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[VBA] A,C列を、別シートのA,B列にコピー

Last updated at Posted at 2017-08-06


Sub colCopySample()

    Dim t As Single
    Dim cpY As Long
    Dim psY As Long
    Dim x   As Long
    Dim cpVal As String
    Dim cpWS As Worksheet
    Dim psWS As Worksheet
    Set cpWS = Worksheets("Sheet1") 'コピー元
    Set psWS = Worksheets("Sheet2") 'ペースト先
    Dim cpArr             As Variant
    Dim psArr(1048576, 2) As String
    Dim col(2) As Long
    col(0) = Range("A:A").Column
    col(1) = Range("C:C").Column    'MAX_Col
    'コピー範囲 / Cells(min_Row, min_Col) ~ Cells(MAX_Row, MAX_Col)
    Set cpArr = cpWS.Range(cpWS.Cells(1, "A"), _
                           cpWS.Cells(1048576, col(1)))
    cpArr = cpArr.Value

    t = Timer

    For psY = 0 To 1048575
        cpY = psY + 1
        x = 0
        cpVal = cpArr(cpY, col(x))
        If Len(cpVal) <> 0 Then
            psArr(psY, x) = cpVal
        End If
        x = 1
        cpVal = cpArr(cpY, col(x))
        If Len(cpVal) <> 0 Then
            psArr(psY, x) = cpVal
        End If
    Set cpArr = Nothing
    psWS.Range(psWS.Cells(1, "A"), psWS.Cells(1048576, "B")).Clear
    psWS.Range(psWS.Cells(1, "A"), psWS.Cells(1048576, "B")) = psArr
    MsgBox "finish! (" & Round(Timer - t, 2) & "秒)"
End Sub

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