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こんにちは. JPです。In this article, we will talk about the smart contract, KittyAuctions.


This smart contract in ERC721 is about buying, selling and siring of Cats. Hence, KittyAuctions.


/// @title Handles creating auctions for sale and siring of kitties.
///  This wrapper of ReverseAuction exists only so that users can create
///  auctions with only one transaction.
contract KittyAuction is KittyBreeding {

    // @notice The auction contract variables are defined in KittyBase to allow
    //  us to refer to them in KittyOwnership to prevent accidental transfers.
    // `saleAuction` refers to the auction for gen0 and p2p sale of kitties.
    // `siringAuction` refers to the auction for siring rights of kitties.

    /// @dev Sets the reference to the sale auction.
    /// @param _address - Address of sale contract.
    function setSaleAuctionAddress(address _address) external onlyCEO {
        SaleClockAuction candidateContract = SaleClockAuction(_address);

        // NOTE: verify that a contract is what we expect - https://github.com/Lunyr/crowdsale-contracts/blob/cfadd15986c30521d8ba7d5b6f57b4fefcc7ac38/contracts/LunyrToken.sol#L117

        // Set the new contract address
        saleAuction = candidateContract;

    /// @dev Sets the reference to the siring auction.
    /// @param _address - Address of siring contract.
    function setSiringAuctionAddress(address _address) external onlyCEO {
        SiringClockAuction candidateContract = SiringClockAuction(_address);

        // NOTE: verify that a contract is what we expect - https://github.com/Lunyr/crowdsale-contracts/blob/cfadd15986c30521d8ba7d5b6f57b4fefcc7ac38/contracts/LunyrToken.sol#L117

        // Set the new contract address
        siringAuction = candidateContract;

    /// @dev Put a kitty up for auction.
    ///  Does some ownership trickery to create auctions in one tx.
    function createSaleAuction(
        uint256 _kittyId,
        uint256 _startingPrice,
        uint256 _endingPrice,
        uint256 _duration
        // Auction contract checks input sizes
        // If kitty is already on any auction, this will throw
        // because it will be owned by the auction contract.
        require(_owns(msg.sender, _kittyId));
        // Ensure the kitty is not pregnant to prevent the auction
        // contract accidentally receiving ownership of the child.
        // NOTE: the kitty IS allowed to be in a cooldown.
        _approve(_kittyId, saleAuction);
        // Sale auction throws if inputs are invalid and clears
        // transfer and sire approval after escrowing the kitty.

    /// @dev Put a kitty up for auction to be sire.
    ///  Performs checks to ensure the kitty can be sired, then
    ///  delegates to reverse auction.
    function createSiringAuction(
        uint256 _kittyId,
        uint256 _startingPrice,
        uint256 _endingPrice,
        uint256 _duration
        // Auction contract checks input sizes
        // If kitty is already on any auction, this will throw
        // because it will be owned by the auction contract.
        require(_owns(msg.sender, _kittyId));
        _approve(_kittyId, siringAuction);
        // Siring auction throws if inputs are invalid and clears
        // transfer and sire approval after escrowing the kitty.

    /// @dev Completes a siring auction by bidding.
    ///  Immediately breeds the winning matron with the sire on auction.
    /// @param _sireId - ID of the sire on auction.
    /// @param _matronId - ID of the matron owned by the bidder.
    function bidOnSiringAuction(
        uint256 _sireId,
        uint256 _matronId
        // Auction contract checks input sizes
        require(_owns(msg.sender, _matronId));
        require(_canBreedWithViaAuction(_matronId, _sireId));

        // Define the current price of the auction.
        uint256 currentPrice = siringAuction.getCurrentPrice(_sireId);
        require(msg.value >= currentPrice + autoBirthFee);

        // Siring auction will throw if the bid fails.
        siringAuction.bid.value(msg.value - autoBirthFee)(_sireId);
        _breedWith(uint32(_matronId), uint32(_sireId));

    /// @dev Transfers the balance of the sale auction contract
    /// to the KittyCore contract. We use two-step withdrawal to
    /// prevent two transfer calls in the auction bid function.
    function withdrawAuctionBalances() external onlyCLevel {

For auctioning or bidding on cats or siring services, the methods are public. The auction functionality calls two sibling contracts (one for sales and one for siring), while auction creation and bidding is mostly brought about in the core contract.

    // @notice The auction contract variables are defined in KittyBase to allow
    //  us to refer to them in KittyOwnership to prevent accidental transfers.
    // `saleAuction` refers to the auction for gen0 and p2p sale of kitties.
    // `siringAuction` refers to the auction for siring rights of kitties.

    /// @dev Sets the reference to the sale auction.
    /// @param _address - Address of sale contract.
    function setSaleAuctionAddress(address _address) external onlyCEO {
        SaleClockAuction candidateContract = SaleClockAuction(_address);

        // NOTE: verify that a contract is what we expect - https://github.com/Lunyr/crowdsale-contracts/blob/cfadd15986c30521d8ba7d5b6f57b4fefcc7ac38/contracts/LunyrToken.sol#L117

        // Set the new contract address
        saleAuction = candidateContract;

    /// @dev Sets the reference to the siring auction.
    /// @param _address - Address of siring contract.
    function setSiringAuctionAddress(address _address) external onlyCEO {
        SiringClockAuction candidateContract = SiringClockAuction(_address);

        // NOTE: verify that a contract is what we expect - https://github.com/Lunyr/crowdsale-contracts/blob/cfadd15986c30521d8ba7d5b6f57b4fefcc7ac38/contracts/LunyrToken.sol#L117

        // Set the new contract address
        siringAuction = candidateContract;

function setSaleAuctionAddress() and setSiringAuctionAddress()

As per the developers, this auction functionality is split into “sibling” contracts because of its complexity in order to avoid disrupting the main contract of KittyOwnership during upgrade.

