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Last updated at Posted at 2024-06-17





async function callApiCode() {

  // "%E5%B7%9D%E5%8F%A3%E9%A7%85";
  const stationName = "&name=" + document.getElementById("stationName").value;
  const type = "&type=" + "train";
  const res = await fetch("https://api.ekispert.jp/v1/json/station/light?key=0123456789123456" + stationName + type);

  const resp = await res.json();
  var status = res.status;
  document.getElementById("code").value = "";
  if (status = 400) {
    var errorMesg;
    var altMesg;
    errorMesg = resp.ResultSet.Error;
    if (errorMesg != undefined) {
      altMesg = errorMesg.Message;
  if (resp.ResultSet.Point != undefined) {
    var code;
    if (resp.ResultSet.Point instanceof Array) {
      code = resp.ResultSet.Point[0].Station.code;
    } else {
      code = resp.ResultSet.Point.Station.code;
    document.getElementById("code").value = code;

async function callApiRuter() {
  // https://api.ekispert.jp/v1/xml/operationLine?key=0123456789123456 JR電車
  // viaList: 東京:川口
  // date: 20240603
  // searchType: plain
  // sort: teiki
  // answerCount: 20
  // conditionDetail: T3111133232329:F3321121122000:A23121141:
  // key=0123456789123456&name=t&type=train:plane:ship:bus.connection:bus.highway:bus.midnight

  const url = "https://api.ekispert.jp/v1/json/search/course/extreme?key=0123456789123456";
  const fromST = document.getElementById("stationFrom").value;
  const toST = document.getElementById("stationTo").value;
  const viaList = "&viaList=" + fromST + ":" + toST;
  const date = "&date=" + "20240603";
  const searchType = "&searchType=" + "plain";
  const sort = "&sort=" + "teiki";
  const answerCount = "&answerCount=" + "20";
  const conditionDetail = "&conditionDetail=" + "T3111133232329:F3321121122000:A23121141:";

  const res = await fetch(url + viaList + date + searchType + sort + answerCount + conditionDetail);
  var status = res.status;
  const resp = await res.json();

  var courseInfoHtml = document.getElementById("courseInfo");
  courseInfoHtml.innerHTML = "";

  document.getElementById('stationList:1').innerHTML = "";
  document.getElementById('stationList:2').innerHTML = "";

  if (status = 400) {
    var errorMesg;
    var altMesg;
    errorMesg = resp.ResultSet.Error;
    if (errorMesg != undefined) {
      errorMesg.Message instanceof Array ? altMesg = errorMesg.Message[0].text : altMesg = errorMesg.Message

  // 松戸営業所/京成バス
  // 松戸駅/京成バス
  if (status = 200) {
    // console.log(resp);
    var displayRuterInfo;
    var courses = resp.ResultSet.Course;
    var innerHtmlStr = '';

    if (courses != undefined) {

      var coursesArry = new Array();
      courses instanceof Array ? coursesArry = courses : coursesArry.push(courses);
      // 経路情報取得
      coursesArry.forEach((course, index) => {
        var btName = '非表示'
        index == 0 ? btName = '非表示' : btName = '表示';
        var classDisplay = '"display:block"';
        index == 0 ? classDisplay = '"display:block"' : classDisplay = '"display:none"';

        innerHtmlStr = innerHtmlStr + ' ' + ('00' + parseInt(index + 1)).slice(-2) + ' ' + btName + ''
        innerHtmlStr = innerHtmlStr + '';
        displayRuterInfo = ""

        var lines = course.Route.Line;
        var points = course.Route.Point;
        // ポイント情報取得
        points.forEach((point, index) => {
          var linesName = ''
          if (lines instanceof Array) {
            if (index < Object.keys(lines).length) {
              linesName = ':' + lines[index].Name + ':' + lines[index].direction + ':';

            } else {
              linesName = '';
          } else {
            index == 0 ? linesName = ':' + lines.Name + ':' + lines.direction + ':' : '';
          displayRuterInfo = displayRuterInfo + point.Station.Name + linesName;
        innerHtmlStr = innerHtmlStr + '' + parseInt(index + 1) + '. 経路:' + displayRuterInfo + '';
        innerHtmlStr = innerHtmlStr + '所要時間 (乗車 :' + course.Route.timeOnBoard + ' その他 :' + course.Route.timeOther + ' 徒歩 :' + course.Route.timeWalk + ')分' + '';
        innerHtmlStr = innerHtmlStr + '距離 :' + (parseInt(course.Route.distance) / 10).toString() + ' km' + '';
        innerHtmlStr = innerHtmlStr + '乗換回数 :' + course.Route.transferCount + '';
        var price = course.Price;
        var fareSummary;
        var teiki1 = 0;
        var teiki2 = 0;
        var teiki3 = 0;
        price.forEach((value) => {
          if (value.kind == "FareSummary") { fareSummary = value.Oneway; };
          if (value.Oneway != undefined) {
            if (value.kind == "Teiki1Summary") { teiki1 = teiki1 + parseInt(value.Oneway); };
            if (value.kind == "Teiki3Summary") { teiki2 = teiki2 + parseInt(value.Oneway); };
            if (value.kind == "Teiki6Summary") { teiki3 = teiki3 + parseInt(value.Oneway); };
        innerHtmlStr = innerHtmlStr + ' 片道金額 :' + fareSummary + '';
        innerHtmlStr = innerHtmlStr + ' 一か月定期代金 :' + teiki1 + '';
        innerHtmlStr = innerHtmlStr + '; 三か月定期代金 :' + teiki2 + '';
        innerHtmlStr = innerHtmlStr + '; 六か月定期代金 :' + teiki3 + '';

