
More than 5 years have passed since last update.

Anorld Renderer でコマンドラインからレンダリング

Last updated at Posted at 2015-12-06


「Arnold Rnederer」を使って、コマンドラインからレンダリング。


  • Arnold Renderer
  • .ass ファイル
  • ターミナルとkick


Solid Angle 社の開発するレンダラーです。

▲ Arnold for MayaでのArnold関連UI



今回使ったバージョンは、Arnold =、ブリッジ(MtoA) =


Arnoldがレンダリングするためのファイル。「Arnold Scene Source」でアス。

今回 .ass ファイルは、SolidAngleが用意しているサンプルを使います。








/Applications/solidangle/mtoa/2015/bin/kick -h



Arnold darwin clang-3.6.0 oiio-1.5.13 rlm-11.2.2 2015/04/28 09:54:06

  kick [option] [option] [option] ...

  -i <s>          Input .ass file
  -o <s>          Output filename
  -of <s>         Output format (none jpg tiff8 tiff16 tiff32)
  -r <n n>        Image resolution
  -sr <f>         Scale resolution <f> times in each dimension
  -rg <n n n n>   Render region (minx miny maxx maxy)
  -as <n>         Anti-aliasing samples
  -af <s> <f>     Anti-aliasing filter and width (box disk gaussian ...)
  -asc <f>        Anti-aliasing sample clamp
  -c <s>          Active camera
  -sh <f f>       Motion blur shutter (start end)
  -fov <f>        Camera FOV
  -e <f>          Camera Exposure
  -ar <f>         Aspect ratio
  -g <f>          Output gamma
  -tg <f>         Texture gamma
  -lg <f>         Light source gamma
  -sg <f>         Shader gamma
  -t <n>          Threads
  -bs <n>         Bucket size
  -bc <s>         Bucket scanning (top bottom left right random woven spiral hilbert)
  -td <n>         Total ray depth
  -rfl <n>        Reflection depth
  -rfr <n>        Refraction depth
  -dif <n>        Diffuse depth
  -glo <n>        Glossy depth
  -ds <n>         Diffuse samples
  -gs <n>         Glossy samples
  -d <s.s>        Disable (ignore) a specific node or node.parameter
  -it             Ignore texture maps
  -is             Ignore shaders
  -ib             Ignore background shaders
  -ia             Ignore atmosphere shaders
  -il             Ignore lights
  -id             Ignore shadows
  -isd            Ignore mesh subdivision
  -idisp          Ignore displacement
  -ibump          Ignore bump-mapping
  -imb            Ignore motion blur
  -idof           Ignore depth of field
  -isss           Ignore sub-surface scattering
  -idirect        Ignore direct lighting
  -flat           Flat shading
  -sd <n>         Max subdivisions
  -interactive [m|q]  Run kick in interactive mode (experimental)
           'm' -- Maya controls (default)
           'q' -- Quake (WASD) controls
  -v <n>          Verbose level (0..6)
  -nw <n>         Maximum number of warnings
  -log            Enable log file
  -logfile <s>    Enable log file and write to the specified file path
  -dw             Disable render window (recommended for batch rendering)
  -dp             Disable progressive rendering (recommended for batch rendering)
  -l <s>          Add search path for plugin libraries
  -nodes [n|t]    List all installed nodes, sorted by Name or Type
  -info [n|u] <s> List information for a given node, sorted by Name or Unsorted
  -tree <s>       Print the shading tree for a given node
  -repeat <n>     Repeat the render n times (useful for debugging)
  -turn <n>       Render n frames rotating the camera around the lookat point
  -resave <s>     Re-save .ass scene to filename
  -db             Disable binary encoding when re-saving .ass files
  -forceexpand    Force single-threaded expansion of procedural geometry before rendering or re-saving
  -nstdin         Ignore input from stdin
  -set <s.s> <s>  Set the value of a node parameter (-set name.parameter value)
  -cm <s>         Set the value of ai_default_reflection_shader.color_mode (use with -is)
  -sm <s>         Set the value of ai_default_reflection_shader.shade_mode (use with -is)
  -om <s>         Set the value of ai_default_reflection_shader.overlay_mode (use with -is)
  -nokeypress     Don't wait for keypress after rendering
  -sl             Skip license check (assume license is not available)
  -licensecheck   Check the connection with the license servers and list installed licenses
  -utest          Run unit tests
  -av             Print Arnold version number
  -notices        Display copyright notices
  -h, --help      Show this help message

where <n>=integer, <f>=float, <s>=string

  kick -i teapot.ass -r 640 480 -g 2.2 -o teapot.tif

(c) 2001-2009 Marcos Fajardo and (c) 2009-2015 Solid Angle SL, www.solidangle.com
Acknowledgements: armengol ben brian cliff colman erco francisco quarkx rene scot sergio xray yiotis

-i / -o


-r レンダリングサイズの指定

-r 640 480






/path/to/kick -i /path/to/cornell.ass -o /path/to/output/cornell.tif -interactive q

