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Piet.exe hi.bmp 16



Piet.exe hi.bmp 16 -t


trace: step 0
0,0 -> push(st,9) -> 48,0
trace: stack: 9 

trace: step 1
3,0 -> push(st,8) -> 96,47
trace: stack: 8 9 

trace: step 2
6,2 -> mul(st) -> 112,47
trace: stack: 72 

trace: step 3
7,2 -> duplicate(st) -> 128,47
trace: stack: 72 72 

trace: step 4
8,2 -> Houtc(st) -> 144,47
trace: stack: 72 

trace: step 5
9,2 -> push(st,11) -> 159,96
trace: stack: 11 72 

trace: step 6
9,6 -> push(st,3) -> 159,112
trace: stack: 3 11 72 

trace: step 7
9,7 -> mul(st) -> 159,128
trace: stack: 33 72 

trace: step 8
9,8 -> add(st) -> 159,144
trace: stack: 105 

trace: step 9
9,9 -> ioutc(st) -> 143,144
trace: stack: 

trace: step 10
8,9 -> push(st,10) -> 95,64
trace: stack: 10 

trace: step 11
5,4 -> 
outc(st) -> 79,64
trace: stack: 

trace: step 12
4,4 ->  -> 79,64
trace: stack: 





#pragma once
#include "CImg.h"
#include <vector>
#include <stack>

using namespace cimg_library;
using Pos = std::pair<int, int>;
const int T_hue = 6;
const int T_brightness = 3;

const unsigned int color24[20] = { 0xffc0c0, 0xff0000, 0xc00000, 0xffffc0, 0xffff00, 0xc0c000, 0xc0ffc0, 0x00ff00, 0x00c000, 0xc0ffff, 0x00ffff, 0x00c0c0, 0xc0c0ff, 0x0000ff, 0x0000c0, 0xffc0ff, 0xff00ff, 0xc000c0, 0x000000, 0xffffff }; // color24[b+T_brightness*h]

class Vec2i // int型を要素とする二次元ベクトルクラス
	int i, j;
	Vec2i() {}
	Vec2i(int i, int j) : i{ i }, j{ j }
	int operator()(int en) const // 要素に添字でアクセスする
		return (en == 0 ? i : j);
	bool operator==(const Vec2i& v)
		if (this->i == v.i && this->j == v.j) return true;
		else return false;
	Vec2i rotate(double theta) const // theta > 0 --> clockwise
		Vec2i ret;
		ret.i = std::round(i * cos(theta) - j * sin(theta));
		ret.j = std::round(i * sin(theta) + j * cos(theta));
		return ret;
	void Print(int codel_size = 1)
		std::cout << i / codel_size << "," << j / codel_size;// << std::endl;

class CC
	CC(int lr) : lr{ lr }
	int lr; // l--> -1, r--> +1

class Color
	int hue; //  F  
	int brightness;

Color get_color(const CImg<unsigned char>& img, const Vec2i& pos)
	int i = pos.i, j = pos.j;
	Color ret;
	ret.hue = ret.brightness = -1;
	unsigned char r = img(i, j, 0, 0);
	unsigned char g = img(i, j, 0, 1);
	unsigned char b = img(i, j, 0, 2);

	unsigned int c = (r << 16) | (g << 8) | (b);

	if (0x000000 == c)
		ret.hue = 0;
		ret.brightness = 0;
	else if (0xffffff == c)
		ret.hue = 255;
		ret.brightness = 255;
		for (int h = 0; h < T_hue; h++)
			for (int b = 0; b < T_brightness; b++)
				if (c == color24[b + T_brightness * h])
					ret.hue = h + 1;
					ret.brightness = b + 1;
					return ret;

	return ret;

Color d_color(const Color& c0, const Color& c1) // calculate the difference of the color
	Color ret;
	int d_hue = c1.hue - c0.hue;
	int d_brightness = c1.brightness - c0.brightness;

	ret.hue = (d_hue >= 0 ? d_hue : d_hue + T_hue);
	ret.brightness = (d_brightness >= 0 ? d_brightness : d_brightness + T_brightness);

	return ret;

bool is_island(const CImg<unsigned char>& img, const Vec2i& pos, const Color& color)
	Color c = get_color(img, pos);
	if (c.hue == color.hue && c.brightness == color.brightness) return true;
	else return false;

std::vector<Vec2i> get_island(const CImg<unsigned char>& img, const Vec2i& pos0) 
	Color color = get_color(img, pos0);
	int width = img.width();
	int height = img.height();

