from collections.abc import Callable
import functools
from typing import Any, overload, TYPE_CHECKING, TypeVar
_This = TypeVar("_This")
_Inst = TypeVar("_Inst")
_Own = None | type[_Inst]
_R = TypeVar("_R")
# overloadされた関数を表現できる型アノテーション方法は存在しないため、返り値の型は型チェッカーに推論させる
def add_cls_attribute_behavior(dunder_get: Callable[[_This, _Inst, Any], _R]):
>>> from typing import Protocol, TypeVar
>>> _T = TypeVar('_T')
>>> class _Component(Protocol[_T]):
... wrp: _T
>>> class UndecoratedDescriptor:
... def __get__(self, instance, owner=None):
... return instance
>>> class DecoratedDescriptor:
... @add_cls_attribute_behavior
... def __get__(self, instance, owner=None):
... return instance
>>> class MyComponent:
... undecorated_descriptor = UndecoratedDescriptor()
... decorated_descriptor = DecoratedDescriptor()
>>> my_comp = MyComponent()
>>> assert my_comp.undecorated_descriptor is my_comp
>>> assert MyComponent.undecorated_descriptor is None
>>> assert my_comp.decorated_descriptor is my_comp
>>> assert isinstance(MyComponent.decorated_descriptor, DecoratedDescriptor)
from typing import Protocol, reveal_type, TypeVar
_T = TypeVar("_T")
class _Component(Protocol[_T]):
wrp: _T
class MyDescriptor:
def __get__(self, instance: _Component[int], owner=None):
return instance
class ComponentA:
wrp: int
my_descriptor = MyDescriptor()
class ComponentB:
wrp: str
my_descriptor = MyDescriptor()
reveal_type(ComponentA.my_descriptor) # OK
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# Type of "ComponentA.my_descriptor" is "MyDescriptor"
reveal_type(ComponentA().my_descriptor) # OK
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# Type of "ComponentA().my_descriptor" is "_Component[int]"
reveal_type(ComponentB.my_descriptor) # NG
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Type of "ComponentB.my_descriptor" is "Unknown"
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (reportAttributeAccessIssue)
# Cannot access member "my_descriptor" for type "type[ComponentB]"
# Failed to call method "__get__" for descriptor class "MyDescriptor"
reveal_type(ComponentB().my_descriptor) # NG
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Type of "ComponentB().my_descriptor" is "Unknown"
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (reportAttributeAccessIssue)
# Cannot access member "my_descriptor" for type "ComponentB"
# Failed to call method "__get__" for descriptor class "MyDescriptor"
# fmt: off
def __get__(self: _This, instance: _Inst, owner: _Own[_Inst] = ..., /) -> _R: ... # noqa
def __get__(self: _This, instance: None, owner: _Own[_Inst] = ..., /) -> _This: ... # noqa
# 実行時の実装は`else`以下が提供するが、空(`...`のみ)でもいいので実装部分を型定義しないと、
# `@overload`がデコレートされている側に`"__get__" is marked as overload, but no
# implementation is provided`が表示されたり、デコレートした`__get__`に`"__get__" is marked as
# overload, but no implementation is provided`が送出される
def __get__(self, instance, owner=None, /) -> Any: ... # noqa
# fmt: on
# 実行時の実装。`functools.wraps`と`overload`が共存するとうまく型解釈されなかったので
# 型定義と実行時の実装を分ける方法に至った。
@functools.wraps(dunder_get) # noqa
def __get__(this, instance, owner=None):
if instance is None:
return this
return dunder_get(this, instance, owner)
return __get__
from typing import Protocol, TypeVar
_T = TypeVar("_T")
class _Component(Protocol[_T]):
wrp: _T
class MoveMethod:
"""class docstring"""
def __get__(self, instance: _Component[int], owner: type[_Component[int]] | None = None, /):
"""dunder_get method docstring"""
def func(x: float, y: float, /) -> None:
"""callable docstring"""
return func
class Sample:
wrp: int
Move = MoveMethod()