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Applying Simulink to AUTOSAR, AUTOSAR 2.0-3.2 CP, No.185

Last updated at Posted at 2022-12-30





Applying Simulink to AUTOSARは、後者のようである。

Applying Simulink to AUTOSAR, AUTOSAR 2.0-3.2 CP, No.185



  1. Terminology
    An Authoring Tool is an AUTOSAR tool operating on any form of AUTOSAR models describing systems (software component, ECU hardware, network topol- ogy and system constraint descriptions). It is regarded to be a design entry tool for AUTOSAR descriptions according to the respective templates. Typical functions may include creating, retrieving, modifying, validating and storing such descrip- tions. An authoring tool may provide a tool specific language or notations for the design entry, typically used as the expressive language at the tool’s user interface.
    These languages might differ from those used for AUTOSAR standard description formats. E.g. a graphical behavior modeling tool could be used to edit a software component description, stored as an XML file according to the software compo- nent template. Being an authoring tool is thus more a dedicated role of a tool than a classification of a tool itself.
    AUTOSAR Model is a generic expression for any kind of representation of in- stances of the AUTOSAR meta model. It might be a set of files in a file system, an XML stream, a database or memory used by some running software, etc.
    AUTOSAR Tools are software tools that may occur within the AUTOSAR meth- odology and support interpreting, processing and/or creating of AUTOSAR mod- els.
    Behavior is used in two ways in AUTOSAR. On the one hand, behavior is used as an abbreviation for InternalBehavior – to describe the scheduling relevant aspects of a software component. On the other hand, behavior is a common con- trol engineering term used to identify the functional input/output relation of a con- trol design over time. Throughout this document the term behavior and combina- tions of this term like behavior models should be understood in this control engi- neering interpretation.
    A Behavior Modeling Tool (BMT) is used to edit a functional behavior model in a functional behavior modeling language.


Term Description
Authoring Tool It is an AUTOSAR tool operating on any form of AUTOSAR models describing systems (software component, ECU hardware, network topol- ogy and system constraint descriptions). It is regarded to be a design entry tool for AUTOSAR descriptions according to the respective templates. Typical functions may include creating, retrieving, modifying, validating and storing such descrip- tions. An authoring tool may provide a tool specific language or notations for the design entry, typically used as the expressive language at the tool’s user interface.These languages might differ from those used for AUTOSAR standard description formats. E.g. a graphical behavior modeling tool could be used to edit a software component description, stored as an XML file according to the software compo- nent template. Being an authoring tool is thus more a dedicated role of a tool than a classification of a tool itself.
AUTOSAR Model It is a generic expression for any kind of representation of in- stances of the AUTOSAR meta model. It might be a set of files in a file system, an XML stream, a database or memory used by some running software, etc.
AUTOSAR Tools They are software tools that may occur within the AUTOSAR meth- odology and support interpreting, processing and/or creating of AUTOSAR mod- els.
Behavior It is used in two ways in AUTOSAR. On the one hand, behavior is used as an abbreviation for InternalBehavior – to describe the scheduling relevant aspects of a software component. On the other hand, behavior is a common con- trol engineering term used to identify the functional input/output relation of a con- trol design over time. Throughout this document the term behavior and combina- tions of this term like behavior models should be understood in this control engi- neering interpretation.
A Behavior Modeling Tool (BMT) It is used to edit a functional behavior model in a functional behavior modeling language.


1.1 RelatedDocuments
The following documents are related to this Styleguide:
This Simulink Styleguide is based on the “Specification of Interaction with Be-
havioral Models” [3], which is independent of particular behavior modeling tools. In the specification general use cases and requirements for mapping AUTOSAR modeling elements to behavior models and vice versa are defined. In the center this specification identifies the parts of the overall AUTOSAR meta-model [4], which are relevant to Behavior Modeling.
The “Specification of Feature Definition of Authoring Tools” [12] gives a rec- ommendation for a stepwise implementation of the overall AUTOSAR concept with respect to the interchange descriptions, namely the Software-Component Tem- plate [5], the ECU Resource Template [11] and the System Template [10]. As the basis for a first implementation, a subset (corresponding to the definition of fea- tures) of the AUTOSAR templates mentioned above for a first implementation of AUTOSAR authoring tools is defined.
The “Specification of Interoperability of Authoring Tools” [8] emphasizes on issues that might come up when exchanging AUTOSAR models between different tools. After describing some basic concepts of data exchange the document sketches strategies on how these issues can be resolved. Requirements on AUTOSAR Authoring Tools for ensuring interoperability are defined.
The “Specification of graphical Notation” [12] defines the graphical AUTOSAR notation for AUTOSAR Authoring Tools. For example, the document provides a comprehensive schema for graphically modeling Software components. The graphical notation should be used as a guideline for implementing AUTOSAR Au- thoring Tools.