	std::stack<Vec2i> spos;

	std::vector<Vec2i> island;

	std::vector<Vec2i> done;

	while (!spos.empty())
		Vec2i pos_cur = spos.top(); spos.pop(); // current node

		// push all of child nodes
		for (int di = -1; di <= 1; di += 2) // search left or right
			Vec2i pos = pos_cur;
			pos.i += di;

			if (pos.i < width && pos.i >= 0 && is_island(img, pos, color))
				if (find(done.begin(), done.end(), pos) == done.end()) spos.push(pos), done.push_back(pos); //  

		for (int dj = -1; dj <= 1; dj += 2) // search up or down
			Vec2i pos = pos_cur;
			pos.j += dj;

			if (pos.j < height && pos.j >= 0 && is_island(img, pos, color))
				if (find(done.begin(), done.end(), pos) == done.end()) spos.push(pos), done.push_back(pos); // 
	return island;


#pragma once
#include "color.h"
void push(std::stack<int>& st, int S)

bool pop(std::stack<int>& st)
	if (st.size() == 0) return false;
	int ret = st.top();
	return true;

bool add(std::stack<int>& st)
	if (st.size() < 2) return false;

	int e0 = st.top(); st.pop();
	int e1 = st.top(); st.pop();

	st.push(e0 + e1);
	return true;

bool sub(std::stack<int>& st)
	if (st.size() < 2) return false;

	int e0 = st.top(); st.pop();
	int e1 = st.top(); st.pop();

	st.push(e1 - e0);
	return true;

bool mul(std::stack<int>& st)
	if (st.size() < 2) return false;

	int e0 = st.top(); st.pop();
	int e1 = st.top(); st.pop();

	st.push(e1 * e0);
	return true;

bool div(std::stack<int>& st)
	if (st.size() < 2) return false;

	int e0 = st.top(); st.pop();
	int e1 = st.top(); st.pop();

	if (e0 == 0) return false;

	st.push(e1 / e0);
	return true;

bool mod(std::stack<int>& st)
	if (st.size() < 2) return false;

	int e0 = st.top(); st.pop();
	int e1 = st.top(); st.pop();

	if (e0 == 0) return false;

	//	st.push(e1%e0);
	int r = e1 - e0 * (int)(e1 / e0);
	return true;

bool Not(std::stack<int>& st)
	if (st.size() == 0) return false;

	int e0 = st.top(); st.pop();

	if (e0 == 0) st.push(1);
	else st.push(0);
	return true;

bool greater(std::stack<int>& st)
	if (st.size() < 2) return false;

	int e0 = st.top(); st.pop();
	int e1 = st.top(); st.pop();

	if (e1 > e0) st.push(1);
	else st.push(0);
	return true;

bool pointer(std::stack<int>& st, Vec2i& dp)
	if (st.size() == 0) return false;

	int e0 = st.top(); st.pop();
	dp = dp.rotate(e0 * M_PI / 2.);
	return true;

bool Switch(std::stack<int>& st, CC& cc)
	if (st.size() == 0) return false;

	int e0 = st.top(); st.pop();
	for (int n = 0; n < std::abs(e0); n++) cc.lr *= -1;
	return true;

bool duplicate(std::stack<int>& st)
	if (st.size() == 0) return false;

	int e0 = st.top();

	return true;

bool roll(std::stack<int>& st) // n==0ソソソソソ
	if (st.size() < 2) return false;

	int c = st.top(); st.pop();
	int n = st.top(); st.pop();

	if (n < 0 || st.size() < n) return false;

	if (c > 0)
		//		std::cout << "c = " << c << std::endl;
		for (int ci = 0; ci < c; ci++)
			std::stack<int> tst;
			int top = st.top(); st.pop();
			for (int m = 0; m < n - 1; m++)
				tst.push(st.top()); st.pop();
			for (int m = 0; m < n - 1; m++)
				st.push(tst.top()); tst.pop();
		for (int ci = 0; ci < -c; ci++)
			std::stack<int> tst;
			for (int m = 0; m < n; m++)
				tst.push(st.top()); st.pop();
			int top = tst.top(); tst.pop();
			for (int m = 0; m < n - 1; m++)
				st.push(tst.top()); tst.pop();

	return true;