      courseInfoHtml.innerHTML = innerHtmlStr
// ボタン表示制御
function callHidden(index) {
  var divHtml = document.getElementById('routeDIV' + index);
  var btnHtml = document.getElementById('buttonDisplay' + index);
  divHtml.getAttribute('style') == 'display:none' ? divHtml.setAttribute('style', 'display:block') : divHtml.setAttribute('style', 'display:none');
  btnHtml.innerHTML == '非表示' ? btnHtml.innerHTML = '表示' : btnHtml.innerHTML = '非表示';
// 駅名検索
async function searchST(num) {
  var inputword
  num.toString() == '1' ? inputword = document.getElementById("stationFrom").value : inputword = document.getElementById("stationTo").value

  // console.log('onchange:', inputword);
  var div_stationList = document.getElementById('stationList:' + num);
  div_stationList.innerHTML = "";
  if (inputword != '') {
    div_stationList.setAttribute('style', 'display:block;background-color:#F5F5F5;padding-top:15px;padding-bottom:15px;margin: 0 20px 0 20px;')
    var url = 'https://api.ekispert.jp/v1/json/station/light?key=0123456789123456&name=' + inputword + '&type=train:plane:ship:bus.connection:bus.highway:bus.midnight'
    const res = await fetch(url);
    var status = res.status;

    const resp = await res.json();
    div_stationList.innerHTML = serchLists(resp.ResultSet, num)

  } else {
    div_stationList.setAttribute('style', 'display:none')

function inputMethod(index, num) {
  var inputTextBox
  num.toString() == '1' ? inputTextBox = document.getElementById("stationFrom") : inputTextBox = document.getElementById("stationTo")
  inputTextBox.value = document.getElementById('stationRow:' + index).innerHTML
// 駅名リスト作る
function serchLists(resp, num) {
  var retString = ''
  var respPiont = new Array();

  if (resp.Point == undefined) { return retString; }

  var courseInfoHtml = document.getElementById("courseInfo");
  courseInfoHtml.innerHTML = "";

  resp.Point instanceof Array ? respPiont = resp.Point : respPiont.push(resp.Point);
  var trainSTNum = 0;
  var busTNum = 0;
  var planeTNum = 0;

  respPiont.forEach((obj) => {
    obj.Station.Type == 'train' ? trainSTNum++ : trainSTNum = trainSTNum;
    obj.Station.Type.text == 'bus' ? busTNum++ : busTNum = busTNum;
    obj.Station.Type == 'plane' ? planeTNum++ : planeTNum = planeTNum;

  if (trainSTNum > 0) { retString = retString + '電車駅 ' + trainSTNum.toString() + ' 件' }
  respPiont.forEach((obj, index) => {
    if (obj.Station.Type == 'train') {
      retString = retString + getstationRow(index, num, obj.Station.Name);
  retString = retString + ''

  if (busTNum > 0) { retString = retString + 'バス駅 ' + busTNum.toString() + ' 件' }
  respPiont.forEach((obj, index) => {
    if (obj.Station.Type.text == 'bus') {
      retString = retString + getstationRow(index, num, obj.Station.Name);

  retString = retString + ''
  if (planeTNum > 0) { retString = retString + '空港 ' + planeTNum.toString() + ' 件' }
  respPiont.forEach((obj, index) => {
    if (obj.Station.Type == 'plane') {
      retString = retString + getstationRow(index, num, obj.Station.Name);
  retString = retString + ''
  return retString;
// 駅名取得
function getstationRow(index, num, name) {
  var indexNum = 0;
  indexNum = (parseInt(index) + parseInt(num) * 100)
  return '' + name + '';

// クリア
function clearWord(num) {
  var div_stationList = document.getElementById('stationList:' + num);
  div_stationList.innerHTML = "";
  div_stationList.setAttribute('style', 'display:none')

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Delete article

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