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Specification of Memory Driver, No.1018, AUTOSAR R21-11(114) CP

Last updated at Posted at 2022-05-22

Specification of Memory Driver, No.1018, 2021-11

AUTOSAR R21-11記事一覧はこちら。

AUTOSAR 21-11, 84文書読んだ。2022年6月中に半分到達予定。

AUTOSAR 21-11, 62文書読んだ。2022年5月中に半分到達予定。

AUTOSAR R21-11(0) 仕様ダウンロード一覧。単語帳。参考文献資料作成


Terms Description
ABI Application Binary Interface
BndM Bulk Non-Volatile Data Manager
ECC Error Correction Code
FOTA Firmware Over The Air - remote firmware update using wireless communication
HSM Hardware Security Module - dedicated security MCU core
OTA Over The Air - general term for wireless communication between OEM backend and vehicle
RWW Read While Write - capability of a memory device to perform a read operation in one memory bank while at the same time a write/erase operation takes place in another bank
SOTA Software Over The Air - remote software update using wireless communication
Address Area Contiguous memory area in the logical address space Typically multiple physical memory sectors are combined to one logical address area.
Bank Group of sector batches In case a memory technology is segmented in sectors, a bank is an instance of a sector batch group in which no read-while-write operation is permitted. In case of a flash memory device, this typically maps to an individual flash controller.
Job Request Memory access request by an upper layer module for an address area.
Memory Device Group of banks
Page Burst Aggregated access of memory pages for improved performance In case a memory device technology has a physical segmentation, some memory devices provide an optimized access method to read or write multiple pages at a time. Page burst denotes the aggregation of memory pages used for the access optimization.
Read Page Smallest readable unit of a memory device (in bytes) Some memory device technologies must be accessed considering a physical segmentation. Hence a byte-wise access is not possible for all memory device technologies. This term defines the minimum size that needs to be read in one access.
Sector Smallest erasable memory unit (in bytes) Some memory device technologies require an explicit physical erase operation before the memory can be written. A sector defines the minimum size of such an erase unit. Depending on the memory device, sectors can be either uniform- or variable-sized.
Sector Batch Aggregation of sectors with uniform size Logical aggregation of contiguous sectors with the same size.
Sector Burst Aggregation of sectors for improved erase performance In case a memory technology needs a physical erase operation, some devices provide an erase performance optimization by erasing an aggregation of sectors in one step.
Sub Address Area Contiguous memory area in the logical address space mapped to a sector batch of one memory device.
Write Page Smallest writeable unit of a memory device (in bytes) Some memory device technologies must be accessed considering a physical segmentation. Hence a byte-wise access is not possible for all memory device technologies. This term defines the minimum size that needs to be written in one access.





[1] Glossary
[2] General Specification of Basic Software Modules
[3] Requirements on Memory Hardware Abstraction Layer
[4] Requirements on AUTOSAR Features
[5] General Requirements on Basic Software Modules


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