bool outc(std::stack<int>& st)
	//	std::cout << "out-->";
	if (st.size() == 0) return false;
	char c = st.top(); st.pop();
	//	std::cout << (int)c << "<--";
	//	std::cout << c;
	printf("%c", c);
	return true;

bool outn(std::stack<int>& st)
	//	std::cout << "out-->";
	if (st.size() == 0) return false;
	int c = st.top(); st.pop();
	//	std::cout << c << "<--";
	printf("%d", c);
	return true;

bool in(std::stack<int>& st)
	int i;
	std::cin >> i;
	return true;

bool inc(std::stack<int>& st)
	char c;
	std::cin >> c;
	return true;

void op(const Color& dc, std::stack<int>& st, Vec2i& dp, CC& cc, int S, bool debug = false)
	if (dc.hue == 0 && dc.brightness == 1) push(st, S);
	else if (dc.hue == 0 && dc.brightness == 2) pop(st);
	else if (dc.hue == 1 && dc.brightness == 0) add(st);
	else if (dc.hue == 1 && dc.brightness == 1) sub(st);
	else if (dc.hue == 1 && dc.brightness == 2) mul(st);
	else if (dc.hue == 2 && dc.brightness == 0) div(st);
	else if (dc.hue == 2 && dc.brightness == 1) mod(st);
	else if (dc.hue == 2 && dc.brightness == 2) Not(st);
	else if (dc.hue == 3 && dc.brightness == 0) greater(st);
	else if (dc.hue == 3 && dc.brightness == 1) pointer(st, dp);
	else if (dc.hue == 3 && dc.brightness == 2) Switch(st, cc);
	else if (dc.hue == 4 && dc.brightness == 0) duplicate(st);
	else if (dc.hue == 4 && dc.brightness == 1) roll(st);
	else if (dc.hue == 4 && dc.brightness == 2) in(st);
	else if (dc.hue == 5 && dc.brightness == 0) inc(st);
	else if (dc.hue == 5 && dc.brightness == 1) outn(st);
	else if (dc.hue == 5 && dc.brightness == 2) outc(st);

	if (debug)
		if (dc.hue == 0 && dc.brightness == 1) std::cout << "push(st," << S << ")";
		else if (dc.hue == 0 && dc.brightness == 2) std::cout << "pop(st)";
		else if (dc.hue == 1 && dc.brightness == 0) std::cout << "add(st)";
		else if (dc.hue == 1 && dc.brightness == 1) std::cout << "sub(st)";
		else if (dc.hue == 1 && dc.brightness == 2) std::cout << "mul(st)";
		else if (dc.hue == 2 && dc.brightness == 0) std::cout << "div(st)";
		else if (dc.hue == 2 && dc.brightness == 1) std::cout << "mod(st)";
		else if (dc.hue == 2 && dc.brightness == 2) std::cout << "Not(st)";
		else if (dc.hue == 3 && dc.brightness == 0) std::cout << "greater(st)";
		else if (dc.hue == 3 && dc.brightness == 1) std::cout << "pointer(st, dp)";
		else if (dc.hue == 3 && dc.brightness == 2) std::cout << "Switch(st, cc)";
		else if (dc.hue == 4 && dc.brightness == 0) std::cout << "duplicate(st)";
		else if (dc.hue == 4 && dc.brightness == 1) std::cout << "roll(st)";
		else if (dc.hue == 4 && dc.brightness == 2) std::cout << "in_num(st)";
		else if (dc.hue == 5 && dc.brightness == 0) std::cout << "in_char(st)";
		else if (dc.hue == 5 && dc.brightness == 1) std::cout << "outn(st)";
		else if (dc.hue == 5 && dc.brightness == 2) std::cout << "outc(st)";


#include <stdio.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include "operation.h"
#include "color.h"

using Bmp = CImg<unsigned char>;

int sign(int num)
	if (num > 0) return 1;
	else if (num < 0) return -1;
	else return 0;

std::vector<Vec2i> find_edge(const Bmp& img, const Vec2i& pos0, const Vec2i& dp)
	std::vector<Vec2i> ret;
	std::vector<Vec2i> island = get_island(img, pos0);

	int i = (dp.i != 0 ? 0 : 1); // DP方向の添字
	std::sort(island.begin(), island.end(), [&](const Vec2i& p0, const Vec2i& p1)
			return (p0(i) < p1(i)); // 昇順
	int distance_to_edge = island.back()(i) - pos0(i); // +方向に進むときのedgeには必ずisland.back()が含まれる
	if (dp(i) < 0) distance_to_edge = island[0](i) - pos0(i); //  -方向に進むときのedgeには必ずisland[0]が含まれる

	int n0 = (dp(i) < 0 ? 0 : island.size() - 1); // -方向に進むときはisland[0]から順探索, +方向に進むときはisland.back()から逆探索
	int n1 = (dp(i) < 0 ? island.size() - 1 : 0); // 

	for (int n = n0; n * (-sign(dp(i))) <= n1; n -= dp(i))
		int d = island[n](i) - pos0(i);
		if (d == distance_to_edge) ret.push_back(island[n]); // DP方向に最も遠い画素はedgeに含まれる

	return ret;

