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[python] pandas 条件によるフィルタリング

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window 10
python 3.7.8
pandas version: 1.3.5




import pandas as pd
import plotly.express as px
# pip install plotly

df = px.data.gapminder()

#           country continent  year  lifeExp       pop   gdpPercap iso_alpha  iso_num
# 0     Afghanistan      Asia  1952   28.801   8425333  779.445314       AFG        4
# 1     Afghanistan      Asia  1957   30.332   9240934  820.853030       AFG        4
# 2     Afghanistan      Asia  1962   31.997  10267083  853.100710       AFG        4
# 3     Afghanistan      Asia  1967   34.020  11537966  836.197138       AFG        4
# 4     Afghanistan      Asia  1972   36.088  13079460  739.981106       AFG        4
# ...           ...       ...   ...      ...       ...         ...       ...      ...
# 1699     Zimbabwe    Africa  1987   62.351   9216418  706.157306       ZWE      716
# 1700     Zimbabwe    Africa  1992   60.377  10704340  693.420786       ZWE      716
# 1701     Zimbabwe    Africa  1997   46.809  11404948  792.449960       ZWE      716
# 1702     Zimbabwe    Africa  2002   39.989  11926563  672.038623       ZWE      716
# 1703     Zimbabwe    Africa  2007   43.487  12311143  469.709298       ZWE      716


条件を満たすindexTrue, 満たさないのはFalseとなる

df["country"] == "Afghanistan"

# 0        True
# 1        True
# 2        True
# 3        True
# 4        True
#         ...
# 1699    False
# 1700    False
# 1701    False
# 1702    False
# 1703    False

df[df["country"] == "Japan"]

#     country continent  year  lifeExp        pop     gdpPercap iso_alpha  iso_num
# 792   Japan      Asia  1952   63.030   86459025   3216.956347       JPN      392
# 793   Japan      Asia  1957   65.500   91563009   4317.694365       JPN      392
# 794   Japan      Asia  1962   68.730   95831757   6576.649461       JPN      392
# 795   Japan      Asia  1967   71.430  100825279   9847.788607       JPN      392
# 796   Japan      Asia  1972   73.420  107188273  14778.786360       JPN      392
# 797   Japan      Asia  1977   75.380  113872473  16610.377010       JPN      392
# 798   Japan      Asia  1982   77.110  118454974  19384.105710       JPN      392
# 799   Japan      Asia  1987   78.670  122091325  22375.941890       JPN      392
# 800   Japan      Asia  1992   79.360  124329269  26824.895110       JPN      392
# 801   Japan      Asia  1997   80.690  125956499  28816.584990       JPN      392
# 802   Japan      Asia  2002   82.000  127065841  28604.591900       JPN      392
# 803   Japan      Asia  2007   82.603  127467972  31656.068060       JPN      392


条件式は NOT(~), AND(&), OR(|) があり、優先度としても NOT(~), AND(&), OR(|) の順番となる

country = Japan AND year >= 2000の条件

df[(df["country"] == "Japan") & (df["year"] >= 2000)]
#     country continent  year  lifeExp        pop    gdpPercap iso_alpha  iso_num
# 802   Japan      Asia  2002   82.000  127065841  28604.59190       JPN      392
# 803   Japan      Asia  2007   82.603  127467972  31656.06806       JPN      392

country = Japan AND NOTyear >= 1960の条件

df[(df["country"] == "Japan") & ~(df["year"] >= 1960)]

#     country continent  year  lifeExp       pop    gdpPercap iso_alpha  iso_num
# 792   Japan      Asia  1952    63.03  86459025  3216.956347       JPN      392
# 793   Japan      Asia  1957    65.50  91563009  4317.694365       JPN      392

NOTyear >= 1960 AND country = Japan OR country = United States の条件

演算子の優先度は NOT(~) > AND(&) > OR(|) であるので,
[ { ( NOTyear >= 1960 ) AND country = Japan } OR country = United States ]

df[ ~(df["year"] >= 1960) & (df["country"] == "Japan") | (df["country"] == "United States") ]

#             country continent  year  lifeExp        pop     gdpPercap iso_alpha  iso_num
# 792           Japan      Asia  1952   63.030   86459025   3216.956347       JPN      392
# 793           Japan      Asia  1957   65.500   91563009   4317.694365       JPN      392
# 1608  United States  Americas  1952   68.440  157553000  13990.482080       USA      840
# 1609  United States  Americas  1957   69.490  171984000  14847.127120       USA      840
# 1610  United States  Americas  1962   70.210  186538000  16173.145860       USA      840
# 1611  United States  Americas  1967   70.760  198712000  19530.365570       USA      840
# 1612  United States  Americas  1972   71.340  209896000  21806.035940       USA      840
# 1613  United States  Americas  1977   73.380  220239000  24072.632130       USA      840
# 1614  United States  Americas  1982   74.650  232187835  25009.559140       USA      840
# 1615  United States  Americas  1987   75.020  242803533  29884.350410       USA      840
# 1616  United States  Americas  1992   76.090  256894189  32003.932240       USA      840
# 1617  United States  Americas  1997   76.810  272911760  35767.433030       USA      840
# 1618  United States  Americas  2002   77.310  287675526  39097.099550       USA      840
# 1619  United States  Americas  2007   78.242  301139947  42951.653090       USA      840


df[ ~(df["year"] >= 1960) & ((df["country"] == "Japan") | (df["country"] == "United States")) ]

#             country continent  year  lifeExp        pop    gdpPercap iso_alpha  iso_num
# 802           Japan      Asia  2002   82.000  127065841  28604.59190       JPN      392
# 803           Japan      Asia  2007   82.603  127467972  31656.06806       JPN      392
# 1618  United States  Americas  2002   77.310  287675526  39097.09955       USA      840
# 1619  United States  Americas  2007   78.242  301139947  42951.65309       USA      840



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