-interactive qはIPR用のオプションかな?と思ったんですが、どうなんでしょう。experimental(実験的)て書いてありますね。



00:00:00     9MB         | log started Sat Dec  5 10:52:12 2015
00:00:00     9MB         | Arnold darwin clang-3.6.0 oiio-1.5.13 rlm-11.2.2 2015/04/28 09:54:06
00:00:00     9MB         | running on ito-MBPR.local with pid 3195
00:00:00     9MB         |  1 x Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3720QM CPU @ 2.60GHz (4 cores, 8 logical) with 16384MB
00:00:00     9MB         |  OS X 10.10.5 "Yosemite", Darwin kernel 14.5.0
00:00:00     9MB         |  
00:00:00     9MB         | [kick] command: /path/to/kick -i /path/to/cornell.ass -o /path/to/output/cornell.tif  -interactive q
00:00:00     9MB         | loading plugins from . ...
00:00:00     9MB         | no plugins loaded
00:00:00     9MB         | [ass] loading /path/to/cornell.ass ...
00:00:00     9MB         | [ass] read 2006 bytes, 17 nodes in 0:00.00
00:00:00     9MB         |  
00:00:00    10MB         | [rlm] checkout of "arnold 20150428" in progress ...
00:00:02    10MB WARNING | [rlm] error checking out license for arnold (version 20150428):
00:00:02    10MB WARNING | [rlm]  * No license for product (-1)
00:00:02    10MB         | 
00:00:02    18MB         |  
00:00:02    18MB         | there are 1 light and 7 objects:
00:00:02    18MB         |       1 persp_camera
00:00:02    18MB         |       1 quad_light
00:00:02    18MB         |       1 utility
00:00:02    18MB         |       6 standard
00:00:02    18MB         |       1 driver_tiff
00:00:02    18MB         |       1 gaussian_filter
00:00:02    18MB         |       1 sphere
00:00:02    18MB         |       5 polymesh
00:00:02    18MB         |       1 list_aggregate
00:00:02    18MB         |       1 driver_kick
00:00:02    18MB         |  
00:00:02    18MB         | rendering image at 640 x 480, -3 AA samples, 3 GI samples, 1 GI bounces
00:00:02    18MB         |  initializing 20 nodes ...
00:00:02    18MB         |   creating root object list ...
00:00:02    18MB         |   scene bounds: (-2 -2 -2) -> (2 2 8)
00:00:02    18MB         |  node initialization done in 0:00.00 (single-threaded)
00:00:02    18MB         |  updating 21 nodes ...
00:00:02    18MB         |  node update done in 0:00.00 (single-threaded)
00:00:02    18MB         |  [aov] registered driver: "kick_display" (driver_kick)
00:00:02    18MB         |  [aov]  * "RGBA" of type RGBA filtered by "filter" (gaussian_filter)
00:00:02    18MB         |  [aov] done preparing 1 AOV for 1 output to 1 driver (0 deep AOVs)
00:00:02    32MB         |  starting 8 bucket workers of size 64x64 ...
00:00:02    34MB         |  bucket workers done in 0:00.04
00:00:02    35MB         | render done
00:00:02    35MB         |  
00:00:02    35MB         | rendering image at 640 x 480, -2 AA samples, 3 GI samples, 1 GI bounces
00:00:02    35MB         |  updating 21 nodes ...
00:00:02    35MB         |  node update done in 0:00.00 (single-threaded)
00:00:02    35MB         |  [aov] registered driver: "kick_display" (driver_kick)
00:00:02    35MB         |  [aov]  * "RGBA" of type RGBA filtered by "filter" (gaussian_filter)
00:00:02    35MB         |  [aov] done preparing 1 AOV for 1 output to 1 driver (0 deep AOVs)
00:00:02    35MB         |  starting 8 bucket workers of size 64x64 ...
00:00:02    38MB         |  bucket workers done in 0:00.13
00:00:02    38MB         | render done
00:00:02    38MB         |  
00:00:02    38MB         | rendering image at 640 x 480, -1 AA samples, 3 GI samples, 1 GI bounces
00:00:02    38MB         |  updating 21 nodes ...
00:00:02    38MB         |  node update done in 0:00.00 (single-threaded)
00:00:02    38MB         |  [aov] registered driver: "kick_display" (driver_kick)
00:00:02    38MB         |  [aov]  * "RGBA" of type RGBA filtered by "filter" (gaussian_filter)
00:00:02    38MB         |  [aov] done preparing 1 AOV for 1 output to 1 driver (0 deep AOVs)
00:00:02    38MB         |  starting 8 bucket workers of size 64x64 ...
00:00:02    45MB         |  bucket workers done in 0:00.44
00:00:02    45MB         | render done
00:00:02    45MB         |  
00:00:02    45MB         | rendering image at 640 x 480, 1 AA samples, 3 GI samples, 1 GI bounces
00:00:02    45MB         |  updating 21 nodes ...
00:00:02    45MB         |  node update done in 0:00.00 (single-threaded)
00:00:02    45MB         |  [aov] registered driver: "kick_display" (driver_kick)
00:00:02    45MB         |  [aov]  * "RGBA" of type RGBA filtered by "filter" (gaussian_filter)
00:00:02    45MB         |  [aov] done preparing 1 AOV for 1 output to 1 driver (0 deep AOVs)
00:00:02    45MB         |  starting 8 bucket workers of size 64x64 ...
00:00:04    47MB         |  bucket workers done in 0:01.55
00:00:04    47MB         | render done
00:00:04    47MB         |  
00:00:04    47MB         | rendering image at 640 x 480, 4 AA samples, 3 GI samples, 1 GI bounces
00:00:04    47MB         |  updating 21 nodes ...
00:00:04    47MB         |  node update done in 0:00.00 (single-threaded)
00:00:04    47MB         |  [aov] registered driver: "kick_display" (driver_kick)
00:00:04    47MB         |  [aov]  * "RGBA" of type RGBA filtered by "filter" (gaussian_filter)
00:00:04    47MB         |  [aov] done preparing 1 AOV for 1 output to 1 driver (0 deep AOVs)
00:00:04    47MB         |  starting 8 bucket workers of size 64x64 ...
00:00:28    62MB         |  bucket workers done in 0:24.08
00:00:28    62MB         | render done
00:00:52    62MB         |  
00:00:52    62MB         | releasing resources
00:00:52    55MB         | Arnold shutdown

