Specification of Platform Health Management, No.851 , 2021-11
AUTOSAR R21-11(0) 仕様ダウンロード一覧。単語帳。参考文献資料作成
term | Description |
E2E | AUTOSAR End to End communication protection mechanism |
PHM | Platform Health Management |
SE | Supervised Entity |
Alive Supervision | Mechanism to check the timing constraints of cyclic Supervised Entitys to be within the configured min and max limits. |
ara::com | Communication middleware for the AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform |
AUTOSARAdaptive Platform | see [6] AUTOSAR Glossary |
Checkpoint | A point in the control flow of a Supervised Entity where the activity is reported. |
Daisy chaining | Chaining multiple instances of Health Monitoring |
Deadline Supervision | Mechanism to check that the timing constraints for execution of the transition from a Deadline Start Checkpoint to a corresponding Deadline End Checkpoint are within the configured min and max limits. |
Function Group | A Function Group is a set of coherent Processs, which need to be controlled consistently. Depending on the state of the Function Group, Processes are started or terminated. |
Global Supervision Status | Status that summarizes the Local Supervision Status of all Supervised Entitys of a software subsystem. |
Health Channel | Channel providing information about the Health Status of a (sub)system. This might be the Global Supervision Status of an application, the result any test routine or the status reported by a (sub)system (e.g. voltage monitoring, OS kernel, ECU status, ...). |
Health Channel Supervision | Check if the health indicators registered by the supervised software are within the tolerances/limits. |
Health Monitoring | Supervisionof the software behaviour for correct timing and sequence. |
Health Status | A set of states that are relevant to the supervised software (e.g. the Global Supervision Status of an application, a Voltage State, an application state, the result of a RAM monitoring algorithm). |
Logical Supervision | Kind of online supervision of software that checks if the software ( Supervised Entity or set of Supervised Entities) is executed in the sequence defined by the programmer (by the developed code). |
Local Supervision Status | Status that represents the current result of Alive Supervision, Deadline Supervision and Logical Supervision of a single Supervised Entity. |
Platform Health Management | Health Monitoring for the Adaptive Platform Process A Process is a loaded instance of an executable to be executed on a machine. |
Supervised Entity | A whole or part of a SwComponentType which is included in the supervision. A Supervised Entity denotes a collection of Checkpoints within the corresponding SwComponentType. A SwComponentType can include zero, one or more Supervised Entities. A Supervised Entity may be instantiated multiple times, in which case each instance is independently supervised. |
Supervision Mode | State of a machine or Function Group in which Supervised Entity Instances are to be monitored with a specific set of configuration parameters. Supervision parameters differ from one mode to other as the behavior (timing or sequence) of Supervised Entity changes from one mode to other. Modes are mutually exclusive. A mode can be "Normal", "Degradation". |
no. | count | word | 日本語 |
1 | 822 | the | その |
2 | 559 | health | 健康 |
3 | 554 | of | の |
4 | 375 | supervision | 監督 |
5 | 366 | sws_phm_ | sws_phm_ |
