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LangGraphでSelf-Discover on Databricks

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※ 結論から言うと、結構冗長だなあという印象です。

実装はDatabricks on AWS上で行いました。

Step1. パッケージインストール



# torch, xformers
# pytorchのリポジトリから直接インストールする場合
# %pip install -U https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu118/torch-2.1.2%2Bcu118-cp310-cp310-linux_x86_64.whl
# %pip install -U https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu118/xformers-0.0.23.post1%2Bcu118-cp310-cp310-manylinux2014_x86_64.whl

%pip install -U /Volumes/training/llm/tmp/torch-2.1.2+cu118-cp310-cp310-linux_x86_64.whl
%pip install -U /Volumes/training/llm/tmp/xformers-0.0.23.post1+cu118-cp310-cp310-manylinux2014_x86_64.whl

# vLLM
# GithubからvLLMを直接インストールする場合
# %pip install https://github.com/vllm-project/vllm/releases/download/v0.3.2/vllm-0.3.2+cu118-cp310-cp310-manylinux1_x86_64.whl
%pip install /Volumes/training/llm/tmp/vllm-0.3.2+cu118-cp310-cp310-manylinux1_x86_64.whl

# sglang==0.1.12の場合、outlines>0.030だとエラーが出るためoutlinesのバージョンを固定
%pip install "outlines>=0.0.27,<=0.0.30"
%pip install "sglang[srt]>=0.1.12"
%pip install "triton>=2.2.0"

# LangGraphなど必要なパッケージをインストール
%pip install -U langchain langchain-openai langgraph langchainhub



import torch
torch.multiprocessing.set_start_method('spawn', force=True)

Step2. モデルのロード

今回はAWQフォーマットで量子化されたQwen1.5 14Bを利用しました。


from sglang import function, system, user, assistant, gen, set_default_backend, Runtime

from sglang.lang.chat_template import (

# チャット用のプロンプトテンプレート
            "system": ("<|im_start|>system\n", "<|im_end|>\n"),
            "user": ("<|im_start|>user\n", "<|im_end|>\n"),
            "assistant": ("<|im_start|>assistant\n", "<|im_end|>\n"),

model_path = (

runtime = Runtime(model_path, mem_fraction_static=0.8)
runtime.endpoint.chat_template = get_chat_template("qwen")



Step3. プロンプトテンプレートの準備




from langchain import hub
from langchain_core.prompts import PromptTemplate

select_prompt = hub.pull("hwchase17/self-discovery-select")
Select several reasoning modules that are crucial to utilize in order to solve the given task:

All reasoning module descriptions:

Task: {task_description}

Select several modules are crucial for solving the task above:



adapt_prompt = hub.pull("hwchase17/self-discovery-adapt")
Rephrase and specify each reasoning module so that it better helps solving the task:

SELECTED module descriptions:

Task: {task_description}

Adapt each reasoning module description to better solve the task:



structured_prompt = hub.pull("hwchase17/self-discovery-structure")
Operationalize the reasoning modules into a step-by-step reasoning plan in JSON format:

Here's an example:

Example task:

If you follow these instructions, do you return to the starting point? Always face forward. Take 1 step backward. Take 9 steps left. Take 2 steps backward. Take 6 steps forward. Take 4 steps forward. Take 4 steps backward. Take 3 steps right.

Example reasoning structure:

    "Position after instruction 1":
    "Position after instruction 2":
    "Position after instruction n":
    "Is final position the same as starting position":

Adapted module description:

Task: {task_description}

Implement a reasoning structure for solvers to follow step-by-step and arrive at correct answer.

Note: do NOT actually arrive at a conclusion in this pass. Your job is to generate a PLAN so that in the future you can fill it out and arrive at the correct conclusion for tasks like this



reasoning_prompt = hub.pull("hwchase17/self-discovery-reasoning")
Follow the step-by-step reasoning plan in JSON to correctly solve the task. Fill in the values following the keys by reasoning specifically about the task given. Do not simply rephrase the keys.
Reasoning Structure:

Task: {task_description}

Step4. グラフの構成




from typing import TypedDict, Optional

class SelfDiscoverState(TypedDict):
    reasoning_modules: str
    task_description: str
    selected_modules: Optional[str]
    adapted_modules: Optional[str]
    reasoning_structure: Optional[str]
    answer: Optional[str]




from langchain_core.runnables import RunnableLambda
from langchain_core.output_parsers import StrOutputParser

def simple_question(s, question):
    s += user(question)
    s += assistant(gen("answer", max_tokens=1024))

def call_llm(input):
    state = simple_question.run(

    return state["answer"]

