
More than 1 year has passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2017-04-28




mysql> select table_name, table_rows from information_schema.TABLES;


mysql> select table_name, table_rows from information_schema.TABLES where table_schema = 'DB名';


mysql> select table_name, table_rows from information_schema.TABLES where table_schema = 'zabbix';
| table_name                 | table_rows |
| acknowledges               |         15 |
| actions                    |         33 |
| alerts                     |       4104 |
| application_discovery      |          0 |
| application_prototype      |          0 |
| application_template       |       1109 |
| applications               |       1669 |
| auditlog                   |       9649 |
| auditlog_details           |       5326 |
| autoreg_host               |        149 |
| conditions                 |        105 |
| config                     |          1 |
| dbversion                  |          1 |
| dchecks                    |          1 |
| dhosts                     |          0 |
| drules                     |          1 |
| dservices                  |          0 |
| escalations                |         35 |
| events                     |      76184 |
| expressions                |          9 |
| functions                  |       3457 |
| globalmacro                |          1 |
| globalvars                 |          0 |
| graph_discovery            |       1320 |
| graph_theme                |          2 |
| graphs                     |       3207 |
| graphs_items               |       7340 |
| group_discovery            |          0 |
| group_prototype            |          5 |
| groups                     |         31 |
| history                    |   51193976 |
| history_log                |         73 |
| history_str                |    1677118 |
| history_text               |          0 |
| history_uint               |   66853366 |
| host_discovery             |          2 |
| host_inventory             |          0 |
| hostmacro                  |        130 |
| hosts                      |        200 |
| hosts_groups               |        285 |
| hosts_templates            |        242 |
| housekeeper                |          0 |
| httpstep                   |          0 |
| httpstepitem               |          0 |
| httptest                   |          0 |
| httptestitem               |          0 |
| icon_map                   |          0 |
| icon_mapping               |          0 |
| ids                        |         49 |
| images                     |        249 |
| interface                  |        124 |
| interface_discovery        |          0 |
| item_application_prototype |          0 |
| item_condition             |        392 |
| item_discovery             |       4751 |
| items                      |      13054 |
| items_applications         |      13829 |
| maintenances               |          4 |
| maintenances_groups        |          2 |
| maintenances_hosts         |         12 |
| maintenances_windows       |          6 |
| mappings                   |        143 |
| media                      |          8 |
| media_type                 |          3 |
| opcommand                  |          4 |
| opcommand_grp              |          2 |
| opcommand_hst              |          2 |
| opconditions               |          0 |
| operations                 |         40 |
| opgroup                    |          2 |
| opinventory                |          0 |
| opmessage                  |         24 |
| opmessage_grp              |          7 |
| opmessage_usr              |         19 |
| optemplate                 |          7 |
| profiles                   |       5178 |
| proxy_autoreg_host         |          0 |
| proxy_dhistory             |          0 |
| proxy_history              |          0 |
| regexps                    |          7 |
| rights                     |         56 |
| screen_user                |          0 |
| screen_usrgrp              |          0 |
| screens                    |         19 |
| screens_items              |         64 |
| scripts                    |          4 |
| service_alarms             |          0 |
| services                   |          0 |
| services_links             |          0 |
| services_times             |          0 |
| sessions                   |       4599 |
| slides                     |          0 |
| slideshow_user             |          0 |
| slideshow_usrgrp           |          0 |
| slideshows                 |          0 |
| sysmap_element_url         |          1 |
| sysmap_url                 |          0 |
| sysmap_user                |          0 |
| sysmap_usrgrp              |          0 |
| sysmaps                    |          2 |
| sysmaps_elements           |          4 |
| sysmaps_link_triggers      |          0 |
| sysmaps_links              |          0 |
| timeperiods                |          6 |
| trends                     |   13463849 |
| trends_uint                |   17662329 |
| trigger_depends            |         45 |
| trigger_discovery          |        662 |
| triggers                   |       3181 |
| users                      |         10 |
| users_groups               |         10 |
| usrgrp                     |          5 |
| valuemaps                  |         17 |

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