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Explanation of Interrupt Handling within AUTOSAR, AUTOSAR R22-11, CP, No.307 obsolete

Last updated at Posted at 2022-12-13

Explanation of Interrupt Handling within AUTOSAR, AUTOSAR R22-11, CP, No.307

AUTOSAR Countdown Calendar 2022



AUTOSAR R22-11 Release Event 20221208


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Term Description
ISR Interrupt Service Routine. Also used as a macro to declare in C a cat2
interrupt service routine.
RETI Return from Interrupt
GCE Generic Configuration Editor
Cat2 Category 2. Cat2 ISRs are supported by the OS and can make OS calls.
Cat1 Category 1. Cat1 interrupts are not supported by the OS and are only allowed to make a very small selection of OS calls to enable and disable all interrupts.
Interrupt Handler In the case of a Cat2 interrupts, the ISR is synonymous with Interrupt Handler. In the case of Cat1 interrupt the Interrupt handler is the function called by the hardware interrupt vector. In both cases the Interrupt handler is the user code that is normally a part of the BSW module. So we consider the Interrupt Handler to be a user level piece of code. However, in the case of Cat2 interrupts are initially handled in the OS’s interrupt handler before the user’s interrupt handler is called.
Interrupt Logic This is the MCU logic that controls all interrupts for all devices. This is normally controlled by the OS.
Device A hardware I/O device that, for the purposes of this document, can also cause interrupts.
Device Interrupt Enable Bit This is the bit/bits within one hardware device, that is controlled by the device driver, to enable/disable the interrupt source for that device only.
Interrupt Frame An interrupt frame is the code which is generated by the compiler, or the assembler code, for prefix and postfix of interrupt routines. This code is microcontroller specific
Definition Ref A reference from one part of the XML to another. In particular, the XML for a BSW module may refer to another BSW module’s XML for certain information. This prevents the same information appearing in multiple places in the XML.
Code Generator A BSW module is delivered in two parts: code and a Code Generator. The Code Generator consumes complete and correctly formed XML for the BSW module and generates code and data that configures the module.





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Explanation of Interrupt Handling within AUTOSAR, No.307, CP, AUTOSAR R22-11(2)


文書履歴(document history)

ver. 0.01 初稿 20221212
ver. 0.02 URL追記 20230120


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