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【C++】Ruby ライクな C++ Date クラス

Last updated at Posted at 2018-05-26

C++ で日付を扱いたかったがうまくいかず、Ruby の Date クラスのような感じで C++ を使えるようなクラスを作りました。
Boost を使えば同様のクラスを使えると聞きましたが、Boost の導入がうまく行かなかったため自作。
SH_ は SharedLibrary(共通ライブラリ)を意味しています。

OS : Windows10
IDE : Visual Studio 2015

#ifndef SHDATE_H_
#define SHDATE_H_

#include <time.h>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class SH_Date {
    SH_Date(string str);
    SH_Date(long lYear, long lMonth, long lDay);
    virtual ~SH_Date();

    bool operator==(SH_Date &rSH_Date);
    bool operator!=(SH_Date &rSH_Date);
    SH_Date operator=(SH_Date &rSH_Date);
    SH_Date operator+(long lAdjDayNum);
    SH_Date operator+=(long lAdjDayNum);
    SH_Date operator++(int);
    SH_Date operator-(long lAdjDayNum);
    SH_Date operator-=(long lAdjDayNum);
    SH_Date operator--(int);
    bool operator > (SH_Date &rSH_Date);
    bool operator >= (SH_Date &rSH_Date);
    bool operator < (SH_Date &rSH_Date);
    bool operator <= (SH_Date &rSH_Date);

    SH_Date setToday();
    void setStrDate(string strDate);

    string toString() const;

    bool getNowDateTime(tm* tm);
    time_t getNowTimeStamp();

    // time_t から tm* 型に変換
    bool transTimeStampToDateTime(time_t timer, tm* tm);

    // tm* から tiemr_t に変換
    time_t transDateTimeToTimeStamp(tm* tm);

    // 文字列から time_t 型に変換
    // yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS
    time_t get_t_time_from_string(const char *timebuf);

    SH_Date transTimeStampToSH_Date(time_t* timer);

    SH_Date transTmToSH_Date(struct tm tm);

    void print();

    long getLDay() const;
    long getLMonth() const;
    long getLYear() const;

    long m_lYear;
    long m_lMonth;
    long m_lDay;


inline long SH_Date::getLDay() const {
    return m_lDay;

inline long SH_Date::getLMonth() const {
    return m_lMonth;

inline long SH_Date::getLYear() const {
    return m_lYear;

#endif /* SHDATE_H_ */
#include "SH_Date.h"

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>

#define N 20 // "yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss" の表示文字数

using namespace std;

    : m_lYear(0),
    m_lDay(0) {


SH_Date::SH_Date(long lYear, long lMonth, long lDay)
    : m_lYear(lYear),
    m_lDay(lDay) {
    if (m_lYear < 1900) {
        m_lYear += 1900;

SH_Date::SH_Date(string strDate) {
    // yyyy/mm/dd をそれぞれ属性に分ける

    size_t lMonthPos = strDate.find("/");
    size_t lDayPos = strDate.find("/", lMonthPos + 1);
    string strYear = strDate.substr(0, lMonthPos);
    string strMonth = strDate.substr(lMonthPos + 1, lDayPos - lMonthPos - 1);
    string strDay = strDate.substr(lDayPos + 1, strDate.length() - lDayPos - 1);

    cout << "strDate : " + strDate << endl;

    cout << "year : " + strYear << endl;
    cout << "month : " + strMonth << endl;
    cout << "day : " + strDay << endl;

    m_lYear = stol(strYear);
    m_lMonth = stol(strMonth);
    m_lDay = stol(strDay);

