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More than 5 years have passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2019-05-20




sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mysql-server
sudo mysql --user=root mysql


ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'pass1';



mysql -uroot -ppass1


create database cebu_college_1;


use cebu_college_1;
CREATE TABLE `students` (
  `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `subject_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `email` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `gender` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `age` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `opinion` text,
  `created_at` datetime NOT NULL,
  `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

CREATE TABLE `subjects` (
  `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `created_at` datetime NOT NULL,
  `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

CREATE TABLE `clubs` (
  `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `created_at` datetime NOT NULL,
  `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

CREATE TABLE `club_students` (
  `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `student_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  `club_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  `created_at` datetime NOT NULL,
  `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

CREATE TABLE `exam_results` (
  `id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `student_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,
  `score` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `created_at` datetime NOT NULL,
  `updated_at` datetime NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)


show tables;

| Tables_in_cebu_college_1 |
| club_students |
| clubs |
| exam_results |
| students |
| subjects |


insert文は、INSERT INTO テーブル名(カラム名1, カラム名2) VALUE ('データ1', 'データ2')という感じで書きます。



INSERT INTO subjects (name, created_at, updated_at) VALUE  ('工学部', now(), now());
INSERT INTO subjects (name, created_at, updated_at) VALUE  ('農学部', now(), now());
INSERT INTO subjects (name, created_at, updated_at) VALUE  ('国際学部', now(), now());


SELECT * FROM subjects;

| id | name | created_at | updated_at |
| 1 | 工学部 | 2019-05-20 05:35:52 | 2019-05-20 05:35:52 |
| 2 | 農学部 | 2019-05-20 05:35:52 | 2019-05-20 05:35:52 |
| 3 | 国際学部 | 2019-05-20 05:35:53 | 2019-05-20 05:35:53 |



INSERT INTO students (subject_id, name,  email, gender, age, opinion, created_at, updated_at) VALUE  (1, '山田1太郎', 'cebu_college+1@gmail.com', 0, 19, 'その他1', now(), now());
INSERT INTO students (subject_id, name,  email, gender, age, opinion, created_at, updated_at) VALUE  (2, '山田2太郎', 'cebu_college+2@gmail.com', 1, 20, 'その他2', now(), now());
INSERT INTO students (subject_id, name,  email, gender, age, opinion, created_at, updated_at) VALUE  (3, '山田3太郎', 'cebu_college+3@gmail.com', 0, 21, 'その他3', now(), now());
INSERT INTO students (subject_id, name,  email, gender, age, opinion, created_at, updated_at) VALUE  (3, '山田4太郎', 'cebu_college+4@gmail.com', 1, 22, 'その他4', now(), now());
INSERT INTO students (subject_id, name,  email, gender, age, opinion, created_at, updated_at) VALUE  (3, '山田5太郎', 'cebu_college+5@gmail.com', 0, 25, 'その他5', now(), now());
INSERT INTO students (subject_id, name,  email, gender, age, opinion, created_at, updated_at) VALUE  (3, '山田6太郎', 'cebu_college+6@gmail.com', 1, 20, 'その他6', now(), now());
INSERT INTO students (subject_id, name,  email, gender, age, opinion, created_at, updated_at) VALUE  (1, '山田7太郎', 'cebu_college+7@gmail.com', 0, 21, 'その他7', now(), now());
INSERT INTO students (subject_id, name,  email, gender, age, opinion, created_at, updated_at) VALUE  (2, '山田8太郎', 'cebu_college+8@gmail.com', 1, 22, 'その他8', now(), now());
INSERT INTO students (subject_id, name,  email, gender, age, opinion, created_at, updated_at) VALUE  (3, '山田9太郎', 'cebu_college+9@gmail.com', 0, 24, 'その他9', now(), now());
INSERT INTO students (subject_id, name,  email, gender, age, opinion, created_at, updated_at) VALUE  (1, '山田10太郎', 'cebu_college+10@gmail.com', 1, 28, 'その他10', now(), now());


SELECT * FROM students;

| id | subject_id | name | email | gender | age | opinion |
| 1 | 1 | 山田1太郎 | cebu_college+1@gmail.com | 0 | 19 | その他1 |
| 2 | 2 | 山田2太郎 | cebu_college+2@gmail.com | 1 | 20 | その他2 |
| 3 | 3 | 山田3太郎 | cebu_college+3@gmail.com | 0 | 21 | その他3 |
| 4 | 3 | 山田4太郎 | cebu_college+4@gmail.com | 1 | 22 | その他4 |
| 5 | 3 | 山田5太郎 | cebu_college+5@gmail.com | 0 | 25 | その他5 |
| 6 | 3 | 山田6太郎 | cebu_college+6@gmail.com | 1 | 20 | その他6 |
| 7 | 1 | 山田7太郎 | cebu_college+7@gmail.com | 0 | 21 | その他7 |
| 8 | 2 | 山田8太郎 | cebu_college+8@gmail.com | 1 | 22 | その他8 |
| 9 | 3 | 山田9太郎 | cebu_college+9@gmail.com | 0 | 24 | その他9 |
| 10 | 1 | 山田10太郎 | cebu_college+10@gmail.com | 1 | 28 | その他10 |


