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AUTOSAR CountdownAdvent Calendar 2022

Day 13

Requirements on Libraries, No.314, AUTOSAR R21-11(120) CP

Last updated at Posted at 2022-05-23

Requirements on Libraries, No.314, 2021-11

AUTOSAR R21-11記事一覧はこちら。

AUTOSAR 21-11, 84文書読んだ。2022年6月中に半分到達予定。

AUTOSAR 21-11, 62文書読んだ。2022年5月中に半分到達予定。

AUTOSAR R21-11(0) 仕様ダウンロード一覧。単語帳。参考文献資料作成


Term Description
API Application Programming Interface. Preferred term is "function".
AR,nAR_ Abbreviation used in place of AUTOSAR
BFX Library of Bit handling
CRC Cyclic Redundancy check
DET Default Error Tracer
E2E End to End
EcuM ECU Manager
EFX Extended function on Fixed point
IFL Interpolation function s of FLoating point
IFX Interpolation function s of FiXed point
Library Set of APIs (i.e. functions) that may be called from any modules(BSW modules or SW-C)
MFL Mathematical FLoating point calculation
MFX Mathematical FiXed point calculation
OS Operating System
Mfx Library of Mathematical FiXed point calculations
Mfl Library of Mathematical FLoating point point calculations
Ifx Library of Interpolation functions of FiXed point
Ifl Library of Interpolation functions of FLoating point
Bfx Library of Bit handling
Efx Library of Extended functions on Fixed point
E2E SW-C End-to-End Communication Protection Library





[1] Standardisation Template, AUTOSAR_TPS_StandardizationTemplate.pdf.


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