SH_Date::~SH_Date() {


bool SH_Date::getNowDateTime(tm* tm) {
    time_t timer;
    char datetime[N];
    timer = time(0);
    errno_t err;

    err = localtime_s(tm, &timer);
    strftime(datetime, N, "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", tm);

    string sDateTime = datetime;

    return true;

time_t SH_Date::getNowTimeStamp() {
    time_t epoch_time;
    epoch_time = time(0);
    cout << "TIMESTAMP =" + to_string(epoch_time) << endl;

    return epoch_time;

bool SH_Date::transTimeStampToDateTime(time_t timer, tm* tm) {
    char datetime[N];
    errno_t err;

    err = localtime_s(tm, &timer);

    strftime(datetime, N, "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", tm);
    string sDateTime = datetime;

    return true;

string SH_Date::toString() const {
    stringstream strYear;
    stringstream strMonth;
    stringstream strDay;

    strYear << m_lYear;
    strMonth << m_lMonth;
    strDay << m_lDay;

    string reStr = strYear.str() + "/" + strMonth.str() + "/" + strDay.str();

    return reStr;


time_t SH_Date::transDateTimeToTimeStamp(tm* tm) {
    if (tm == 0) {
        cout << "SH_Date::transDateTimeToTimeStamp tm is 0 " << endl;
    return mktime(tm);

time_t SH_Date::get_t_time_from_string(const char *timebuf)
    int res;
    int year, month, day, hour, minute, second = 0;
    // char wday[36];
    struct tm tm;

    if (strlen(timebuf)>36) {
        return 0;

    /* old version */
    res = sscanf_s(timebuf, "%d-%d-%d %d:%d:%d",
        &year, &month, &day,
        &hour, &minute, &second);

    /* format error */
    if (res < 1) {
        return 0;

    tm.tm_sec = second;
    tm.tm_min = minute;
    tm.tm_hour = hour;
    tm.tm_mday = day;
    tm.tm_mon = month - 1;
    tm.tm_year = year - 1900;
    tm.tm_isdst = -1;

    return mktime(&tm);

// timer から SH_Date 変換
SH_Date SH_Date::transTimeStampToSH_Date(time_t* timer)
    struct tm tm;
    // 一度 tm 型に変換
    transTimeStampToDateTime(*timer, &tm);

    return SH_Date(tm.tm_year + 1900, tm.tm_mon + 1, tm.tm_mday);

SH_Date SH_Date::transTmToSH_Date(tm tm)
    // 直接年月日を入れると有り得ない年月日でも
    // 戻してしまうため、一度mktimeで正す
    time_t timer = transDateTimeToTimeStamp(&tm);

    return transTimeStampToSH_Date(&timer);

bool SH_Date::operator==(SH_Date &rSH_Date) {
    if (m_lYear != rSH_Date.getLYear()) {
        return false;
    if (m_lMonth != rSH_Date.getLMonth()) {
        return false;
    if (m_lDay != rSH_Date.getLDay()) {
        return false;
    return true;

bool SH_Date::operator!=(SH_Date & rSH_Date)
    if (m_lYear != rSH_Date.getLYear()) {
        return true;
    if (m_lMonth != rSH_Date.getLMonth()) {
        return true;
    if (m_lDay != rSH_Date.getLDay()) {
        return true;
    return false;

SH_Date SH_Date::operator=(SH_Date &rSH_Date) {
    m_lYear = rSH_Date.getLYear();
    m_lMonth = rSH_Date.getLMonth();
    m_lDay = rSH_Date.getLDay();
    return *this;

SH_Date SH_Date::operator+(long lAdjDayNum)
    // 一度 tm 型に変換
    struct tm adjTm = { 0, 0, 0, m_lDay + lAdjDayNum, m_lMonth - 1, m_lYear - 1900 };

    time_t adjTime = mktime(&adjTm);

    SH_Date rSH_Date = transTimeStampToSH_Date(&adjTime);

    return rSH_Date;

SH_Date SH_Date::operator+=(long lAdjDayNum)
    *this = *this + lAdjDayNum;
    return *this;

SH_Date SH_Date::operator++(int)
    *this = *this + 1;
    return *this;

SH_Date SH_Date::operator-(long lBeforeDayNum) {

    // 一度 tm 型に変換
    struct tm adjTm = { 0, 0, 0, m_lDay - lBeforeDayNum, m_lMonth - 1, m_lYear - 1900 };

    // struct tm tomorrowStruct = { 0, 0, 0, beforeTm.tm_mday + 1, beforeTm.tm_mon, beforeTm.tm_year };
    time_t adjTime = mktime(&adjTm);

