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Requirements on Health Monitoring, AUTOSAR 878, R23-11, FO

Last updated at Posted at 2024-01-01







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Release Overviews

AUTOSARには現在3つの分類があります。Foundation, CAN OSEK/VDXのClassic Platform, Ethernet/TCP/IP POSIXのAdaptive Platform.

Foundation Release Overview, AUTOSAR 781, R23-11, FO

Classic Platform Release Overview, AUTOSAR No.0 ,R23-11, CP

Adaptive Platform Release Overview, AUTOSAR 782, R23-11, AP

Qiita 記事一覧

Autosar Foundation R23-11 一覧

AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform R23-11一覧

Autosar Classic Platform R23-11 一覧

文書変更(Document Change)

• Added Chapter History of Constraints and Specification Items


Term Description
CM AUTOSAR Adaptive Communication Management
DM AUTOSAR Adaptive Diagnostic Management
PHM Platform Health Management
SE Supervised Entity
SHM System Health Monitor
Alive Counter An independent data resource in context of a Checkpoint to track and handle its amount of Alive Indications.
Alive Indication An indication of a Supervised Entity to signal its aliveness by calling a checkpoint used for Alive Supervision.
Alive Supervision Mechanism to check the timing constraints of cyclic Supervised Entitys to be within the configured min and max limits.
Checkpoint A point in the control flow of a Supervised Entity where the activity is reported.
Deadline End Checkpoint A Checkpoint for which Deadline Supervision is configured and which is a ending point for a particular Transition. It is possible that a Checkpoint is both a Deadline Start Checkpoint and Deadline End Checkpoint - if Deadline Supervision is chained.
Deadline Start Checkpoint A Checkpoint for which Deadline Supervision is configured and which is a starting point for a particular Transition.
Deadline Supervision Mechanism to check that the timing constraints for execution of the transition from a Deadline Start Checkpoint to a corresponding Deadline End Checkpoint are within the configured min and max limits.
Expired Supervision Cycle A Supervision Cycle where the Alive Supervision has failed its two escalation steps (Alive Counter fails the expected amount of Alive Indications (including tolerances) more often than the allowed amount of failed reference cycles).
Failed Supervision Reference Cycle A Supervision Reference Cycle that ends with a detected deviation (including tolerances) between the Alive Counter and the expected amount of Alive Indications.
Global Supervision Status Status that summarizes the Local Supervision Status of all Supervised Entities of a software subsystem.
Graph A set of Checkpoints connected through Transitions, where at least one of Checkpoints is an Initial Checkpoint and there is a path (through Transitions) between any two Checkpoints of the Graph.
Health Channel Channel providing information about the health status of a (sub)system. This might be the Global Supervision Status of an application, the result any test routine or the status reported by a (sub)system (e.g. voltage monitoring, OS kernel, ECU status, ...).
Health Channel Supervision Kind of supervision that checks if the health indicators registered by the supervised software are within the tolerances/limits.
Health Monitoring Supervision of the software behaviour for correct timing and sequence.
Health Status A set of states that are relevant to the supervised software (e.g. the Global Supervision Status of an application, a Voltage State, an application state, the result of a RAM monitoring algorithm).
Logical Supervision Kind of online supervision of software that checks if the software (Supervised Entity or set of Supervised Entities) is executed in the sequence defined by the programmer (by the developed code).
Local Supervision Status Status that represents the current result of Alive Supervision, Deadline Supervision and Logical Supervision of a single Supervised Entity.
Platform Health Management Health Monitoring for the Adaptive Platform
Supervised Entity A whole or part of a software component type which is included in the supervision. A Supervised Entity denotes a collection of Checkpoints within the corresponding software component type. A software component type can include zero, one or more Supervised Entities. A Supervised Entity may be instantiated multiple times, in which case each instance is independently supervised.
Supervised Entity Identifier An Identifier that identifies uniquely a Supervised Entity within an Application.
Supervision Counter An independent data resource in context of a Supervised Entity which is updated during each supervision cycle and which is used by the Alive Supervision algorithm to perform the check against counted Alive Indications.
Supervision Cycle The time period in which the cyclic Alive Supervision is performed.
Supervision Mode An overall state of a microcontroller or virtual machine or or state of a Function Group (in case of Adaptive Platform). Modes are mutually exclusive. A mode can be e.g. Startup, Shutdown, Lowpower.
Supervision Reference Cycle The amount of Supervision Cycles to be used as reference by the Alive Supervision to perform the check of counted Alive Indications (individually for each Supervised Entity).
Local Health Monitor Local Health Monitor gathers health information of the platform on which it is deployed.


[1] ISO 26262:2018 (all parts) – Road vehicles – Functional Safety https://www.iso.org
[2] Specification of Health Monitoring AUTOSAR_FO_ASWS_HealthMonitoring
[3] Explanation of System Health Monitoring AUTOSAR_FO_EXP_SystemHealthMonitoring
[4] Standardization Template AUTOSAR_FO_TPS_StandardizationTemplate
[5] Glossary AUTOSAR_FO_TR_Glossary
[6] Main Requirements AUTOSAR_FO_RS_Main



AUTOSAR Countdown Calendar 2023

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ver. 0.01 初稿  20240101


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