レンダリングウインドウを閉じたら、「Arnold shutdown」がプリントされます。



/path/to/kick /path/to/cornell.ass -dw -o /path/to/output/cornell.exr



00:00:00     9MB         | log started Sat Dec  5 10:42:59 2015
00:00:00     9MB         | Arnold darwin clang-3.6.0 oiio-1.5.13 rlm-11.2.2 2015/04/28 09:54:06
00:00:00     9MB         | running on ito-MBPR.local with pid 1595
00:00:00     9MB         |  1 x Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3720QM CPU @ 2.60GHz (4 cores, 8 logical) with 16384MB
00:00:00     9MB         |  OS X 10.10.5 "Yosemite", Darwin kernel 14.5.0
00:00:00     9MB         |  
00:00:00     9MB         | [kick] command: /path/to/kick /path/to/cornell.ass -dw -o /path/to/output/cornell.exr
00:00:00     9MB         | loading plugins from . ...
00:00:00     9MB         | no plugins loaded
00:00:00     9MB         | [ass] loading /path/to/cornell.ass ...
00:00:00     9MB         | [ass] read 2006 bytes, 17 nodes in 0:00.00
00:00:00     9MB WARNING | [kick] trying to overwrite the original '.tif' driver with a '.exr' driver, renamed as a '.tif' file
00:00:00     9MB WARNING | [kick] skipping progressive render since there are no window display outputs
00:00:00     9MB         |  
00:00:00    10MB         | [rlm] checkout of "arnold 20150428" in progress ...
00:00:02    10MB WARNING | [rlm] error checking out license for arnold (version 20150428):
00:00:02    10MB WARNING | [rlm]  * No license for product (-1)
00:00:02    10MB         | 
00:00:02    18MB         |  
00:00:02    18MB         | there are 1 light and 7 objects:
00:00:02    18MB         |       1 persp_camera
00:00:02    18MB         |       1 quad_light
00:00:02    18MB         |       1 utility
00:00:02    18MB         |       6 standard
00:00:02    18MB         |       1 driver_tiff
00:00:02    18MB         |       1 gaussian_filter
00:00:02    18MB         |       1 sphere
00:00:02    18MB         |       5 polymesh
00:00:02    18MB         |       1 list_aggregate
00:00:02    18MB         |  
00:00:02    18MB         | rendering image at 640 x 480, 4 AA samples, 3 GI samples, 1 GI bounces
00:00:02    18MB         |  initializing 19 nodes ...
00:00:02    18MB         |   creating root object list ...
00:00:02    18MB         |   scene bounds: (-2 -2 -2) -> (2 2 8)
00:00:02    18MB         |  node initialization done in 0:00.00 (single-threaded)
00:00:02    18MB         |  updating 20 nodes ...
00:00:02    18MB         |  node update done in 0:00.00 (single-threaded)
00:00:02    18MB         |  [aov] registered driver: "testrender" (driver_tiff)
00:00:02    18MB         |  [aov]  * "RGBA" of type RGBA filtered by "filter" (gaussian_filter)
00:00:02    18MB         |  [aov] done preparing 1 AOV for 1 output to 1 driver (0 deep AOVs)
00:00:02    20MB         |  starting 8 bucket workers of size 64x64 ...
00:00:25    34MB         |  bucket workers done in 0:23.68
00:00:25    34MB         |  [driver_tiff] writing file `/path/to/output/cornell.tif'
00:00:25    33MB         | render done
00:00:25    33MB         |  
00:00:25    33MB         | releasing resources
00:00:25    26MB         | Arnold shutdown



レンダリングウィンドウありと比べて、-dw でウインドウ切ってると、所要時間も使用メモリも半分でした。
-interactive qのアレなのか。


Command Line Rendering (kick)

Arnold Scene Source (ass)

.ass File Examples


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