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Wordオブジェクトリンク集 - Selection オブジェクト

Last updated at Posted at 2018-07-01


名前 説明 msdn
Selection オブジェクト ウィンドウまたはペインの現在選択されている領域。ドキュメント内の選択領域を表す、またはカーソル位置。文書あたりSelectionオブジェクトは 1 つだけ。アプリケーション全体で 1 つのSelectionオブジェクトがアクティブ。 ja-jp en-us


名前 説明・サンプル msdn
BoldRun ja-jp en_us
Calculate ja-jp en_us
ClearCharacterAllFormatting ja-jp en_us
ClearCharacterDirectFormatting ja-jp en_us
ClearCharacterStyle ja-jp en_us
ClearFormatting ja-jp en_us
ClearParagraphAllFormatting ja-jp en_us
ClearParagraphDirectFormatting ja-jp en_us
ClearParagraphStyle ja-jp en_us
Collapse ja-jp en_us
ConvertToTable ja-jp en_us
Copy ja-jp en_us
CopyAsPicture ja-jp en_us
CopyFormat ja-jp en_us
CreateAutoTextEntry ja-jp en_us
CreateTextbox ja-jp en_us
Cut ja-jp en_us
Delete ja-jp en_us
DetectLanguage ja-jp en_us
EndKey ja-jp en_us
EndOf ja-jp en_us
EscapeKey ja-jp en_us
Expand ja-jp en_us
ExportAsFixedFormat ja-jp en_us
Extend ja-jp en_us
GoTo ja-jp en_us
GoToEditableRange ja-jp en_us
GoToNext ja-jp en_us
GoToPrevious ja-jp en_us
HomeKey ja-jp en_us
InRange ja-jp en_us
InsertAfter ja-jp en_us
InsertBefore ja-jp en_us
InsertBreak ja-jp en_us
InsertCaption ja-jp en_us
InsertCells ja-jp en_us
InsertColumns ja-jp en_us
InsertColumnsRight ja-jp en_us
InsertCrossReference ja-jp en_us
InsertDateTime ja-jp en_us
InsertFile ja-jp en_us
InsertFormula ja-jp en_us
InsertNewPage ja-jp en_us
InsertParagraph ja-jp en_us
InsertParagraphAfter ja-jp en_us
InsertParagraphBefore ja-jp en_us
InsertRows ja-jp en_us
InsertRowsAbove ja-jp en_us
InsertRowsBelow ja-jp en_us
InsertStyleSeparator ja-jp en_us
InsertSymbol ja-jp en_us
InsertXML ja-jp en_us
InStory ja-jp en_us
IsEqual ja-jp en_us
ItalicRun ja-jp en_us
LtrPara ja-jp en_us
LtrRun ja-jp en_us
Move ja-jp en_us
MoveDown ja-jp en_us
MoveEnd ja-jp en_us
MoveEndUntil ja-jp en_us
MoveEndWhile ja-jp en_us
MoveLeft ja-jp en_us
MoveRight ja-jp en_us
MoveStart ja-jp en_us
MoveStartUntil ja-jp en_us
MoveStartWhile ja-jp en_us
MoveUntil ja-jp en_us
MoveUp ja-jp en_us
MoveWhile ja-jp en_us
Next ja-jp en_us
NextField ja-jp en_us
NextRevision ja-jp en_us
NextSubdocument ja-jp en_us
Paste ja-jp en_us
PasteAndFormat ja-jp en_us
PasteAppendTable ja-jp en_us
PasteAsNestedTable ja-jp en_us
PasteExcelTable ja-jp en_us
PasteFormat ja-jp en_us
PasteSpecial ja-jp en_us
Previous ja-jp en_us
PreviousField ja-jp en_us
PreviousRevision ja-jp en_us
PreviousSubdocument ja-jp en_us
ReadingModeGrowFont ja-jp en_us
ReadingModeShrinkFont ja-jp en_us
RtlPara ja-jp en_us
RtlRun ja-jp en_us
Select [10] ja-jp en_us
SelectCell ja-jp en_us
SelectColumn ja-jp en_us
SelectCurrentAlignment ja-jp en_us
SelectCurrentColor ja-jp en_us
SelectCurrentFont ja-jp en_us
SelectCurrentIndent ja-jp en_us
SelectCurrentSpacing ja-jp en_us
SelectCurrentTabs ja-jp en_us
SelectRow ja-jp en_us
SetRange ja-jp en_us
Shrink ja-jp en_us
ShrinkDiscontiguousSelection ja-jp en_us
Sort ja-jp en_us
SortAscending ja-jp en_us
SortByHeadings ja-jp en_us
SortDescending ja-jp en_us
SplitTable ja-jp en_us
StartOf ja-jp en_us
ToggleCharacterCode ja-jp en_us
TypeBackspace ja-jp en_us
TypeParagraph ja-jp en_us
TypeText ja-jp en_us
WholeStory ja-jp en_us


名前 説明・サンプル msdn
Active ja-jp en_us
Application ja-jp en_us
BookmarkID ja-jp en_us
Bookmarks ja-jp en_us
Borders ja-jp en_us
Cells ja-jp en_us
Characters ja-jp en_us
ChildShapeRange ja-jp en_us
Columns ja-jp en_us
ColumnSelectMode ja-jp en_us
Comments ja-jp en_us
Creator ja-jp en_us
Document ja-jp en_us
Editors ja-jp en_us
End ja-jp en_us
EndnoteOptions ja-jp en_us
Endnotes ja-jp en_us
EnhMetaFileBits ja-jp en_us
ExtendMode ja-jp en_us
Fields ja-jp en_us
Find ja-jp en_us
FitTextWidth ja-jp en_us
Flags ja-jp en_us
Font ja-jp en_us
FootnoteOptions ja-jp en_us
Footnotes ja-jp en_us
FormattedText ja-jp en_us
FormFields ja-jp en_us
Frames ja-jp en_us
HasChildShapeRange ja-jp en_us
HeaderFooter ja-jp en_us
HTMLDivisions ja-jp en_us
Hyperlinks ja-jp en_us
Information ja-jp en_us
InlineShapes ja-jp en_us
IPAtEndOfLine ja-jp en_us
IsEndOfRowMark ja-jp en_us
LanguageDetected ja-jp en_us
LanguageID ja-jp en_us
LanguageIDFarEast ja-jp en_us
LanguageIDOther ja-jp en_us
NoProofing ja-jp en_us
OMaths ja-jp en_us
Orientation ja-jp en_us
PageSetup ja-jp en_us
ParagraphFormat ja-jp en_us
Paragraphs ja-jp en_us
Parent ja-jp en_us
PreviousBookmarkID ja-jp en_us
Range ja-jp en_us
Rows ja-jp en_us
Sections ja-jp en_us
Sentences ja-jp en_us
Shading ja-jp en_us
ShapeRange ja-jp en_us
Start ja-jp en_us
StartIsActive ja-jp en_us
StoryLength ja-jp en_us
StoryType ja-jp en_us
Style ja-jp en_us
Tables ja-jp en_us
Text ja-jp en_us
TopLevelTables ja-jp en_us
Type ja-jp en_us
WordOpenXML ja-jp en_us
Words ja-jp en_us
XML ja-jp en_us


> scrapy shell https://msdn.microsoft.com/ja-jp/vba/word-vba/articles/selection-object-word
with open("selection_methods.md", "w") as w:
    w.write("|名前|説明|msdn|    |\n")
    for n in names:

with open("selection_properties.md", "w") as w:
    w.write("|名前|説明|msdn|    |\n")
    for n in names:

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