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TOEIC学習で役に立つChat GPTコマンド集 無料版GPT3.5

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**問題: リーディング理解**

Read the following passage and answer the questions below:


The digital revolution has transformed the way people work, communicate, and access information. In the business world, the use of technology is now integral to daily operations. Companies that fail to adapt to these changes often struggle to remain competitive.

One key aspect of this digital transformation is the rise of remote work. The ability to work from anywhere has become a valuable asset for both employers and employees. It offers flexibility and can enhance work-life balance. However, effective communication and collaboration can be challenging in remote work setups.


1. What impact has the digital revolution had on the business world?
   a) It has made companies less competitive.
   b) It has transformed daily operations and is crucial for competitiveness.

   c) It has had no significant impact on the business world.

2. Why is remote work considered a valuable asset?

   a) It offers flexibility and improves work-life balance.

   b) It makes communication and collaboration easier.

   c) It has no impact on employers and employees.

3. What is a challenge associated with remote work?

   a) Lack of technology integration.

   b) Difficulty in effective communication and collaboration.

   c) Enhanced work-life balance.



1. b) It has transformed daily operations and is crucial for competitiveness.

2. a) It offers flexibility and improves work-life balance.

3. b) Difficulty in effective communication and collaboration.





### 問題 1:

You are reading a company newsletter. Read the following paragraph and answer the question.

*XYZ Corporation is pleased to announce that it has recently signed a strategic partnership agreement with a leading technology company. This collaboration aims to enhance our product offerings and provide innovative solutions to our customers.*

What is the purpose of the partnership between XYZ Corporation and the technology company?

A) To reduce operational costs  
B) To enhance product offerings  
C) To increase employee satisfaction  
D) To expand office locations  


### 問題 2:

You are reviewing a business report. Read the following excerpt and answer the question.

*The report indicates a steady increase in sales for the third quarter of the fiscal year. This growth can be attributed to successful marketing campaigns and the launch of new product lines.*

What contributed to the growth in sales during the third quarter?

A) Employee training programs  
B) Cost-cutting measures  
C) Marketing campaigns and new products  
D) Reduction in working hours  


### 問題 3:

You are reading an email from your supervisor about a training session. Read the email and answer the question.

*Dear Team,  
I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to inform you that the upcoming training session on project management has been rescheduled to next Monday due to unforeseen circumstances. Please make the necessary adjustments to your schedules and confirm your attendance by the end of the week.*

Why has the training session on project management been rescheduled?

A) Lack of interest from team members  
B) Unforeseen circumstances  
C) Overlapping with a company event  
D) Technical issues with the training materials  


### 正解:

1. B) To enhance product offerings
2. C) Marketing campaigns and new products
3. B) Unforeseen circumstances




**問題: リーディング理解**

Read the following passage and answer the questions below:


In an effort to enhance customer satisfaction, the company has implemented various strategies to improve its products and services. Customer feedback plays a crucial role in this process, as it provides valuable insights into areas that require attention and enhancement. The company is committed to continuous improvement, striving to exceed customer expectations and maintain a competitive edge in the market.


7. What is the company's goal in implementing various strategies?

   a) To decrease customer satisfaction.

   b) To maintain the status quo.

   c) To enhance customer satisfaction.

8. What role does customer feedback play in the company's improvement process?

   a) It is not considered in the improvement process.

   b) It provides valuable insights into areas that need attention and enhancement.

   c) It is irrelevant to the company's goals.

9. How does the company view continuous improvement?

   a) It is not a priority for the company.

   b) It is a temporary measure.

   c) It is a commitment to exceeding customer expectations and staying competitive.



7. c) To enhance customer satisfaction.

8. b) It provides valuable insights into areas that need attention and enhancement.

9. c) It is a commitment to exceeding customer expectations and staying competitive.






**問題: リーディング理解**

Read the following passage and answer the questions below:


Globalization has significantly impacted the business landscape, requiring companies to adapt to new challenges and opportunities. One consequence of this global shift is the increased demand for employees with strong cross-cultural communication skills. Businesses that prioritize diversity and inclusivity often outperform their competitors in the global market.


16. What has significantly impacted the business landscape according to the passage?

   a) Decreased demand for cross-cultural communication skills.

   b) Globalization.

   c) Inclusive business practices.

17. What is mentioned as a consequence of the global shift in the passage?

   a) Decreased demand for diversity.

   b) Increased demand for cross-cultural communication skills.

   c) Limited opportunities for businesses.

18. According to the passage, what can businesses gain by prioritizing diversity and inclusivity?

   a) Increased competition from global competitors.

   b) Improved performance in the global market.

   c) Limited success in the business landscape.





