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Specification of Service Discovery, AUTOSAR R22-11, CP, No.616

Last updated at Posted at 2022-12-17

Specification of Service Discovery, AUTOSAR R22-11, CP, No.616

AUTOSAR Countdown Calendar 2022



AUTOSAR R22-11 Release Event 20221208


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Term Description
BswM Basis software manager
ECU Electronic Control Unit
DEM Diagnostic Event Manager
DE T Default Error Tracer
SD Service Discovery
Sd Service Discovery Module in AUTOSAR
SoAd Socket Adaptor
SOME/IP Scalable service-Oriented MiddlwarE over IP
SOME/IP-SD SOME/IP Service Discovery
Service A functional entity that offers an interface
Service Instance A single instance of the Service
Offer A message entry that offers a Service Instance
Stop Offer A message that stops offering a Service Instance
Find A message entry used to find a Service Instance
Event A message sent by an ECU implementing a Service Instance to an ECU using this Service Instance.
Eventgroup A logical grouping of 1 or more events. An Eventgroup is part of a Service.
Server Service Provide a service
Client Service Consumes a service
Server A ECU which host ServerServices
Client A ECU which host ClientServices
Endpoint Option Endpoint Options are used to announce a tuple of unicast address and port
Multicast Option Multicast Options are used to announce a tuple of multicast address and port
Unicast event Events which are transmitted to a unicast endpoint by the ECU which host an SdServerService. The unicast endpoint is provided by a particular SdClientService which has subscribed to this SdServerService within the Endpoint Option referenced by a SubscribeEventgroup entry (see Consumed Eventgroup unicast endpoint)
Multicast event Events which are transmitted to a multicast endpoint by the ECU which host an SdServerService. A multicast endpoint could be provided by the SdServerService (see Eventhandler multicast endpoint) and SdClientService (see Consumed Eventgroup multicast endpoint).
Eventhandler multicast endpoint Term to describe the tuple of multicast address and port, which is pre-configured for a SdServerService per Eventhandler. If the threshold for subscribed Clients with different endpoint information has been reached, then the Server sends the corresponding events to this pre-configured multicast address and port. The Eventhandler multicast endpoint is announced via a Multicast option referenced by a SubscribeEventgroupAck entry
Consumed Eventgroup unicast endpoint Term to describe the tuple of unicast address and port, which is pre-configured for a SdClientService per Consumed Eventgroup. A SdClientService which subscribes with this unicast address and port, indicates the SdServer to which endpoint, the cooresponding events shall be sent. The Consumed Eventgroup unicast endpoint is announced via a Endpoint option referenced by a SubscribeEventgroup or StopSubscribeEventgroup entry
Consumed Eventgroup multicast endpoint Term to describe the tuple of multicast address and port, which is pre-configured for a SdClientService per Consumed Eventgroup. A SdClientService which subscribe with this multicast address and port, indicates the SdServer to which endpoint the corresponding events shall be sent. The Consumed Eventgroup multicast endpoint is announced via a Multicast option referenced by a SubscribeEventgroup or StopSubscribeEventgroup
Eventhandler multicast connection Term to describe the usage of an established socket connection if a SdServerService provides the Multicast events via the configured Eventhandler multicast endpoint
Consumed Eventgroup unicast connection Term to describe the usage of an established socket connection if a SdClientService receives the events via a Consumed Eventgroup unicast endpoint
Consumed Eventgroup multicast connection Term to describe the usage of an established socket connection if a SdClientService receives the events via a Consumed Eventgroup multicast endpoint





[1] Glossary, AUTOSAR_TR_Glossary
[2] General Specification of Basic Software Modules
[3] General Requirements on Basic Software Modules
[4] Layered Software Architecture
[5] Requirements on SOME/IP Service Discovery Protocol
[6] SOME/IP Service Discovery Protocol Specification
[7] Specification of Basic Software Mode Manager
[8] Specification of Socket Adaptor


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Specification of Service Discovery, No.616, CP, AUTOSAR R22-11 新


文書履歴(document history)

ver. 0.01 初稿 20221209
ver. 0.02 URL追記 20230128


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