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KubeWeekly #168

Last updated at Posted at 2019-05-15

KubeWeeklyは毎週Kubernetesに関する興味深いニュースを提供しています。(http://bit.ly/kubeweekly )この記事は 2019/05/01に発行された Kube Weekly #168 ( https://mailchi.mp/cncf/kubeweekly-168 ) を読んで、感じたことをメモ的にまとめたものです。


The Headlines

What Kubernetes Does and Doesn't do for Security

What Kubernetes Does and Doesn't do for Security
Here’s what Kubernetes can do to help keep your container environment secure.


Meet the Ambassador: Lee Calcote

Meet the Ambassador: Lee Calcote
Lee Calcote, Founder at Layer5.io sat down with Kaitlyn Barnard, Cloud Native Computing Foundation(CNCF), to talk about cloud native, trends in the industry, and being an Ambassador. Below is their interview. You can also view the video.

CNCF Ambassadordorへのインタビュー動画とその書き起こし。
Layer5.ioのFounder Lee Calcote

8 ways your company can support and sustain open source

8 ways your company can support and sustain open source
To make sure open source continues to thrive, we all need to find ways sustain the communities and projects we depend on.


The Technical

Klusterkit: An Open Source Toolkit to Simplify Kubernetes Deployments - DZone Open Source

Klusterkit: An Open Source Toolkit to Simplify Kubernetes Deployments - DZone Open Source
Check out how this newest open source offering from Platform9 can make it easier than ever to deploy an application from Kubernetes in an air-gapped environment.


How To Create a Kubernetes Cluster Using Kubeadm on Ubuntu 18.04 | DigitalOcean

How To Create a Kubernetes Cluster Using Kubeadm on Ubuntu 18.04 | DigitalOcean
Kubernetes is a container orchestration system that manages containers at scale. Initially developed by Google based on its experience running containers in production, Kubernetes is open source and actively developed by a community around the world.

ansibleとkubeadmを使って Single MasterのKubernetesクラスタを作る方法を紹介。

How to Deploy to DigitalOcean Kubernetes with GitHub Actions

How to Deploy to DigitalOcean Kubernetes with GitHub Actions
One of the most powerful aspects of GitHub Actions is the ability to compose workflows using multiple Actions to accomplish complicated tasks. Here's how.

GitHub Actionsを使って、DigitalOcean Kubernetes Cluster上にアプリケーションをCDする方法を紹介。

Kubeflow v0.5 simplifies model development with enhanced UI and Fairing library

Kubeflow v0.5 simplifies model development with enhanced UI and Fairing library
The Kubeflow Product Management Working Group is excited to announce the release Kubeflow v0.5, which brings significant improvements to…

Kubeflow v0.5の新機能紹介。UIが改善されたらしく、この記事でもたくさんのスクリーンショットが紹介されている。

How to get Istio up and running

How to get Istio up and running
And the crazy stuff you can do when it is.

Kiali, Graphana,といった可視化ツール。Fault Injection,リトライの設定,相互TLS

Kubernetes CKAD weekly challenge #6 NetworkPolicy

Kubernetes CKAD weekly challenge #6 NetworkPolicy
For information and tips read this.


Deploying Traefik as Ingress Controller for Your Kubernetes Cluster

Deploying Traefik as Ingress Controller for Your Kubernetes Cluster
You might already know from our previous tutorials about how to use Kubernetes Services to distribute traffic between multiple backends…

Ingressの紹介とTraefik ingress controllerのインストール方法。
単純な使い方からTraefik ingress controller独自の機能についても紹介している。

Testing Anchore with Ansible, k3s and Vagrant - Anchore

Testing Anchore with Ansible, k3s and Vagrant - Anchore
Since Anchore and Clair share some of the same characteristics and use cases, I wanted to write up a quick summary of the two tools and point out the similarities and differences.


Taming Kubernetes with Helm

Taming Kubernetes with Helm
This was presented in Global Azure Bootcamp 2019, please check here for more information.


Tooling Spotlight


Chaos Engineering Tool for Kubernetes and Openshift - lucky-sideburn/KubeInvaders



The Editorial

Simplifying Microservices Security With A Service Mesh

Simplifying Microservices Security With A Service Mesh
One of the challenges of developing and securing microservice-based applications in large teams is that services are often developed with different languages and frameworks. Service mesh overcomes these polyglot challenges by moving various aspects of microservice authentication and authorization to a common infrastructure layer.

サービスメッシュの概要と特に認証、認可、Zero Trustの観点での役割の解説。さら詳しく紹介しているプレゼン動画が紹介されている(みていない)

Kubernetes Node Administration and Dependencies Deployment: From Zero to Hero With nodeadm - DZone Open Source

Kubernetes Node Administration and Dependencies Deployment: From Zero to Hero With nodeadm - DZone Open Source
This newest open source tool from Platform9, nodeadm, performs a number of tasks around the dependencies for kubeadm tool. Check it out here.


Managing the hybrid cloud conundrum – Podcast

Managing the hybrid cloud conundrum – Podcast
As companies assess their cloud options, it is important to understand the tradeoffs of cloud lock-in while optimizing for agility and experience.


Adopting an Omakase Approach to Containerized Infrastructure - Container Journal

Adopting an Omakase Approach to Containerized Infrastructure - Container Journal
An Omakase approach to containerized infrastructure can be a great facilitator in growing the pie for everyone involved.

コンテナ化したインフラを扱うための様々なツールをどのように選択するべきか?という話で「おまかせ」アプローチの有用性を語っている記事。(本当に Omakase Approachと書かれている)

Dockerがそうだったらしく、その時は“Batteries Included But Removable.”などと呼ばれていたようだ。

5 tips to transition into a Kubernetes job

5 tips to transition into a Kubernetes job
Want to move into the hot job market for Kubernetes pros, but lack experience? Use this expert advice.

Kubernetes関係の知識は有用で、歴史が浅いが、資料が多く、デプロイの動きは複雑だが基本原理は単純 という点でまさに今学ぶべきテクノロジーと言える。

The creators of Kubernetes to discuss its past and future at GeekWire’s 3rd annual Cloud Summit

The creators of Kubernetes to discuss its past and future at GeekWire’s 3rd annual Cloud Summit
This June will mark the fifth anniversary of Kubernetes, an open-source container-orchestration project designed to bring Google’s infrastructure expertise to the masses, and we’ve got a special treat…

GeekWire Cloud Summit というイベントにKubernetes関係の有名人3人が参加するよ という記事。

Kubernetes Podcast: KeyBank, with Gabe Jayne

Kubernetes Podcast: KeyBank, with Gabe Jaynes


KeyBankというアメリカの銀行のDevOpsであるGabe Jaynesのインタビュー。そしてこのPodCastも1周年らしい。

Helm - The Package Manager for Kubernetes.

Helm 3 Preview: Charting Our Future – Part 3: Chart Repositories
Helm - The Kubernetes Package Manager.

Helm 3 Previewの紹介の記事。シリーズ物となっている。
この記事はChart Repositoryについて。

Docker Distributionは実はコンテナイメージ以外もホスティングできる、ということでHelm 3ではこれを利用する予定らしい。

Many Kubernetes Clusters

Many Kubernetes Clusters
As a reply to Zalando's "Running 80+ clusters in production" post, someone asked whether this (80+ clusters) would not defeat "the purpose"? My answer would not fit in a Tweet, so here it is as a blog


Key Features to Consider When Evaluating an Enterprise Kubernetes Solution

Key Features to Consider When Evaluating an Enterprise Kubernetes Solution
Digital transformation across industries is driving the need for IT to enable cloud-native applications. This has led enterprises to adopt…




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