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Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939, No.425, AUTOSAR R21-11(153) CP

Last updated at Posted at 2022-05-24

Specification of a Transport Layer for SAE J1939, No.425, 2021-11

AUTOSAR R21-11記事一覧はこちら。

AUTOSAR 21-11, 140文書読んだ。2022年5月末に半分到達予定。

AUTOSAR R21-11(0) 仕様ダウンロード一覧。単語帳。参考文献資料作成


Term Explanation
Address Claiming Address Claiming forms the network management of SAE J1939 defined in the standard document SAE J1939/81. Address claiming assigns a temporary 8-bit identifier to each ECU connected to one J1939 network. Within this network, the 8-bit identifier is unique. The 8- bit identifier is used as source and target address of parameter groups (messages) transferred via the J1939 network. The address claiming procedure is based on the exchange of AddressClaimed messages (PGN 00EE00).
J1939 Diagnostics The SAE J1939 diagnostic layer is defined in the standard document SAE J1939/73. The J1939 diagnostics is functionally similar to the UDS diagnostics, and has recently been extended to support OBD for emission relevant values.
Parameter A parameter is a signal of the SAE J1939 application layer. Parameters are uniquely identified by the SPN.
Parameter Group A parameter group is a message of the SAE J1939 application layer. Each parameter group contains several parameters (signals), and is uniquely identified by the PGN.
Transport Protocol The SAE J1939 transport protocol is used for the segmented transmission of messages with more than 8 bytes of data. The transport protocol is defined in the network layer standard document (SAE J1939/21)
BAM Broadcast Announce Message, broadcast variant of SAE J1939 transport protocol
CMDT Connection Mode Data Transfer, peer-to-peer variant of SAE J1939 transport protocol
DA Destination Address, part of the 29 bit identifier of SAE J1939 messages
DET Default Error Tracer, supports development and runtime error reporting
DMx Diagnostic messages of the SAE J1939 diagnostics layer
NAME Unique 64 bit identifier of each ECU connected to an SAE J1939 network
PDUF PDU Format, part of the 29 bit identifier of SAE J1939 messages which identifies the message and determines the layout of the 29 bit identifier
PDUS PDU Specific, part of the 29 bit identifier of SAE J1939 messages which identifies broadcast messages which do not have a destination address
PG Parameter Group, SAE J1939 term for a specific message layout, corresponds to an N-SDU of J1939Tp
PGN Parameter Group Number, unique identifier of an SAE J1939 parameter group
SA Source Address, part of the 29 bit identifier of SAE J1939 messages
SPN Suspect Parameter Number, unique identifier of an SAE J1939 parameter
TP.CM Connection Management message (PGN 00EC00) used by SAE J1939 transport protocol, corresponds to an N-PDU of J1939Tp
TP.CM_BAM Broadcast Announce Message, variant of TP.CM that initiates a BAM transmission
TP.CM_CTS Connection Mode Clear To Send, variant of TP.CM that is used for handshake during CMDT transmission
TP.CM_EndOfMsg Ack End Of Message Acknowledge, variant of TP.CM that acknowledges correct reception of a CMDT transmission
TP.CM_RTS Connection Mode Request To Send, variant of TP.CM that initiates a CMDT transmission
TP.Conn_Abort Connection Abort, variant of TP.CM that terminates a CMDT transmission
TP.DT Data Transfer message (PGN 00EB00) used by SAE J1939 transport protocol, corresponds to an N-PDU of J1939Tp





[1] List of Basic Software Modules
[2] Layered Software Architecture
[3] General Requirements on Basic Software Modules
[4] Specification of COM
[5] Requirements on CAN
[6] Specification of CAN Interface
[7] Requirements on a Transport Layer for SAE J1939
[8] Specification of PDU Router
[9] Specification of BSW Scheduler
[10] Specification of Default Error Tracer
[11] Basic Software Module Description Template
[12] Specification of ECU Configuration
[13] Specification of System Template
[14] Specification of Memory Mapping
[15] General Specification of Basic Software Modules
[16] SAE J1939-21(2006-12), Data Link Layer
[17] SAE J1939-7x(2006-xx), Application Layer


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