Requirements on Timing Extensions, AUTOSAR 22-11, FO, No.410
AUTOSAR Countdown Calendar 2022
AUTOSAR R22-11記事一覧はこちら。
文書変更(Document Change)
• Added RS_TIMEX_00026
• Remove uptrace to defunct
requirements RS_Main_00160, RS_Main_00161, RS_Main_00480
term | description |
Redundancy | Requirements shall not be repeated within one requirement or in other requirements. |
Clearness | All requirements shall allow one possibility of interpretation only. Used technical terms that are not in the glossary must be defined. |
Atomicity | Each Requirement shall only contain one requirement. A Requirement is atomic if it cannot be split up in further requirements. |
Testability | Requirements shall be testable by analysis, review or test. |
Traceability | The source and status of a requirement shall be visible at all times. |
no. | count | word | 日本語 |
1 | 392 | rs_timex_ | rs_timex_ |
2 | 342 | rs_main_ | rs_main_ |
3 | 334 | the | その |
4 | 274 | of | の |
5 | 203 | timing | 時期 |
6 | 166 | to | に |
7 | 152 | autosar | autosar |
8 | 127 | and | と |
9 | 117 | for | にとって |
10 | 101 | extensions | 拡張 |
11 | 99 | in | 中に |
12 | 91 | on | の上 |
13 | 89 | r | r |
14 | 89 | requirements | 要件 |
15 | 83 | a | a |
16 | 78 | be | です |
17 | 77 | shall | しなければならない |
18 | 72 | use | 使う |
19 | 70 | items | 項目 |
20 | 66 | none | 無し |
21 | 62 | is | です |
22 | 61 | case | 場合 |
23 | 59 | document | 文書 |
24 | 54 | srs | srs |
25 | 53 | analysis | 分析 |
26 | 52 | support | 対応 |
27 | 42 | fo | foundation(短縮名) |
28 | 41 | autosar_rs_timing | autosar_rs_timing |
29 | 41 | id | id |
30 | 41 | or | または |
31 | 39 | constraints | 制約 |
32 | 37 | software | ソフトウェア |
33 | 36 | event | 行事 |
34 | 35 | description | 説明 |
35 | 35 | provide | 提供 |
36 | 35 | specification | 仕様 |
37 | 34 | an | 一つの |
38 | 34 | end | 終わり |
39 | 34 | this | これ |
40 | 33 | are | です |
41 | 33 | synchronization | 同期 |
42 | 32 | system | 系 |
43 | 31 | change | 変化する |
44 | 31 | entities | 実態 |
45 | 31 | time | 時間 |
46 | 30 | added | 追加した |
47 | 29 | behavior | 行動 |
48 | 29 | execution | 実行 |
49 | 28 | dependencies | 依存関係 |
50 | 27 | c | c |
51 | 27 | chains | 鎖 |
52 | 27 | data | 与件 |
53 | 27 | material | 材料 |
54 | 27 | supporting | 対応 |
55 | 27 | that | それ |
56 | 25 | history | 歴史 |
57 | 25 | it | それ |
58 | 25 | means | 意味 |
59 | 25 | rationale | 根拠 |
60 | 25 | removed | 削除した |
61 | 24 | appliesto | 適用する |
62 | 24 | changed | かわった |
63 | 24 | d | d |
64 | 24 | events | 行事 |
65 | 24 | validation | 検証 |
66 | 23 | against | に対して |
67 | 23 | by | に |
68 | 23 | cp | classic platform(短縮名) |
69 | 23 | order | 注文 |
70 | 23 | systems | 系 |
71 | 22 | sensor | 感知器 |
72 | 21 | can | できる |
73 | 21 | component | 成分 |
74 | 20 | executable | 実行可能 |
75 | 20 | platform | 土台 |
76 | 20 | properties | 特徴 |
77 | 20 | templates | ひながた |
78 | 19 | with | と |
79 | 18 | also | また |
80 | 18 | communication | 通信 |
81 | 17 | as | なので |
82 | 17 | hardware | ハードウェア |
83 | 15 | ap | adaptive platform(短縮名) |
84 | 15 | ecu | ecu |
85 | 15 | loop | 輪 |
86 | 15 | sections | 節 |
87 | 14 | cases | 場合 |
88 | 14 | control | 制御 |
89 | 14 | information | 情報 |
90 | 14 | not | いいえ |
91 | 14 | one | 1 |
92 | 14 | see | 見る |
93 | 14 | sw | software(短縮名) |
94 | 13 | describe | 説明 |
95 | 13 | release | 開放 |
96 | 13 | requirement | 要件 |
97 | 13 | runnable | 実行可能 |
98 | 13 | some | いくつかの |
99 | 13 | such | そのような |
100 | 13 | used | 使った |
Glossary も 参考に入れましょう。
[1] Specification of Timing Extensions, AUTOSAR_TPS_TimingExtensions
[2] Specification of Timing Extension for Adaptive Platform, AUTOSAR_TPS_AdaptivePlatformTimingExtensions
[3] Standardization Template, AUTOSAR_TPS_StandardizationTemplate
[4] Main Requirements, AUTOSAR_RS_Main
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Requirements on Timing Extensions, No.410, FO, AUTOSAR 22-11(2)
文書履歴(document history)
ver. 0.01 初稿 20221203
ver. 0.02 URL追記 20230101
ver. 0.03 URL追記 20230122