# SGLangの推論実行をRunnableLambdaでラップ。これでLCELのChain定義に利用できる
model = RunnableLambda(call_llm)


def select(inputs):
    select_chain = select_prompt | model | StrOutputParser()
    return {"selected_modules": select_chain.invoke(inputs)}

def adapt(inputs):
    adapt_chain = adapt_prompt | model | StrOutputParser()
    return {"adapted_modules": adapt_chain.invoke(inputs)}

def structure(inputs):
    structure_chain = structured_prompt | model | StrOutputParser()
    return {"reasoning_structure": structure_chain.invoke(inputs)}

def reason(inputs):
    reasoning_chain = reasoning_prompt | model | StrOutputParser()
    return {"answer": reasoning_chain.invoke(inputs)}



from langgraph.graph import StateGraph, END
from typing import TypedDict, Optional

graph = StateGraph(SelfDiscoverState)
graph.add_node("select", select)
graph.add_node("adapt", adapt)
graph.add_node("structure", structure)
graph.add_node("reason", reason)
graph.add_edge("select", "adapt")
graph.add_edge("adapt", "structure")
graph.add_edge("structure", "reason")
graph.add_edge("reason", END)
app = graph.compile()

Step5. 推論の実行

こちらでもやってみた、指定したSVG pathがどの図形を描画しているかを当てる問題です。


reasoning_modules = [
    "1. How could I devise an experiment to help solve that problem?",
    "2. Make a list of ideas for solving this problem, and apply them one by one to the problem to see if any progress can be made.",
    # "3. How could I measure progress on this problem?",
    "4. How can I simplify the problem so that it is easier to solve?",
    "5. What are the key assumptions underlying this problem?",
    "6. What are the potential risks and drawbacks of each solution?",
    "7. What are the alternative perspectives or viewpoints on this problem?",
    "8. What are the long-term implications of this problem and its solutions?",
    "9. How can I break down this problem into smaller, more manageable parts?",
    "10. Critical Thinking: This style involves analyzing the problem from different perspectives, questioning assumptions, and evaluating the evidence or information available. It focuses on logical reasoning, evidence-based decision-making, and identifying potential biases or flaws in thinking.",
    "11. Try creative thinking, generate innovative and out-of-the-box ideas to solve the problem. Explore unconventional solutions, thinking beyond traditional boundaries, and encouraging imagination and originality.",
    # "12. Seek input and collaboration from others to solve the problem. Emphasize teamwork, open communication, and leveraging the diverse perspectives and expertise of a group to come up with effective solutions.",
    "13. Use systems thinking: Consider the problem as part of a larger system and understanding the interconnectedness of various elements. Focuses on identifying the underlying causes, feedback loops, and interdependencies that influence the problem, and developing holistic solutions that address the system as a whole.",
    "14. Use Risk Analysis: Evaluate potential risks, uncertainties, and tradeoffs associated with different solutions or approaches to a problem. Emphasize assessing the potential consequences and likelihood of success or failure, and making informed decisions based on a balanced analysis of risks and benefits.",
    # "15. Use Reflective Thinking: Step back from the problem, take the time for introspection and self-reflection. Examine personal biases, assumptions, and mental models that may influence problem-solving, and being open to learning from past experiences to improve future approaches.",
    "16. What is the core issue or problem that needs to be addressed?",
    "17. What are the underlying causes or factors contributing to the problem?",
    "18. Are there any potential solutions or strategies that have been tried before? If yes, what were the outcomes and lessons learned?",
    "19. What are the potential obstacles or challenges that might arise in solving this problem?",
    "20. Are there any relevant data or information that can provide insights into the problem? If yes, what data sources are available, and how can they be analyzed?",
    "21. Are there any stakeholders or individuals who are directly affected by the problem? What are their perspectives and needs?",
    "22. What resources (financial, human, technological, etc.) are needed to tackle the problem effectively?",
    "23. How can progress or success in solving the problem be measured or evaluated?",
    "24. What indicators or metrics can be used?",
    "25. Is the problem a technical or practical one that requires a specific expertise or skill set? Or is it more of a conceptual or theoretical problem?",
    "26. Does the problem involve a physical constraint, such as limited resources, infrastructure, or space?",
    "27. Is the problem related to human behavior, such as a social, cultural, or psychological issue?",
    "28. Does the problem involve decision-making or planning, where choices need to be made under uncertainty or with competing objectives?",
    "29. Is the problem an analytical one that requires data analysis, modeling, or optimization techniques?",
    "30. Is the problem a design challenge that requires creative solutions and innovation?",
    "31. Does the problem require addressing systemic or structural issues rather than just individual instances?",
    "32. Is the problem time-sensitive or urgent, requiring immediate attention and action?",
    "33. What kinds of solution typically are produced for this kind of problem specification?",
    "34. Given the problem specification and the current best solution, have a guess about other possible solutions."
    "35. Let’s imagine the current best solution is totally wrong, what other ways are there to think about the problem specification?"
    "36. What is the best way to modify this current best solution, given what you know about these kinds of problem specification?"
    "37. Ignoring the current best solution, create an entirely new solution to the problem."
    # "38. Let’s think step by step."
    "39. Let’s make a step by step plan and implement it with good notation and explanation.",