Vec2i cc_direction(const Vec2i& dp, const CC& cc) // edgeから出る方向を決定する
	double theta;
	if (cc.lr == -1) theta = -M_PI / 2.;
	else theta = M_PI / 2.;

	return dp.rotate(theta);

Vec2i find_end_point(const std::vector<Vec2i>& edge, const Vec2i& dp, const CC& cc) // edgeの中で最もCC方向にあるコーデルがカラーブロック中の終端 (end_point)
	std::vector<Vec2i> Edge = edge;
	Vec2i direction = cc_direction(dp, cc);
	int i = (direction.i != 0 ? i = 0 : i = 1); // CC方向の添字
	std::sort(Edge.begin(), Edge.end(), [&](const Vec2i& p0, const Vec2i& p1)
			return (p0(i) < p1(i)); // 昇順
	if (direction(i) < 0) return Edge[0];
	else return Edge.back();

bool range_check(const Bmp& img, const Vec2i& pos)
	int width = img.width();
	int height = img.height();
	if (pos.i >= 0 && pos.i < width && pos.j >= 0 && pos.j < height) return true;
	else return false;


Vec2i find_move_point(const Bmp& img, const Vec2i& pos, Vec2i& dp, CC& cc) // 移動先座標を返す
	int width = img.width();
	int height = img.height();

	Vec2i end_point;
	if (get_color(img, pos).hue == 255)
		end_point = pos;
		std::vector<Vec2i> edge = find_edge(img, pos, dp);
		end_point = find_end_point(edge, dp, cc);

	Vec2i ret(end_point.i + dp.i, end_point.j + dp.j);

	if (range_check(img, ret) && get_color(img, ret).hue != 0)
		return ret;
	else // 移動先が黒、または画像外の時は移動できない
		return pos;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
	bool debug = false;

	CImg<unsigned char> img(argv[1]);
	int width = img.width();
	int height = img.height();
	int codel_size = atoi(argv[2]);
	if (argc==4 && std::string(argv[3]) == "-t") debug = true;

	Vec2i pos(0, 0);
	Vec2i dp(1, 0);
	CC cc(-1);

	int Nrotate = 0;
	Vec2i move_point = pos;

	std::stack<int> st;
	int step = 0;
	while (Nrotate < 4)
		int Ntry = 0;
		Nrotate = 0;

		if (debug)
			std::cout << "trace: step " << step++ << std::endl;
			std::cout << " -> ";

		// 移動先(move_point)を見つけて、演算を実行する
		if (get_color(img, pos).hue != 255)
			Color color0 = get_color(img, pos);
			std::vector<Vec2i> island = get_island(img, pos);
			int S = island.size() / codel_size / codel_size; // コーデルの面積
			while (move_point == pos) 
				switch (Ntry)
					case 0:
					case 1:
						cc.lr *= -1;
					case 2:
						dp = dp.rotate(M_PI / 2.);
						Ntry = 0;
				if (Nrotate == 4) break;
				move_point = find_move_point(img, pos, dp, cc);
			Color color1 = get_color(img, move_point);
			Color dc = d_color(color0, color1);
			if (color1.hue != 255) op(dc, st, dp, cc, S, debug);
			while (move_point == pos)
				switch (Ntry)
					case 0:
					case 1:
						cc.lr *= -1;
						dp = dp.rotate(M_PI / 2.);
						Ntry = 0;
				move_point = find_move_point(img, pos, dp, cc);

		pos = move_point;
		std::stack<int> st_tmp = st;
		if (debug)
			std::cout << " -> ";
			std::cout << std::endl;
			std::cout << "trace: stack: ";
			for (int s = 0; s < st.size(); s++) { std::cout << st_tmp.top() << " "; st_tmp.pop(); }
			std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;;

	return 0;


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