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Specification of Timing Extensions, No.411, AUTOSAR R21-11(145) CP

Last updated at Posted at 2022-05-24

Specification of Timing Extensions, No.411, 2021-11

AUTOSAR R21-11記事一覧はこちら。

AUTOSAR 21-11, 140文書読んだ。2022年5月末に半分到達予定。

AUTOSAR R21-11(0) 仕様ダウンロード一覧。単語帳。参考文献資料作成


Term Meaning\
BSW Basic Software
CAN Controller Area Network
CC Communication Controller
COM Communication module
ECU Electrical Control Unit
ID Identifier
IPDU Interaction Layer Protocol Data Unit
I/O Input/Output
ISIGNAL Interaction Layer Signal
LPDU Data Link Layer Protocol Data Unit
PDU Protocol Data Unit
RTE Runtime Environment
SW-C Software Component
TD Timing Description
UML Unified Modeling Language
VFB Virtual Functional Bus
Jitter For a periodically occurring timing event, the jitter is defined as the maximum variation of its period with respect to a predefined standard period.
Latency The latency of a timing event chain describes the time duration between the occurrence of the stimulus and the occurrence of the corresponding response.
Maximum interarrival time Describes the maximum time interval between two consecutive event occurrences. In the more general case, this attribute is an array of the maximum latency between two, three, four, ... event occurrences.
Minimum interarrival time Describes the minimum time interval between two consecutive event occurrences. In the more general case, this attribute is an array of the minimum latency between two, three, four, ... event occurrences.
Period Describes the expected time interval between two consecutive event occurrences, neglecting variation (jitter).
Response End point of an event chain.
Synchronization Synchronization focuses on the occurrence of different timing events. Synchronization of timing events means that they shall occur simultaneously within a certain tolerance interval.
Stimulus Start point of an event chain.
Timing analysis Timing analysis is a method of determining the timing behavior of the system. This includes consideration of timing relevant system behavior like task preemptions, interrupt handling, resource blocking, etc.
Timing constraint A timing constraint may have two different interpretation alternatives. On the one hand, it may define a restriction for the timing behavior of the system (e.g. minimum (maximum) latency bound for a certain event sequence). In this case, a timing constraint is a requirement which the system shall fulfill. On the other hand, a timing constraint may define a guarantee for the timing behavior of the system. In this case, the system developer guarantees that the system has a certain behavior with respect to timing (e.g. a timing event is guaranteed to occur periodically with a certain maximum variation).
Timing description The timing description of a system, subsystem, software component or BSW consists of events and event chains. The former one describes events that can be observed and the latter one describe their causal relationship.
Timing event A timing event is the abstract representation of a specific system behavior – that can be observed at runtime – in the AUTOSAR specification. Timing events are used to define the scope for timing constraints. Depending on the specific scope, the view on the system, and the level of abstraction different types of events are defined.
Timing event chain A timing event chain describes the causal order for a set of functionally dependent timing events. Each event chain has a well defined stimulus and response, which describe its start and end point. Furthermore, it can be hierarchically decomposed into an arbitrary number of sub-chains, so called ”event chain segments”.
Timing event occurrence A timing event is said to ”occur”, when a specific system behavior – represented by the timing event – can be observed. For example the timing event ”RunnableEntityStarted” occurs, when the associated RunnableEntity has entered the state ”started” after its activation.
Timing guarantee see glossary entry for ”Timing constraint”.
Timing information Superordinate concept for timing properties and timing constraints.
Timing path A timing path defines a sequence of communication or computation activities of the system, whose timing behavior shall be examined. Timing paths can be expressed by event chains.
Timing property A timing property defines the state or value of a timing relevant aspect within the system (e.g. the execution time bounds for a RunnableEntity or the priority of a task). Thus, a property does not represent a constraint for the system, but a somehow gathered (e.g. measured, estimated or determined) or defined attribute of the system.
Timing requirement A timing requirement defines a restriction on timing that shall be fulfilled to ensure proper operation of the system. Timing requirements can be expressed by using timing constraints.
Timing validation Timing validation compares the result of timing analysis (see glossary entry for timing analysis) with the expected behavior defined by timing constraints (see glossary entry for timing constraints).





Glossary も 参考に入れましょう。

[1] Methodology for Classic Platform
[2] Requirements on Timing Extensions
[3] Virtual Functional Bus
[4] Standardization Template
[5] Generic Structure Template
[6] System Template
[7] Basic Software Module Description Template


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