Ref. title description
3 “Specification of Interaction with Behavioral Models” [3], which is independent of particular behavior modeling tools. In the specification general use cases and requirements for mapping AUTOSAR modeling elements to behavior models and vice versa are defined. In the center this specification identifies the parts of the overall AUTOSAR meta-model [4], which are relevant to Behavior Modeling.
12 “Specification of Feature Definition of Authoring Tools” [12] gives a rec- ommendation for a stepwise implementation of the overall AUTOSAR concept with respect to the interchange descriptions, namely the Software-Component Tem- plate [5], the ECU Resource Template [11] and the System Template [10]. As the basis for a first implementation, a subset (corresponding to the definition of fea- tures) of the AUTOSAR templates mentioned above for a first implementation of AUTOSAR authoring tools is defined.
8 The “Specification of Interoperability of Authoring Tools” [8] emphasizes on issues that might come up when exchanging AUTOSAR models between different tools. After describing some basic concepts of data exchange the document sketches strategies on how these issues can be resolved. Requirements on AUTOSAR Authoring Tools for ensuring interoperability are defined.
13 The “Specification of graphical Notation” [12] defines the graphical AUTOSAR notation for AUTOSAR Authoring Tools. For example, the document provides a comprehensive schema for graphically modeling Software components. The graphical notation should be used as a guideline for implementing AUTOSAR Au- thoring Tools.

4.1 NormativeReferencestoAUTOSARdocuments
[1] Specification of the Virtual Functional Bus AUTOSAR_VirtualFunctionBus.pdf


Virtual Functional Bus, 56

[2] Specification of RTE Software AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE.pdf

[3] Specification of Interaction with Behavioral Models AUTOSAR_InteractionBehavioralModels.pdf


[4] Metamodel AUTOSAR_Metamodel.eap




[5] Software Component Template AUTOSAR_SoftwareComponentTemplate.pdf

[6] Glossary AUTOSAR_Glossary.pdf
[7] AUTOSAR Services AUTOSAR_Services.pdf

[8] Requirements on Interoperability of Authoring Tools AUTOSAR_RS_InteroperabilityAuthoringTools.pdf


[9] Methodology AUTOSAR_Methodology.pdf

[10] Specification of System Template AUTOSAR_SystemTemplate.pdf

[11] Specification of ECU Resource Template AUTOSAR_ECUResourceTemplate.pdf

[12] Specification of Feature Definition of Authoring Tools AUTOSAR_FeatureDefinition.pdf

[13] Specification of Graphical Notation AUTOSAR_GraphicalNotation.pdf


4.2 NormativeReferencestoNon-AUTOSARdocuments
[14] OSEK COM Spec 3.0.3
[15] Simulink


No. Doc.No. Title File name URL from to note
1 Specification of the Virtual Functional Bus AUTOSAR_VirtualFunctionBus.pdf
2 84 Specification of RTE Software AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE.pdf https://www.autosar.org/fileadmin/standards/classic/22-11/AUTOSAR_SWS_RTE.pdf
3 205 Specification of Interaction with Behavioral Models AUTOSAR_InteractionBehavioralModels.pdf https://www.autosar.org/fileadmin/standards/classic/3-2/AUTOSAR_InteractionBehavioralModels.pdf
4 Metamodel AUTOSAR_Metamodel.eap
5 62 Software Component Template AUTOSAR_SoftwareComponentTemplate.pdf https://www.autosar.org/fileadmin/standards/classic/22-11/AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate.pdf
6 55 Glossary AUTOSAR_Glossary.pdf https://www.autosar.org/fileadmin/standards/foundation/22-11/AUTOSAR_TR_Glossary.pdf
7 AUTOSAR Services AUTOSAR_Services.pdf
8 101 Requirements on Interoperability of Authoring Tools AUTOSAR_RS_InteroperabilityAuthoringTools.pdf https://www.autosar.org/fileadmin/standards/classic/3-2/AUTOSAR_RS_InteroperabilityAuthoringTools.pdf
9 68 Methodology AUTOSAR_Methodology.pdf https://www.autosar.org/fileadmin/standards/classic/22-11/AUTOSAR_TR_Methodology.pdf
10 213 Specification of System Template AUTOSAR_SystemTemplate.pdf https://www.autosar.org/fileadmin/standards/classic/22-11/AUTOSAR_RS_SystemTemplate.pdf
11 60 Specification of ECU Resource Template AUTOSAR_ECUResourceTemplate.pdf https://www.autosar.org/fileadmin/standards/classic/22-11/AUTOSAR_TPS_ECUResourceTemplate.pdf
12 203 Specification of Feature Definition of Authoring Tools AUTOSAR_FeatureDefinition.pdf https://www.autosar.org/fileadmin/standards/classic/2-0/AUTOSAR_FeatureDefinition.pdf 2.0
13 206 Specification of Graphical Notation AUTOSAR_GraphicalNotation.pdf https://www.autosar.org/fileadmin/standards/classic/3-2/AUTOSAR_GraphicalNotation.pdf 2.0 3.2
14 ISO OSEK COM Spec 3.0.3 http://www.osek-vdx.org/mirror/OSEKCOM303.pdf
15 Mathworks Simulink http://www.mathworks.co.uk/products/simulink/




経済あsん行商のAUTOSAR関連事業で JMAAB 久保孝行さんにご指導いただいたことがある。 






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制御モデリングガイドライン Ver6(日本語版)

MATLABプログラミングガイドラインWG作成 (2019年8月)


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