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Last updated at Posted at 2021-06-19


ls = list | list segments(コメント欄参照)
ln = link
mv = move
cd = change directory
cp = copy
rm = remove
mkdir = make directory
rmdir = remove directory
chown = change owner
chmod = change mode
cat = catenate || concatenate
tac = catの逆コマンド(ファイルを逆から出力)
grep = "g/RE/p" || globally search a regular expression and print
ping = 潜水艦などで使われるアクティブソナーの発する音波
sh = shell
bash = Bourne again shell
su = substitute user || switch user || super user
sudo = substitute user do || switch user do || super user do
vi = visual
sed = stream editor 入力(ストリーム)に対して編集を行う
uniq = unique
awk = Aho, Weinberger, Kernighan 開発者3人の名前
man = manual
pwd = print working directory
bg = background
fg = foreground
ps = process status
du = disk usage
df = disk free
dd = IBMの汎用機のJCLのDD文
passwd = password
tar = tape archive
wall = write to all users
xargs = execute arguments
eval = evaluate
uname = UNIX name
tr = translate(変換する)

/bin = binary
/sbin = system binary || static linked binary
/usr = user
/var = variable
/lib = library
/tmp = temporary
/opt = optional 追加インストールしたアプリケーションなどを配置(ユーザー各自のオプション)
/dev = device
/etc = etcetera(その他) 設定ファイルが置かれる
/proc = process
/sys = system
.so = shared object
.a = archive

tty = teletypewriter (参考:https://e-words.jp/w/TTY.html)
stdin = standard input 標準入力
rc = run command 例 .bashrc
dmesg = display message
nl = number line
od = octal dump
cpio = copy input output
tee = 標準出力からファイル出力をT字のように分岐させるから。
ldd = list dynamic dependencies
ld = link editor || LoaD
curl = client for URL
wget = Web get
spool = データを一時的に貯めておく場所
chage = change password age
wc = word count(オプション:-c=char型, -w=words, -l=lines)

netstat = network statistics(ネットワークの統計情報)
ss = socket statistics(ソケットの統計情報)
tc = trafic control
lsof = list open files
dig = domain information groper(※grope=手探りする)
nslookup = name server lookup
getent = get entries

head = 頭
tail = 尾
rev = reverse

fdisk = format disk
cfdisk = curses format disk
gdisk = GPT fdisk
parted = partition editor?
fsck = file system check
tune2fs = tune file ext2 file system parameters?
etc/mtab = mounted file system table
etc/fstab = file system table


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