infoMore than 5 years have passed since last update.@GroAWS ElastiCache Redisエンジンにて cache.r5.4xlarge(105.81GiB) から cache.r4.8xlarge(203.26GiB) へのスケールアップができない件RedisAWSElastiCacheLast updated at 2019-10-21Posted at 2019-10-21タイトルの通りです。 とり急ぎサポートに上げ、詳細が分かれば後日追記します。 0Go to list of users who liked0comment0Go to list of commentsRegister as a new user and use Qiita more convenientlyYou get articles that match your needsYou can efficiently read back useful informationYou can use dark themeWhat you can do with signing upSign upLogin