This contract contains the functions setSaleAuctionAddress() and setSiringAuctionAddress(), which can only be called by the CEO. These sets the address of an external contract that handles these functions.

    /// @dev Sets the reference to the sale auction.
    /// @param _address - Address of sale contract.
    function setSaleAuctionAddress(address _address) external onlyCEO {
        SaleClockAuction candidateContract = SaleClockAuction(_address);

        // NOTE: verify that a contract is what we expect - https://github.com/Lunyr/crowdsale-contracts/blob/cfadd15986c30521d8ba7d5b6f57b4fefcc7ac38/contracts/LunyrToken.sol#L117

        // Set the new contract address
        saleAuction = candidateContract;

    /// @dev Sets the reference to the siring auction.
    /// @param _address - Address of siring contract.
    function setSiringAuctionAddress(address _address) external onlyCEO {
        SiringClockAuction candidateContract = SiringClockAuction(_address);

        // NOTE: verify that a contract is what we expect - https://github.com/Lunyr/crowdsale-contracts/blob/cfadd15986c30521d8ba7d5b6f57b4fefcc7ac38/contracts/LunyrToken.sol#L117

        // Set the new contract address
        siringAuction = candidateContract;

“Siring” means to pimp and put your cat up for auction. When another user wins, they can pay you Ether for your cat to breed with theirs. Another thing to note, even if CryptoKitties contract is immutable, the CEO has the power to change the address of these auction contracts down the line, in turn changing the rules of the auctions.

function createSaleAuction()

    /// @dev Put a kitty up for auction.
    ///  Does some ownership trickery to create auctions in one tx.
    function createSaleAuction(
        uint256 _kittyId,
        uint256 _startingPrice,
        uint256 _endingPrice,
        uint256 _duration
        // Auction contract checks input sizes
        // If kitty is already on any auction, this will throw
        // because it will be owned by the auction contract.
        require(_owns(msg.sender, _kittyId));
        // Ensure the kitty is not pregnant to prevent the auction
        // contract accidentally receiving ownership of the child.
        // NOTE: the kitty IS allowed to be in a cooldown.
        _approve(_kittyId, saleAuction);
        // Sale auction throws if inputs are invalid and clears
        // transfer and sire approval after escrowing the kitty.

This function, createSaleAuction() put a cat up for auction and does some ownership trickery to create auctions in one transaction. If the cat is already on any auction, it will not push through. Another case is if the cat is pregnant, it will not push through.

    /// @dev Put a kitty up for auction to be sire.
    ///  Performs checks to ensure the kitty can be sired, then
    ///  delegates to reverse auction.
    function createSiringAuction(
        uint256 _kittyId,
        uint256 _startingPrice,
        uint256 _endingPrice,
        uint256 _duration
        // Auction contract checks input sizes
        // If kitty is already on any auction, this will throw
        // because it will be owned by the auction contract.
        require(_owns(msg.sender, _kittyId));
        _approve(_kittyId, siringAuction);
        // Siring auction throws if inputs are invalid and clears
        // transfer and sire approval after escrowing the kitty.

function createSiringAuction()

In createSiringAuction(), the sire puts a cat up for auction . If the cat is already on any auction, it will not push through.

    /// @dev Completes a siring auction by bidding.
    ///  Immediately breeds the winning matron with the sire on auction.
    /// @param _sireId - ID of the sire on auction.
    /// @param _matronId - ID of the matron owned by the bidder.
    function bidOnSiringAuction(
        uint256 _sireId,
        uint256 _matronId
        // Auction contract checks input sizes
        require(_owns(msg.sender, _matronId));
        require(_canBreedWithViaAuction(_matronId, _sireId));

        // Define the current price of the auction.
        uint256 currentPrice = siringAuction.getCurrentPrice(_sireId);
        require(msg.value >= currentPrice + autoBirthFee);

        // Siring auction will throw if the bid fails.
        siringAuction.bid.value(msg.value - autoBirthFee)(_sireId);
        _breedWith(uint32(_matronId), uint32(_sireId));


This function, createSiringAuction() completes a siring auction by bidding and immediately breeds the winning matron with the sire or the one who created the auction.

function withdrawAuctionBalances()

    /// @dev Transfers the balance of the sale auction contract
    /// to the KittyCore contract. We use two-step withdrawal to
    /// prevent two transfer calls in the auction bid function.
    function withdrawAuctionBalances() external onlyCLevel {

In this function, only C Level can transfer the balance of the sale auction contract to the KittyCore contract.


Now, we learned how KittyAuction contract works. It is implemented by setting the sale and siring functions handled in two sibling contracts to avoid disrupting the core KittyOwnership contract. We also learned how buying, selling, and siring of cats work, and the creation and bidding of an auction. Till the next article! じゃあね!




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