16. 正解: b) Globalization.

17. 正解: b) Increased demand for cross-cultural communication skills.

18. 正解: b) Improved performance in the global market.



16. パッセージでは、「Globalization(グローバリゼーション)」がビジネスの景観に重大な影響を与えたと述べられています。

17. パッセージによれば、グローバルな変化の結果として、「increased demand for employees with strong cross-cultural communication skills」(強力な異文化コミュニケーションスキルを持つ従業員への需要が増加している)と述べられています。

18. ビジネスが多様性と包括性を重視することで得られる利益について、「Businesses that prioritize diversity and inclusivity often outperform their competitors in the global market」(多様性と包括性を優先するビジネスは、しばしばグローバル市場で競合他社を上回る)と述べられています。





**単語帳: グローバリゼーションとビジネス**

1. **Globalization (グローバリゼーション)**
   - (noun) The process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale.
   - Example: Globalization has brought about significant changes in the business landscape.

2. **Cross-cultural (異文化)**
   - (adjective) Relating to or involving different cultures or cultural elements.
   - Example: Employees need strong cross-cultural communication skills in a globalized work environment.

3. **Inclusivity (包括性)**
   - (noun) The practice or policy of providing equal access to opportunities and resources for people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized.
   - Example: Businesses that prioritize inclusivity often have a more diverse and effective workforce.

4. **Competitors (競合他社)**
   - (noun) Other companies or individuals offering similar products or services and competing for the same customers.
   - Example: In the global market, businesses need to outperform their competitors to succeed.

5. **Prioritize (優先する)**
   - (verb) To treat or consider something as more important than other things; to give priority to.
   - Example: Successful businesses prioritize diversity and inclusivity in their strategies.

6. **Performance (業績)**
   - (noun) The accomplishment of a task with regard to the requirements or expectations.
   - Example: Businesses that prioritize diversity often see improved performance in the global market.

7. **Demand (需要)**
   - (noun) The desire, willingness, and ability to purchase a product or service.
   - Example: Globalization has led to an increased demand for employees with specific skills.




1. Our company is committed to ___________ environmentally friendly practices in all aspects of our business.

2. The new software has significantly improved the efficiency of our ___________ processes.

3. Please make sure to submit your expense ___________ by the end of the week for reimbursement.

4. The marketing team is currently working on a ___________ campaign to promote our latest product.

5. The manager asked the team to provide a detailed ___________ of the project's progress during the meeting.

6. The conference room is equipped with state-of-the-art ___________ for presentations and video conferences.

7. The CEO expressed gratitude for the employees' hard work and ___________ in achieving the company's goals.

8. The finance department is responsible for ___________ and managing the company's budget effectively.

9. The company's commitment to ___________ diversity is reflected in its inclusive hiring practices.

10. The training program includes modules on time management and effective ___________ skills.


1. promoting
2. manufacturing
3. reports
4. promotional
5. update
6. facilities
7. dedication
8. monitoring
9. fostering
10. communication




1. resumption - 再開
2. Hamas - ハマス(イスラエルとの紛争で知られるパレスチナの政治組織)
3. ceasefire - 一時停戦
4. expire - 期限切れになる
5. warring sides - 交戦中の勢力
6. blame - 非難する
7. health ministry - 健康省
8. aid - 援助
9. Rafah crossing - ラファー・クロッシング(エジプトとガザ地区を結ぶ国境地帯)
10. infiltrate - 潜入する
11. jet fighters - 戦闘機
12. reconnaissance planes - 偵察機
13. target - 標的とする
14. north-western - 北西の
15. Khan Younis - カーン・ユーニス(ガザ地区の都市)
16. Iron Dome defense system - アイアンドーム防空システム
17. catastrophic - 壊滅的な
18. spokesman - 広報担当者
19. surge - 急増
20. battlefield - 戦場
21. shrapnel injuries - 破片傷
22. humanitarian situation - 人道的状況
23. shortage - 不足
24. displaced people - 避難民
25. cooking gas - 調理用ガス
26. provisions - 食料・物資
27. Philippe Lazzarini - フィリップ・ラザリーニ(UNRWAの長)
28. relief agency - 救済機関
29. Palestinian refugees - パレスチナ難民
30. Mark Regev - マーク・レーグヴ(イスラエル首相の高級顧問)
31. hostages - 人質
32. military service - 軍務
33. military strikes - 軍事攻撃
34. command centres - 指揮中心
35. underground sites - 地下施設
36. rubble - がれき




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