INSERT INTO exam_results (student_id, name,  score, created_at, updated_at) VALUE  (1, '英語', 90, now(), now());
INSERT INTO exam_results (student_id, name,  score, created_at, updated_at) VALUE  (1, '心理学', 80, now(), now());
INSERT INTO exam_results (student_id, name,  score, created_at, updated_at) VALUE  (2, 'フランス語', 88, now(), now());
INSERT INTO exam_results (student_id, name,  score, created_at, updated_at) VALUE  (2, 'ジェンダー学', 80, now(), now());
INSERT INTO exam_results (student_id, name,  score, created_at, updated_at) VALUE  (2, '体育', 60, now(), now());
INSERT INTO exam_results (student_id, name,  score, created_at, updated_at) VALUE  (3, 'ドイツ語', 74, now(), now());
INSERT INTO exam_results (student_id, name,  score, created_at, updated_at) VALUE  (4, '体育', 70, now(), now());
INSERT INTO exam_results (student_id, name,  score, created_at, updated_at) VALUE  (5, '心理学', 35, now(), now());
INSERT INTO exam_results (student_id, name,  score, created_at, updated_at) VALUE  (6, 'ジェンダー学', 98, now(), now());
INSERT INTO exam_results (student_id, name,  score, created_at, updated_at) VALUE  (7, '英語', 98, now(), now());
INSERT INTO exam_results (student_id, name,  score, created_at, updated_at) VALUE  (8, 'フランス語', 75, now(), now());
INSERT INTO exam_results (student_id, name,  score, created_at, updated_at) VALUE  (9, 'ドイツ語', 85, now(), now());
INSERT INTO exam_results (student_id, name,  score, created_at, updated_at) VALUE  (10, '体育', 100, now(), now());
INSERT INTO exam_results (student_id, name,  score, created_at, updated_at) VALUE  (10, 'フランス語', 32, now(), now());
INSERT INTO exam_results (student_id, name,  score, created_at, updated_at) VALUE  (10, 'ドイツ語', 41, now(), now());


SELECT id, student_id, name, score FROM exam_results;

| id | student_id | name | score |
| 1 | 1 | 英語 | 90 |
| 2 | 1 | 心理学 | 80 |
| 3 | 2 | フランス語 | 88 |
| 4 | 2 | ジェンダー学 | 80 |
| 5 | 2 | 体育 | 60 |
| 6 | 3 | ドイツ語 | 74 |
| 7 | 4 | 体育 | 70 |
| 8 | 5 | 心理学 | 35 |
| 9 | 6 | ジェンダー学 | 98 |
| 10 | 7 | 英語 | 98 |
| 11 | 8 | フランス語 | 75 |
| 12 | 9 | ドイツ語 | 85 |
| 13 | 10 | 体育 | 100 |
| 14 | 10 | フランス語 | 32 |
| 15 | 10 | ドイツ語 | 41 |


INSERT INTO clubs (name, created_at, updated_at) VALUE  ('サッカー', now(), now());
INSERT INTO clubs (name, created_at, updated_at) VALUE  ('囲碁', now(), now());
INSERT INTO clubs (name, created_at, updated_at) VALUE  ('野球', now(), now());
INSERT INTO clubs (name, created_at, updated_at) VALUE  ('柔道', now(), now());
INSERT INTO clubs (name, created_at, updated_at) VALUE  ('空手', now(), now());
INSERT INTO clubs (name, created_at, updated_at) VALUE  ('将棋', now(), now());


SELECT id, name FROM clubs;

| id | name |
| 1 | サッカー |
| 2 | 囲碁 |
| 3 | 野球 |
| 4 | 柔道 |
| 5 | 空手 |
| 6 | 将棋 |


INSERT INTO club_students (student_id, club_id, created_at, updated_at) VALUE  (1, 1, now(), now());
INSERT INTO club_students (student_id, club_id, created_at, updated_at) VALUE  (1, 2, now(), now());
INSERT INTO club_students (student_id, club_id, created_at, updated_at) VALUE  (2, 3, now(), now());
INSERT INTO club_students (student_id, club_id, created_at, updated_at) VALUE  (3, 4, now(), now());
INSERT INTO club_students (student_id, club_id, created_at, updated_at) VALUE  (3, 5, now(), now());
INSERT INTO club_students (student_id, club_id, created_at, updated_at) VALUE  (6, 6, now(), now());
INSERT INTO club_students (student_id, club_id, created_at, updated_at) VALUE  (6, 1, now(), now());
INSERT INTO club_students (student_id, club_id, created_at, updated_at) VALUE  (7, 1, now(), now());
INSERT INTO club_students (student_id, club_id, created_at, updated_at) VALUE  (8, 3, now(), now());
INSERT INTO club_students (student_id, club_id, created_at, updated_at) VALUE  (9, 5, now(), now());
INSERT INTO club_students (student_id, club_id, created_at, updated_at) VALUE  (10, 4, now(), now());
INSERT INTO club_students (student_id, club_id, created_at, updated_at) VALUE  (10, 5, now(), now());
INSERT INTO club_students (student_id, club_id, created_at, updated_at) VALUE  (10, 2, now(), now());


FROM students
INNER JOIN club_students
  ON students.id = club_students.student_id
  ON club_students.club_id = clubs.id
ORDER BY students.id ASC;

| name | name |
| 山田1太郎 | サッカー |
| 山田1太郎 | 囲碁 |
| 山田2太郎 | 野球 |
| 山田3太郎 | 柔道 |
| 山田3太郎 | 空手 |
| 山田6太郎 | 将棋 |
| 山田6太郎 | サッカー |
| 山田7太郎 | サッカー |
| 山田8太郎 | 野球 |
| 山田9太郎 | 空手 |
| 山田10太郎 | 柔道 |
| 山田10太郎 | 空手 |
| 山田10太郎 | 囲碁 |



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