 17 scheduling 予定
57 16 provide 提供
58 15 d d
59 15 defined 定義済み
60 15 pse profile for standard environment(?)
61 14 function 働き
62 14 functional 機能的
63 14 specific 明確
64 13 glossary 用語集
65 13 interfaces 界面
66 13 it それ
67 13 no いいえ
68 13 release 公開
69 13 these これらは
70 12 each
71 11 cpu central processing unit(短縮名)
72 11 group
73 11 only それだけ
74 11 policies 政策
75 11 service 奉仕
76 11 some いくつかの
77 11 used 使用済み
78 11 with
79 11 work 仕事
80 10 allow 許可する
81 10 api application programming interface(短縮名)
82 10 can できる
83 10 multiple 多数
84 10 object 物体
85 10 other 他の
86 10 see 見る
87 9 at
88 9 behavior 行動
89 9 executable 実行可能
90 9 implementation 実装
91 9 its これは
92 9 provided 提供した
93 9 provides 提供する
94 9 requirements 要件
95 9 software ソフトウェア
96 9 types
97 9 usage 利用方法
98 8 address 住所
99 8 apis application programming interfaces(短縮名)
100 8 between の間に
101 8 but しかし
102 8 different 違う
103 8 functionality 機能性
104 8 os operating system(短縮名)
105 8 part
106 8 such そのような
107 8 which どれの



[1] IEEE Standard for Information Technology- Standardized Application Environment
Profile (AEP)-POSIX Realtime and Embedded Application Support, https://standards.ieee.org/findstds/standard/1003.13-2003.html
[2] Glossary, AUTOSAR_TR_Glossary
[3] Requirements on Operating System Interface, AUTOSAR_RS_OperatingSystemInterface


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