
Explanation of CP Software Cluster Design And Integration Guideline, No.975, CP, AUTOSAR R22-11(2)

Last updated at Posted at 2023-02-10

Explanation of CP Software Cluster Design And Integration Guideline, AUTOSAR R22-11, CP, No.975

CAN、OSEK/VDX OS、DIAGは、ISO定義を先に確認しましょう。  
OSEK COM、OSEK NMなどはISOの規定から基本的な部分で定義を変えています。



AUTOSAR R22-11 Release Event 20221208


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要求/仕様(Requirement and Specification)


AUTOSAR R22-11 Adaptive Platform 一覧はこちら。

Adaptive Platform Release Overview, No.782, AP, AUTOSAR 22-11 新

Foundation Release Overview, No.781, FO, AUTOSAR 22-11 新

Classic Platform Release Overview, AUTOSAR R22-11, CP, No.0(2)

AUTOSAR R22-11 マラソン

AUTOSAR 文書番号と発行年 

AUTOSAR  R22-11で リンク切れ、表示しない文書


AUTOSAR R22-11 Qiita記事一覧 新

Abstract Platformとの関係



文書変更(Document Change)

• Minor corrections / clarifications / editorial changes


Term Description
SwCluC Software Cluster Connection
Software Cluster A Software Cluster groups all AUTOSAR artifacts that are relevant to deploy software on a machine. The full definition is given in document [1]
Software Cluster Connection The Software Cluster Connection is the BSW module that provides the features to • connect the Binary Objects deployed on the same machine • substitute not locally-available BSW modules in an Applicative Software Cluster, whose interfaces are required for the integrated SW, by so called Proxy Modules. • implement the VFB communication features between Software Clusters together with RTE with the means of an RTE Implementation Plug-In
machine A machine consists of a set of computing resources - such as microcontroller cores, memory or peripheral (e.g. communication) devices - and has the ability to execute software applications. The representation of a machine in the AUTOSAR Classic Platform could be done with an EcuInstance, but note that this semantic is currently in clarification. Further information is given in document [1].
binary-identical Bit for Bit identical
Binary Object A set of files, which contains the binary executable code and data. This binary executable code and data will not be modified again, before programming it on the target ECU.
Binary Manifest The Binary Manifest is the well-defined interface of the Software Cluster’s Binary Object, providing the meta information of a resources and information - so called handles - to access such a resource.
Applicative Software Cluster A Software Cluster that mainly contains software components, and only selected BSW modules (e.g. a Service module, transformers, e.t.c.)
Host Software Cluster The single Software Cluster that contains the major part of the BSW, and especially the micro controller dependent lower layer BSW Modules, e.g. OS and MCAL.
Substitution Software Cluster The single Software Cluster that can override the provided resources of other Software Clusters for bug fixing purpose.
Proxy Module A Proxy Module substitutes a BSW module in an Applicative Software Cluster. A Proxy module itself is split into High Proxy Module and Low Proxy Module. The High Proxy Module provides dedicated interfaces for modules in higher layers or same layer, and the functionality to connect them via the Binary Manifest to the Low Proxy Module in the Host Software Cluster.
High Proxy Module The part of the Proxy Module residing in an Applicative Software Cluster.
Low Proxy Module The part of the Proxy Module residing in the Host Software Cluster.
Os High Proxy A type of Proxy Module implementing Os APIs in the Applicative Software Cluster.
Os Low Proxy A type of proxy Module implementing an Os abstraction in the Host Software Cluster.
NvM High Proxy A type of Proxy Module substituting the NVRAM Manager in the Applicative Software Cluster.
NvM Low Proxy A type of Proxy Module connecting the NvM High Proxy Modules to the NVRAM Manager in the Host Software Cluster.
RTE Implementation Plug-In A RTE Implementation Plug-In is a part of the overall RTE implementation, which is not provided by the RTE Generator, but from an additional source (e.g. a Plug-In Generator or a manually implemented source code).
Local Software Cluster Communication Plug-In A Local Software Cluster Communication Plug-In is an RTE Implementation Plug-In, which handles the communication locally inside a Software Cluster. This includes the Transformer handling, if a DataMapping exist for the according Communication Graph
Cross Software Cluster Communication Plug-In A Cross Software Cluster Communication Plug-In is an RTE Implementation Plug-In that handles the communication towards other Software Clusters. This includes the Transformer handling, if intra ECU transformation is configured.
Communication Graph The sum of all AbstractAccessPoints to elements of PortInterfaces, instantiated in PortPrototypes which are connected to each other; or the sum of all accesses from BswModuleEntitys to interface elements in a BswModuleDescriptions connected to each other.
Data Communication Graph The sum of all VariableAccesses to VariableDataPrototypes instantiated in PortPrototypes, which are connected to each other; or the sum of all VariableAccesses to VariableDataPrototypes in the InternalBehavior; or the sum of all BswVariableAccesses to VariableDataPrototypes in BswModuleDescriptions connected to each other.
Parameter Communication Graph The sum of all ParameterAccesses to ParameterDataPrototypes instantiated in PortPrototypes, which are connected to each other; or the sum of all ParameterAccesses to ParameterDataPrototypes in the InternalBehavior.