    // SH_Date* pSH_Date = transTmToSH_Date(beforeTm);
    SH_Date rSH_Date = transTimeStampToSH_Date(&adjTime);

    return rSH_Date;

SH_Date SH_Date::operator-=(long lAdjDayNum)
    *this = *this - lAdjDayNum;
    return *this;

SH_Date SH_Date::operator--(int)
    *this = *this - 1;
    return *this;

SH_Date SH_Date::setToday() {
    struct tm now;
    time_t longtime;

    longtime = time(0);

    localtime_s(&now, &longtime);

    *this = transTmToSH_Date(now);

    return transTmToSH_Date(now);

void SH_Date::setStrDate(string strDate)
    size_t lMonthPos = strDate.find("/");
    size_t lDayPos = strDate.find("/", lMonthPos + 1);
    string strYear = strDate.substr(0, lMonthPos);
    string strMonth = strDate.substr(lMonthPos + 1, lDayPos - lMonthPos - 1);
    string strDay = strDate.substr(lDayPos + 1, strDate.length() - lDayPos - 1);

    m_lYear = stol(strYear);
    m_lMonth = stol(strMonth);
    m_lDay = stol(strDay);

bool SH_Date::operator>(SH_Date &rSH_Date)
    struct tm thisTm = { 0, 0, 0, m_lDay, m_lMonth - 1, m_lYear - 1900 };
    struct tm compTm = { 0, 0, 0, rSH_Date.m_lDay, rSH_Date.m_lMonth - 1, rSH_Date.m_lYear - 1900 };

    time_t thisTime = mktime(&thisTm);
    time_t compTime = mktime(&compTm);

    if (thisTime > compTime) {
        return true;

    return false;

bool SH_Date::operator>=(SH_Date &rSH_Date)
    struct tm thisTm = { 0, 0, 0, m_lDay, m_lMonth - 1, m_lYear - 1900 };
    struct tm compTm = { 0, 0, 0, rSH_Date.m_lDay, rSH_Date.m_lMonth - 1, rSH_Date.m_lYear - 1900 };

    time_t thisTime = mktime(&thisTm);
    time_t compTime = mktime(&compTm);

    if (thisTime >= compTime) {
        return true;

    return false;

bool SH_Date::operator<(SH_Date &rSH_Date)
    struct tm thisTm = { 0, 0, 0, m_lDay, m_lMonth - 1, m_lYear - 1900 };
    struct tm compTm = { 0, 0, 0, rSH_Date.m_lDay, rSH_Date.m_lMonth - 1, rSH_Date.m_lYear - 1900 };

    time_t thisTime = mktime(&thisTm);
    time_t compTime = mktime(&compTm);

    if (thisTime > compTime) {
        return true;
    return false;

bool SH_Date::operator<=(SH_Date &rSH_Date)
    struct tm thisTm = { 0, 0, 0, m_lDay, m_lMonth - 1, m_lYear - 1900 };
    struct tm compTm = { 0, 0, 0, rSH_Date.m_lDay, rSH_Date.m_lMonth - 1, rSH_Date.m_lYear - 1900 };

    time_t thisTime = mktime(&thisTm);
    time_t compTime = mktime(&compTm);

    if (thisTime <= compTime) {
        return true;
    return false;

void SH_Date::print()
    cout << "SH_Date print " + to_string(m_lYear) + "/" + to_string(m_lMonth) + "/" + to_string(m_lDay) << endl;


#include "TestMain.h"
#include "SH_Date.h"
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;
int main() {
    SH_Date rToday;
    // 本日日付を設定し表示

    SH_Date rTomorrow;
    rTomorrow = rToday++;
    if (rToday <= rTomorrow) {
        cout << "rTomorrow は rToday 以降です" << endl;

    SH_Date rYesterday;
    rYesterday = rToday--;
    if (rYesterday <= rToday) {
        cout << "rYesterday は rToday 以前です" << endl;

    // 10日後
    (rToday + 10).print();

    // 50日前
    (rToday - 50).print();

    long lInput;
    cin >> lInput;


SH_Date print 2018/7/7
rTomorrow は rToday 以降です
rYesterday は rToday 以前です
SH_Date print 2018/7/17
SH_Date print 2018/5/18



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