Specification of Firewall in Adaptive Platform, AUTOSAR 22-11, AP, No.1063
CAN、OSEK/VDX OS、DIAGは、ISO定義を先に確認しましょう。
OSEK COM、OSEK NMなどはISOの規定から基本的な部分で定義を変えています。
AUTOSAR R22-11 Release Event 20221208
間違っていたら、いいね を押していただいて、コメント欄にご報告くださると幸いです。
要求/仕様(Requirement and Specification)
AUTOSAR R22-11 Adaptive Platform 一覧はこちら。
Adaptive Platform Release Overview, No.782, AP, AUTOSAR 22-11 新
AUTOSAR R22-11 マラソン
AUTOSAR R22-11 一覧(2)
Abstract Platformとの関係
文書変更(Document Change)
• Initial release
Acronym: | Description |
Firewall | An automotive Ethernet firewall is a network security device that monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic and grants or rejects network access between two or more Electronic Control Units (ECU) or between network zones (e.g. vehicle domain (ADAS, infotainment, diagnostics etc), trusted/non-trusted zones). |
FC Firewall | Abbreviation for the Functional Cluster Firewall. |
Firewall Rule | Pattern of expected values for a network packet together with an associated action in case a network packet matches the pattern (e.g., block or allow the network packet). |
Firewall State | The Firewall State reflects the current state of the vehicle (e.g. driving, in a diagnostic session, ...) and can be set by a user application. Based on the currently active Firewall State, a specific set of Firewall Rules matching the current vehicle state is active. |
Allowlist | Collection of Firewall Rules where the network packet is allowed in case of a pattern match. |
Blocklist | Collection of Firewall Rules where the network packet is blocked in case of a pattern match. |
OSI Layer | Network layer according to the ISO OSI model as specified in ISO/IEC 7498. |
Abbreviation | Description |
DDS | Data Distribution Service |
DDSI-RTPS | DDS Real-Time Publish Subscribe Protocol |
DoIP | Diagnostics over IP |
IDS | Dntrusion Detection System |
IdsM | IDS Manager |
IdsR | IDS Reporter |
IP | Internet Protocol |
SEv | Security Event |
SOME/IP | Service oriented Middleware over IP |
TCP | Transmission control protocol |
UCM | Update & Configuration Management |
UDP | User datagram protocol |
´## 参考文献(Reference)
[1] Glossary AUTOSAR_TR_Glossary
[2] Requirements on Firewall AUTOSAR_RS_Firewall
[3] Specification of Manifest AUTOSAR_TPS_ManifestSpecification
[4] Specification of Adaptive Platform Core AUTOSAR_SWS_AdaptivePlatformCore
[5] Specification of Intrusion Detection System Manager for Adaptive Platform AUTOSAR_SWS_AdaptiveIntrusionDetectionSystemManager
[6] Specification of Update and Configuration Management AUTOSAR_SWS_UpdateAndConfigurationManagement
[7] IEEE Standard for Ethernet https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7428776
[8] SOME/IP Protocol Specification AUTOSAR_PRS_SOMEIPProtocol
[9] SOME/IP Service Discovery Protocol Specification AUTOSAR_PRS_SOMEIPServiceDiscoveryProtocol
[10] DDS Interoperability Wire Protocol, Version 2.2 http://www.omg.org/spec/DDSI-RTPS/2.2
[11] Road vehicles – Diagnostic communication over Internet Protocol (DoIP) – Part 2: Network and transport layer requirements and services (Release 2019-12) http://www.iso.org
関連文書(Related document)
AUTOSAR Abstract Platformへの道(詳細編)
2023年1月 記事数一覧
2023 書き初め
「はじめてのCAN/CANFD 」 ベクタージャパン <エンジニア夏休み企画>【読書感想文】
三方良し Udemy 車載LAN入門講座 CAN通信編
詳解 車載ネットワーク CAN, CAN FD, LIN, CXPI, Ethernetの仕組みと設計のために(1) 著者 <エンジニア夏休み企画 読書感想文>
詳解 車載ネットワーク CAN, CAN FD, LIN, CXPI, Ethernetの仕組みと設計のために(2)参考文献 <エンジニア夏休み企画>【読書感想文】
詳解 車載ネットワーク CAN、CAN FD、LIN、CXPI、Ethernetの仕組みと設計のために
AUTOSAR Abstract Platform User Group Weekly Report(1) 2022.1.8
AUTOSAR Abstract Platform User Group Weekly Report(2) 2022.1.15
202304 URL更新
Specification of Firewall in Adaptive Platform, AUTOSAR 1063, R22-11, AP, 20230421
文書履歴(document history)
ver. 0.01 初稿 20230125
ver. 0.02 ありがとう追記 20230817
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