Client Server Communication Graph The sum of all ServerCallPoints to operations instantiated in PortPrototypes, which are connected to each other, including the associated server runnable.
Trigger Communication Graph The sum of all ExternalTriggeringPoints for triggers instantiated in PortPrototypes, which are connected to each other, including the associated triggered runnable.
Mode Communication Graph The sum of all ModeAccessPoints and ModeSwitchPoints to ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypes instantiated in PortPrototypes, which are connected to each other; or the sum of all managedModeGroups and accessedModeGroups to ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypes in BswModuleDescriptions connected to each other.
mode manager Entering and leaving modes is initiated by a mode manager. A mode manager is either a software component that provides a p-port typed by a ModeSwitchInterface, or a BSW module that defines in its BswModuleDescription a ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype in the role providedModeGroup.
mode switch notification The communication of a mode switch from the mode manager to the mode user, using either the ModeSwitchInterface or providedModeGroup and requiredModeGroup ModeDeclarationGroupPrototypes.
mode switch port The port for receiving (or sending) a mode switch notification. For this purpose, a mode switch port is typed by a ModeSwitchInterface.
mode user An AUTOSAR SW-C or AUTOSAR Basic Software Module that depends on modes, is called a mode user. The dependency can occur through a SwcModeSwitchEvent/BswModeSwitchEvent, a ModeAccessPoint for a provided/required mode switch port, or a accessedModeGroup for a providedModeGroup/requiredModeGroup ModeDeclarationGroupPrototype.
on-entry ExecutableEntity A RunnableEntity that is triggered by a SwcModeSwitchEvent with ModeActivationKind ‘entry’; or a BswSchedulableEntity that is triggered by a BswModeSwitchEvent with ModeActivationKind ‘entry’.
on-exit ExecutableEntity A RunnableEntity that is triggered by a SwcModeSwitchEvent with ModeActivationKind ‘exit’; or a BswSchedulableEntity that is triggered by a BswModeSwitchEvent with ModeActivationKind ‘exit’.
on-transition ExecutableEntity A RunnableEntity that is triggered by a SwcModeSwitchEvent with ModeActivationKind ‘transition’; or a BswSchedulableEntity that is triggered by a BswModeSwitchEvent with ModeActivationKind ‘transition’.
trigger port A PortPrototype, which is typed by an TriggerInterface
trigger sink A trigger sink relies on the activation of RunnableEntity or a BswSchedulableEntity, if a particular Trigger is raised. A trigger sink has a dedicated require trigger port(s) and / or requiredTrigger Trigger(s) to communicate to the trigger source(s).
trigger source A trigger source administrates the particular Trigger, and informs the RTE or Basic Software Scheduler if the Trigger is raised. A trigger source has dedicated provide trigger port(s) and / or releasedTrigger Trigger(s) to communicate to the trigger sink(s).
triggered BswSchedulableEntity A BswSchedulableEntity that is triggered at least by one BswExternalTriggerOccurredEvent or BswInternalTriggerOccurredEvent. In particular cases, the Trigger Event Communication or the Inter Basic Software Schedulable Entity Triggering is implemented by the Basic Software Scheduler as a direct or trusted function call of the triggered ExecutableEntity, by the triggering ExecutableEntity.
triggered ExecutableEntity A RunnableEntity that is triggered by at least one ExternalTriggerOccurredEvent / InternalTriggerOccurredEvent; or a BswSchedulableEntity that is triggered by at least one BswExternalTriggerOccurredEvent/ BswInternalTriggerOccurredEvent. In particular cases, the Trigger Event Communication or the Inter Runnable Triggering is implemented by RTE or Basic Software Scheduler as a direct or trusted function call of the triggered ExecutableEntity, by the triggering ExecutableEntity.
triggered runnable A RunnableEntity that is triggered at least by one ExternalTriggerOccurredEvent or InternalTriggerOccurredEvent. In particular cases, the Trigger Event Communication or the Inter Runnable Triggering is implemented by RTE as a direct or trusted function call of the triggered runnable, by the triggering runnable.
SomeIPEvent SomeIPEvent - a message sent by an ECU implementing a service instance to an ECU using this service instance (Publish/Subscribe).
SomeIPMethod SomeIPMethod - a remote function which can be invoked via a message sent by an ECU implementing a service instance to an ECU using this service instance. An ECU can be in the role of the provider (offer a Method) and/or in the role of the consumer (invoke a remote Method).
SomeIPService A SomeIPService is a type of operation that has a published specification of interface and behavior, involving a contract between the provider of the capability and the potential clients.





[1] Glossary, AUTOSAR_TR_Glossary
[2] Specification of Memory Mapping
[3] ISO 26262:2018 (all parts) – Road vehicles – Functional Safety
[4] Specification of Timing Extensions

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202304 URL更新

Explanation of CP Software Cluster Design And Integration Guideline, AUTOSAR 975, R22-11, CP, 20230421


文書履歴(document history)

ver. 0.01 初稿 20230210


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