reasoning_modules_str = "\n".join(reasoning_modules)

task_example = """This SVG path element <path d="M 55.57,80.69 L 57.38,65.80 M 57.38,65.80 L 48.90,57.46 M 48.90,57.46 L
45.58,47.78 M 45.58,47.78 L 53.25,36.07 L 66.29,48.90 L 78.69,61.09 L 55.57,80.69"/> draws a:
(A) circle (B) heptagon (C) hexagon (D) kite (E) line (F) octagon (G) pentagon(H) rectangle (I) sector (J) triangle"""


ret = app.invoke({"task_description": task_example, "reasoning_modules": reasoning_modules_str})


from pprint import pprint

print("Selected Modules:")
pprint(ret["selected_modules"], width=150)

print("Adapted Modules:")
pprint(ret["adapted_modules"], width=150)

print("Reasoning Structure:")
pprint(ret["reasoning_structure"], width=150)

pprint(ret["answer"], width=150)
Selected Modules:
('1. Understanding the geometric shapes: This is crucial to recognize the pattern and features of the given path element.\n'
 '2. Analyzing the path data: The description of the path (M, L commands) indicates straight line segments, which suggests a polygon.\n'
 '3. Breaking down the path: Divide the path into its individual line segments to understand the sequence of vertices.\n'
 '4. Counting vertices and sides: Determine the number of vertices and sides to classify the shape.\n'
 '5. Comparing with known shapes: Compare the described path with the characteristics of the given options (A to J) to identify the correct shape.\n'
 "6. Geometric reasoning: Apply knowledge of geometry to deduce the shape based on the path's movement.\n"
 '7. Pattern recognition: Recognize the sequence of vertices as forming a regular or irregular polygon.\n'
 '8. Decision-making: Choose the shape that best fits the path data.\n'
 'These modules are essential for solving the task, as they involve understanding the shape, analyzing the path, and making a logical decision based '
 'on the given information.\n')

Adapted Modules:
('1. Path interpretation: Begin by examining the SVG path data, which uses M (move to) and L (line to) commands. This helps to understand the '
 'starting and ending points of each line segment.\n'
 '2. Geometric decomposition: Break down the path into its constituent line segments, which represent the sides of the shape. This step is vital for '
 'identifying the pattern and number of sides.\n'
 '3. Vertex count analysis: Count the total number of vertices in the path, as this corresponds to the number of corners in the shape. This '
 'information is crucial for distinguishing between polygons with different sides.\n'
 '4. Polygon type determination: Based on the number of vertices, classify the shape as a regular or irregular polygon. Regular polygons have equal '
 'sides and equal angles.\n'
 '5. Shape identification: Compare the observed pattern and vertex count with the characteristics of the provided options (A to J). This involves '
 'checking if the path data matches the properties of each shape.\n'
 '6. Geometric reasoning: Apply geometric principles to deduce the shape, considering the sequence of line segments and whether they form a closed '
 'or open figure.\n'
 '7. Regularity check: Assess whether the path indicates a regular polygon, such as a hexagon or heptagon, or an irregular one like a kite or '
 '8. Final decision: After analyzing all the reasoning steps, choose the shape (A to J) that best fits the description of the SVG path element.\n')

