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Requirements on Identity and Access Management, AUTOSAR 22-11, AP, No.899

Last updated at Posted at 2022-12-08

Requirements on Identity and Access Management, AUTOSAR 22-11, AP, No.899

AUTOSAR Countdown Calendar 2022



AUTOSAR R22-11 Release Event 20221208


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文書変更(Document Change)

• Updated (req. text): [RS_IAM_00017]


Term Description
Identity and Access Management (IAM) IAM is about managing access rights of an Adaptive Application to interfaces and resources of the Adaptive PlatformFoundation and Services.
Policy Decision Point (PDP) The PDP represents the logic in which the access control decision is made. It determines if the application is allowed to perform the requested task.
Policy Enforcement Point (PEP) The PEP represents the logic in which the Access Control Decision is enforced. It communicates directly with the corresponding PDP to receive the Access Control Decision.
Access control Policy Access Control Policies are bound to the targets of calls (i.e. Service interfaces) and are used to express what Identity Information are necessary to access those interfaces.
Access Control Decision The Access Control Decision is a Boolean value indicating if the requested operation is permitted or not. It is based on the identity
Identity Identity represents properties of an Adaptive Application the access control is decided / enforced upon.
AUTOSAR Resource The term AUTOSAR Resource covers interfaces that are under the scope of IAM, i.e. Service Interfaces.
Application ID Application ID is a unique identifier of an Adaptive Application. In the meta-model an Adaptive Application is represented by Process.
Intent A Intent is a property of an Adaptive Application. Access to an AUTOSAR resource is granted if a requesting AA possesses all acknowledged intents that are necessary for that specific AUTOSAR Resource. Intents are assigned to Adaptive Applications within their Application Manifest by means of ComSpecs (e.g. ClientComSpec) and GrantDesigns (e.g. ComFieldGrantDesign).
Grant The integrator acknowledges an Adaptive Application’s intent by transferring GrantDesigns to a Grant in deployment. Grant elements may be processed into access control lists forthe PDP implementation.



count word 日本語
202 the その
119 of
112 access 雪像
99 to
78 a 一つの
76 adaptive 適応
71 and
70 application 応用
62 on の上
54 be です
53 is です
52 an 一つの
52 autosar AUTomotive Open System Architecture(短縮名)
46 by
46 in の中に
44 shall しなければならない
42 platform 土台
39 for にとって
36 control 制御
36 requirements 要件
36 rs_iam_ rs_iam_
32 identity 識別
31 intents 意図
31 pep Policy Enforcement Point(短縮名)
30 management 管理
29 not いいえ
28 that それ
26 document 文書
26 pdp Policy Decision Point(短縮名)
25 are それは
25 or また
23 applications 応用
23 rs_main_ rs_main_
22 c c
22 description 説明
21 foundation 財団
21 manifest 管理票
21 this これ
20 case 場合
20 id identifier, 識別子(短縮名)
20 service 奉仕
19 r r
19 use 使用する
18 material 材料
18 policy 政策
16 as なので
16 if もしも
15 ap adaptive platform(短縮名)
15 app 応用
15 autosar_rs_identityandaccessmanagement autosar_rs_identityandaccessmanagement
15 d d
15 dependencies 依存関係
15 draft 原案
15 iam Identity and Access Management(短縮名)
15 provide 提供
15 rationale 理論的根拠
15 supporting 対応
14 has 持つ
13 any どれか
13 information 情報
13 resource 資源
12 intent 意図
12 must しなければならない
12 object 物体
12 policies 政策
12 subject 主題
11 b b
11 compromised 妥協
11 corresponding 対応する
11 decision 決断
11 e e
11 enforcement 執行
11 functional 機能的
11 its これは
11 manifests 管理票
11 process 処理する
10 during その間
10 from から
10 interface 界面
10 it それ
10 requests 要求
10 rights 権利
10 s s
10 specific 明確
10 used 使用済み
9 attacker 攻撃者
9 communication 通信
9 defined 定義済み
9 may かもしれない
9 release 開放
8 decisions 決定
8 have 持ってる
8 instance 実例
8 interfaces 界面
8 prevent 防ぐ
8 work 仕事
7 cannot できない
7 i
7 only だけ
7 peps Policy Enforcement Points(短縮名)
7 provided 提供された
7 superset 上位集合
7 we 私たち
7 with


[1] Standardization Template, AUTOSAR_TPS_StandardizationTemplate
[2] Glossary, AUTOSAR_TR_Glossary
[3] Main Requirements, AUTOSAR_RS_Main

Countdown Calendar 2022

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関連文書(Related document)

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Requirements on Identity and Access Management, No.899, AP, AUTOSAR 22-11 新


文書履歴(document history)

ver. 0.01 初稿 20221209
ver. 0.03 URL追記 20230102
ver. 0.03 URL追記 20230206




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