$ gem install byebug
$ gem install pry-byebug
(byebug) help
break -- Sets breakpoints in the source code
catch -- Handles exception catchpoints
condition -- Sets conditions on breakpoints
continue -- Runs until program ends, hits a breakpoint or reaches aline
debug -- Spawns a subdebugger
delete -- Deletes breakpoints
disable -- Disables breakpoints or displays
display -- Evaluates expressions every time the debugger stops
down -- Moves to a lower frame in the stack trace
edit -- Edits source files
enable -- Enables breakpoints or displays
finish -- Runs the program until frame returns
frame -- Moves to a frame in the call stack
help -- Helps you using byebug
history -- Shows byebug's history of commands
info -- Shows several informations about the program being debugged
interrupt -- Interrupts the program
irb -- Starts an IRB session
kill -- Sends a signal to the current process
list -- Lists lines of source code
method -- Shows methods of an object, class or module
next -- Runs one or more lines of code
pry -- Starts a Pry session
quit -- Exits byebug
restart -- Restarts the debugged program
save -- Saves current byebug session to a file
set -- Modifies byebug settings
show -- Shows byebug settings
source -- Restores a previously saved byebug session
step -- Steps into blocks or methods one or more times
thread -- Commands to manipulate threads
tracevar -- Enables tracing of a global variable
undisplay -- Stops displaying all or some expressions when program stops
untracevar -- Stops tracing a global variable
up -- Moves to a higher frame in the stack trace
var -- Shows variables and its values
where -- Displays the backtrace
[1] pry(#<RSpec::ExampleGroups::Products>)> help
help Show a list of commands or information about a specific command.
cd Move into a new context (object or scope).
find-method Recursively search for a method within a class/module or the current namespace.
ls Show the list of vars and methods in the current scope.
pry-backtrace Show the backtrace for the pry session.
raise-up Raise an exception out of the current pry instance.
reset Reset the repl to a clean state.
watch Watch the value of an expression and print a notification whenever it changes.
whereami Show code surrounding the current context.
wtf? Show the backtrace of the most recent exception.
/^\s*!\s*$/ Clear the input buffer.
amend-line Amend a line of input in multi-line mode.
edit Invoke the default editor on a file.
hist Show and replay readline history.
play Playback a string variable, method, line, or file as input.
show-input Show the contents of the input buffer for the current multi-line expression.
ri View ri documentation.
show-doc Show the documentation for a method or class.
stat View method information and set _file_ and _dir_ locals.
gem-cd Change working directory to specified gem's directory.
gem-install Install a gem and refresh the gem cache.
gem-list List and search installed gems.
gem-open Opens the working directory of the gem in your editor.
gem-readme Show the readme bundled with a rubygem
gem-search Search for a gem with the rubygems.org json api
import-set Import a pry command set.
install-command Install a disabled command.
!!! Alias for `exit-program`
!!@ Alias for `exit-all`
$ Alias for `show-source`
(?-mix:whereami[!?]+) Alias for `whereami`
? Alias for `show-doc`
@ Alias for `whereami`
clipit Alias for `gist --clip`
file-mode Alias for `shell-mode`
find-routes Alias for `find-route`
history Alias for `hist`
quit Alias for `exit`
quit-program Alias for `exit-program`
reload-method Alias for `reload-code`
show-method Alias for `show-source`
backtrace Display the current stack.
break Set or edit a breakpoint.
continue Continue program execution and end the pry session.
down Move current frame down.
finish Execute until current stack frame returns.
frame Move to specified frame #.
next Execute the next line within the current stack frame.
step Step execution into the next line or method.
up Move current frame up.
Input and output
.<shell command> All text following a '.' is forwarded to the shell.
cat Show code from a file, pry's input buffer, or the last exception.
change-inspector Change the current inspector proc.
change-prompt Change the current prompt.
fix-indent Correct the indentation for contents of the input buffer
list-inspectors List the inspector procs available for use.
list-prompts List the prompts available for use.
save-file Export to a file using content from the repl.
shell-mode Toggle shell mode. bring in pwd prompt and file completion.
gist Upload code, docs, history to https://gist.github.com/.
pry-version Show pry version.
reload-code Reload the source file that contains the specifiedcode object.
toggle-color Toggle syntax highlighting.
Navigating pry
!pry Start a pry session on current self.
disable-pry Stops all future calls to pry and exits the current session.
exit Pop the previous binding.
exit-program End the current program.
jump-to Jump to a binding further up the stack.
nesting Show nesting information.
switch-to Start a new subsession on a binding in the currentstack.
find-route See which urls match a given controller.
recognize-path See which route matches a url.
show-middleware Show all middleware (that rails knows about).
show-model Show the given model.
show-models Show all models.
show-routes Show all routes in match order.
simple-prompt Toggle the simple prompt.
Pry-byebug (v3.6.0)
exit-all End the current pry session.
Pry-doc (v0.13.4)
show-source Show the source for a method or class.