Reasoning Structure:
 '  "Step 1: Path interpretation":\n'
 '    {\n'
 '      "Initial point": "M 55.57,80.69",\n'
 '      "First line segment": "L 57.38,65.80",\n'
 '      "Second line segment": "M 57.38,65.80 L 48.90,57.46",\n'
 '      "Third line segment": "M 48.90,57.46 L 45.58,47.78",\n'
 '      "Fourth line segment": "M 45.58,47.78 L 53.25,36.07",\n'
 '      "Fifth line segment": "L 66.29,48.90",\n'
 '      "Sixth line segment": "L 78.69,61.09",\n'
 '      "Seventh line segment": "L 55.57,80.69 Z" (Note: The Z command closes the path)\n'
 '    },\n'
 '  "Step 2: Geometric decomposition":\n'
 '    {\n'
 '      "Line segments": ["55.57,80.69 to 57.38,65.80", "57.38,65.80 to 48.90,57.46", "48.90,57.46 to 45.58,47.78", "45.58,47.78 to 53.25,36.07", '
 '"53.25,36.07 to 66.29,48.90", "66.29,48.90 to 78.69,61.09", "78.69,61.09 to 55.57,80.69"]\n'
 '    },\n'
 '  "Step 3: Vertex count analysis":\n'
 '    {\n'
 '      "Total vertices": 7\n'
 '    },\n'
 '  "Step 4: Polygon type determination":\n'
 '    {\n'
 '      "Based on 7 vertices, it\'s a polygon with 7 sides"\n'
 '    },\n'
 '  "Step 5: Shape identification":\n'
 '    {\n'
 '      "Comparing with options: Heptagon has 7 sides"\n'
 '    },\n'
 '  "Step 6: Geometric reasoning":\n'
 '    {\n'
 '      "The path forms a closed shape with 7 sides, indicating a heptagon"\n'
 '    },\n'
 '  "Step 7: Regularity check":\n'
 '    {\n'
 '      "The heptagon is not specified as regular, so it\'s an irregular heptagon"\n'
 '    },\n'
 '  "Step 8: Final decision":\n'
 '    {\n'
 '      "Shape: (B) Heptagon"\n'
 '    }\n'

 '  "Step 1: Path interpretation": {\n'
 '    "Initial point": "M 55.57,80.69",\n'
 '    "First line segment": "L 57.38,65.80",\n'
 '    "Second line segment": "M 57.38,65.80 L 48.90,57.46",\n'
 '    "Third line segment": "M 48.90,57.46 L 45.58,47.78",\n'
 '    "Fourth line segment": "M 45.58,47.78 L 53.25,36.07",\n'
 '    "Fifth line segment": "L 66.29,48.90",\n'
 '    "Sixth line segment": "L 78.69,61.09",\n'
 '    "Seventh line segment": "L 55.57,80.69 Z"\n'
 '  },\n'
 '  "Step 2: Geometric decomposition": {\n'
 '    "Line segments": ["55.57,80.69 to 57.38,65.80", "57.38,65.80 to 48.90,57.46", "48.90,57.46 to 45.58,47.78", "45.58,47.78 to 53.25,36.07", '
 '"53.25,36.07 to 66.29,48.90", "66.29,48.90 to 78.69,61.09", "78.69,61.09 to 55.57,80.69"]\n'
 '  },\n'
 '  "Step 3: Vertex count analysis": {\n'
 '    "Total vertices": 7\n'
 '  },\n'
 '  "Step 4: Polygon type determination": {\n'
 '    "Based on 7 vertices, it\'s a polygon with 7 sides"\n'
 '  },\n'
 '  "Step 5: Shape identification": {\n'
 '    "Comparing with options: Heptagon has 7 sides"\n'
 '  },\n'
 '  "Step 6: Geometric reasoning": {\n'
 '    "The path forms a closed shape with 7 sides, indicating a heptagon"\n'
 '  },\n'
 '  "Step 7: Regularity check": {\n'
 '    "The heptagon is not specified as regular, so it\'s an irregular heptagon"\n'
 '  },\n'
 '  "Step 8: Final decision": {\n'
 '    "Shape: (B) Heptagon"\n'
 '  }\n'


ただ、Reasoning Structureの時点で回答を作っていたので、Self-Discoverの挙動としてはちょっとイマイチ。使うモデルやプロンプトチューニングで改善するとは思います。






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