6 | 365 | management | 管理 |
7 | 290 | to | に |
8 | 275 | platform | 土台 |
9 | 264 | status | 状態 |
10 | 232 | rs_phm_ | rs_phm_ |
11 | 231 | a | a |
12 | 219 | in | の |
13 | 217 | is | です |
14 | 211 | supervised | 監督 |
15 | 198 | channel | 経路 |
16 | 188 | entity | 実在物 |
17 | 166 | and | と |
18 | 162 | for | にとって |
19 | 155 | phm | Platform Health Management(短縮名) |
20 | 148 | draft | 下書き |
21 | 136 | name | 名前 |
22 | 135 | action | 行動 |
23 | 134 | autosar | AUTomotive Open System Architecture(短縮名) |
24 | 132 | shall | しなければならない |
25 | 130 | ara | AUTOSAR Runtime for Adaptive Applications(短縮名) |
26 | 130 | c | c |
27 | 130 | instance | 実例 |
28 | 129 | be | です |
29 | 107 | specification | 仕様 |
30 | 105 | this | これ |
31 | 103 | state | 状態 |
32 | 97 | class | 級 |
33 | 94 | global | 広域 |
34 | 93 | document | 資料 |
35 | 92 | recovery | 回復 |
36 | 89 | space | 空間 |
37 | 86 | atp | AUTOSAR template profile(短縮名) |
38 | 84 | r | r |
39 | 83 | id | identifier, 識別子(短縮名) |
40 | 80 | ap | adaptive platform(短縮名) |
41 | 80 | autosar_sws_platform | autosar_sws_platform |
42 | 80 | local | 局所 |
43 | 78 | function | 働き |
44 | 76 | process | 処理する |
45 | 75 | by | に |
46 | 71 | or | また |
47 | 68 | on | の上 |
48 | 67 | symbol | 像 |
49 | 64 | are | それは |
50 | 64 | kind | 親切 |
51 | 64 | not | いいえ |
52 | 62 | d | d |
53 | 62 | tags | 札 |
54 | 60 | header | 見出し |
55 | 55 | description | 説明 |
56 | 55 | type | 型 |
57 | 53 | alive | 生きている |
58 | 52 | no | いいえ |
59 | 51 | note | 覚書 |
60 | 51 | rs_hm_ | rs_hm_ |
61 | 50 | an | と |
62 | 50 | corresponding | 対応する |
63 | 50 | file | 紙ばさみ |
64 | 48 | interface | 界面 |
65 | 45 | scope | 範囲 |
66 | 45 | syntax | 構文 |
67 | 44 | include | 含む |
68 | 43 | figure | 形 |
69 | 43 | h | h |
70 | 43 | one | 1 |
71 | 42 | group | 班 |
72 | 41 | change | 変化する |
73 | 41 | dif | difference(短縮名) |
74 | 41 | referrable | 参照可能 |
75 | 41 | see | 見る |
76 | 40 | with | と |
77 | 38 | as | なので |
78 | 38 | mode | 状態 |
79 | 37 | that | それ |
80 | 37 | which | どれの |
81 | 36 | adaptive | 適応 |
82 | 36 | can | できる |
83 | 36 | time | 時間 |
84 | 35 | at | で |
85 | 35 | object | 物体 |
86 | 35 | port | 港 |
87 | 34 | e | e |
88 | 34 | monitoring | 監視 |
89 | 33 | configured | 構成済み |
90 | 33 | functional | 機能的 |
91 | 33 | value | 価値 |
92 | 33 | was | だった |
93 | 32 | component | 成分 |
94 | 32 | operator | 操作者 |
95 | 32 | sw | software(短縮名) |
96 | 32 | used | 使用済み |
97 | 31 | deadline | 締め切り |
98 | 31 | failure | 失敗 |
99 | 31 | least | 少しでも |
100 | 31 | logical | 論理的 |
101 | 31 | obsolete | 廃止 |
102 | 31 | reference | 参照 |
103 | 31 | then | それから |
104 | 31 | types | 型 |
[1] Explanation of Adaptive Platform Design, AUTOSAR_EXP_PlatformDesign
[2] Requirements on Platform Health Management, AUTOSAR_RS_PlatformHealthManagement
[3] Requirements on Health Monitoring, AUTOSAR_RS_HealthMonitoring
[4] Specification of Health Monitoring, AUTOSAR_ASWS_HealthMonitoring
[5] ISO 26262:2018 (all parts) – Road vehicles – Functional Safety, http://www.iso.org
[6] Glossary, AUTOSAR_TR_Glossary
[7] General Specification of Basic Software Modules, AUTOSAR_SWS_BSWGeneral
[8] Specification of Adaptive Platform Core, AUTOSAR_SWS_AdaptivePlatformCore
[9] Specification of State Management, AUTOSAR_SWS_StateManagement
[10] Specification of Execution Management, AUTOSAR_SWS_ExecutionManagement
[11] Guidelines for using Adaptive Platform interfaces, AUTOSAR_EXP_AdaptivePlatformInterfacesGuidelines
[12] Specification of Manifest, AUTOSAR_TPS_ManifestSpecification