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Specification of ADC Driver, AUTOSAR R22-11, CP, No.10

Last updated at Posted at 2022-12-08

Specification of ADC Driver, AUTOSAR R22-11, CP, No.10

AUTOSAR Countdown Calendar 2022



AUTOSAR R22-11 Release Event 20221208


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Term Description
DEM Diagnostic Event Manager
DET Default Error Tracer
ADC Analogue Digital Converter
MCU icrocontroller Unit
API Application Programming Interface
HW Hardware
SW Software
ADC HW Unit Represents a microcontroller input electronic device that includes all parts necessary to perform an “analogue to digital conversion”.
ADC Module ADC Basic Software module ADC Driver, abbreviated also with ADC Driver
ADC Channel Represents a logical ADC entity bound to one port pin. Multiple ADC entities can be mapped to the same port pin.
ADC Channel Group A group of ADC channels linked to the same ADC hardware unit (e.g. one Sample&Hold and one A/D converter). The conversion of the whole group is triggered by one trigger source.
ADC Result Buffer (ADC Streaming Buffer, ADC Stream Buffer) The user of the ADC Driver has to provide a buffer for every group. This buffer can hold multiple samples of the same group channel if streaming access mode is selected. If single access mode is selected one sample of each group channel is held in the buffer.
Software Trigger Software API call that starts the conversion of one ADC channel group or a continuous series of ADC channel group conversions.
Hardware Trigger ADC internal trigger signal that starts one conversion of an ADC channel group. ADC hardware trigger are generated internally in the ADC hardware, e.g. based on an ADC timer or a trigger edge signal. The trigger hardware is tightly coupled or integrated in the ADC hardware. No software is required to start the ADC channel group conversion after the hardware trigger is detected. Note: If the ADC hardware does not support hardware trigger, a similar behavior can be realized with software trigger in combination with the GPT/ICU driver. E.g. in a GPT timer notification function a software triggered ADC channel group conversion can be started.
Conversion Mode One-Shot: The conversion of an ADC channel group is performed once after a trigger and the results are written to the assigned result buffer. A trigger can be a software API call or a hardware event. Continuous: The conversions of an ADC channel group are performed continuously after a software API call (start) and the results are written to the assigned result buffer. The conversions themselves are running automatically (hardware/interrupt controlled). The Continuous conversions can be stopped by a software API call (stop).
Sampling Time, Sample Time Time during which the analogue value is sampled (e.g. loading the capacitor, …) Conversion Time Time during which the sampled analogue value is converted into digital representation.
Acquisition Time Sample Time + Conversion Time.





[1] General Requirements on Basic Software Modules,
[2] General Requirements on SPAL,
[3] Specification of Standard Types,
[4] List of Basic Software Modules,
[5] Specification of Diagnostic Event Manager,
[6] Specification of Default Error Tracer,
[7] Requirements on ADC Driver,
[8] Specification of ECU Configuration,
[9] Layered Software Architecture,
[10] Specification of ECU State Manager,
[11] Specification of I/O Hardware Abstraction,
[12] Basic Software Module Description Template,
[13] General Specification of Basic Software Modules

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文書履歴(document history)

ver. 0.01 初稿 20221209
ver. 0.02 URL訂正 20221208


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