Explanation of Application Interfaces of Occupant and Pedestrian Safety Systems Domain, AUTOSAR R22-11, CP, No.271
AUTOSAR Countdown Calendar 2022
AUTOSAR R22-11記事一覧はこちら。
文書変更(Document Change)
o content changes
Term | Description |
AB | Airbag |
AI | Application Interface |
COOP | Critical Out of Position |
eCall | Emergency Call |
HMI | Human Machine Interface |
IF | Interface |
OD | Occupant Detection |
OOP | Out Of Position |
OPS | Occupant and Pedestrian Safety |
OPSS | OPS Systems |
ORA | Occupant Restraint Activation |
PCD | Pedestrian Crash Detection |
PPA | Pedestrian Protection Actuator Activation |
SBR | Seat Belt Reminder |
SRS | Safety Restraint System |
SWC | Software Component |
SWCo | Software Composition |
VCD | Vehicle Crash Detection |
ROD | Rollover Crash Detection |
POD | Pitchover Crash Detection |
Antisubmarine | Term used in restraint systems for automotive applications related to an AB that upon deployment prevents a front row passenger from diving below the dashboard by lifting the person’s lower body. Thus, the person is brougth into a better position relative to the main Front AB |
VH | Variant Handling concept |
SP | Sensor Pool |
AP | Actuator Pool |
CS | Crash Status |
ACC | Adaptive Cruise Controll |
RSM | Restraint System Monitoring |
VCP | Vehicle Crash Prediction |
PCP | Pedestrian Crash Prediction |
OPC | Occupant Pre Conditioning |
RSP | Restraint System Pre conditioning |
PPP | Pedestrian Protection system Pre conditioning |
VCD | Vehicle Crash Detection |
PCI | Post Crash Information |
Glossary も 参考に入れましょう。
[1] AUTOSAR Table of Application Interface AUTOSAR_MOD_AITable
[2] AUTOSAR_TPS_GenericStructureTemplate.pdf chapter 12
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Explanation of Application Interfaces of Occupant and Pedestrian Safety Systems Domain, No.271, CP, AUTOSAR R22-11(2)
文書履歴(document history)
ver. 0.01 初稿 20221207
ver. 0.02 URL追記 20221231
ver. 0.03 URL追記 20230119