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KubeWeekly #204

Last updated at Posted at 2020-03-02

KubeWeeklyは毎週Kubernetesに関する興味深いニュースを提供しています。(https://kubeweekly.io/ )この記事は 2020/02/21に発行された Kube Weekly #204を読んで、感じたことをメモ的にまとめたものです。


※この記事は、Z Labの業務の一環として作成したものです。

The Headlines

Why I Contribute to the Open Source Community—and You Should Too

Why I Contribute to the Open Source Community—and You Should Too
I had a difficult childhood. I was shuffled from one boys' home to another and had little control over my life. But I was tough and smart, and I emancipated at an early age, which allowed me to start living the way I wanted while I was still in my teens.


Episode 180 – KubeCon/CloudNativeCon Preview

Episode 180 – KubeCon/CloudNativeCon Preview
Not a regular news episode this time. Instead, we are starting our KubeCon/CloudNativeCon Amsterdam coverage and have co-chairs Vicki Cheung and Constance Caramanolis on as guest to tell us all about these conferences. If you’ve never attended one of these, this discussion will give a good idea on what to expect and for seasoned attendees, …

KubeCon/CloudNativeCon AmsterdamのプレビューがテーマのPodcast

The Technical

Open Policy Agent : Microservices Authorization Simplified - InfraCloud Technologies

Open Policy Agent : Microservices Authorization Simplified - InfraCloud Technologies
This post explains how Open Policy Agent can be used in microservices architecture to implement policy driven authorization.


Deploying Envoy and Kafka

Deploying Envoy and Kafka
Envoy can be deployed as a proxy for Kafka brokers to collect Kafka broker-level metrics

Envoy 1.13の提供する Kafka broker-level filter の紹介。


Kafka Broker filter — envoy tag-v1.13.0 documentation

Kafka Broker filter — envoy tag-v1.13.0 documentation


Find an optimal set of nodes for a Kubernetes cluster

Find an optimal set of nodes for a Kubernetes cluster
One of the most impactful ways to reduce spend on Kubernetes infrastructure is to make sure your clusters are optimally sized for the workloads they run. Working with many teams over the past year we have seen that it’s not so obvious how to arrive at an optimally-sized cluster, even in autoscaling environments. In response, we are publicly launching a new tool that we’ve used to help teams recently! While implementing this solution with users so far we’ve seen savings in the range of 25-60%, even having a major impact in autoscaling environments.


gcloud container clusters create  |  Cloud SDK Documentation

gcloud container clusters create  |  Cloud SDK Documentation

GKEの機能としてNode Pool Locationが追加されました。クラスタを作成する際に、VMが作成されるゾーンを指定することができるようです。

Cluster upgrades  |  Kubernetes Engine Documentation  |  Google Cloud

Cluster upgrades  |  Kubernetes Engine Documentation  |  Google Cloud


The Editorial

Architecting for Multicluster Kubernetes

Architecting for Multicluster Kubernetes
Recently, the Linkerd community has been spending time tackling the challenge of multicluster Kubernetes. How can we apply features like Linkerd's zero-config automatic mTLS, or traffic splitting, across multiple Kubernetes clusters? What should the service mesh do, and more importantly: what should the service mesh not do?


  • クラスタ内のオーバーレイネットワークのような階層型のネットワークのサポート
  • 個々のクラスタの独立性を維持する
  • ここのクラスタで独立したコントロールプレーンをもつ


Five Surprising Ways Enterprises Are Putting Kubernetes To Work

Five Surprising Ways Enterprises Are Putting Kubernetes To Work
While Kubernetes has become the de facto standard for orchestrating applications in containers, the way it’s being used is also expanding as developers, vendors and enterprise users extend the technology to serve other important functions in the stack.


  • オンプレと同じようにクラウドを使う
  • ステートフルなアプリもステートレスのアプリと同じように簡単にデプロイできる
  • アプリケーションのライフサイクルを全て管理する
  • インフラのための新しいコントロールプレーン
  • AIの迅速な導入

eBPF and Falco, with Leonardo Di Donato

eBPF and Falco, with Leonardo Di Donato

Kubernetes Podcast.eBPFとFalcoの話。
ゲストはSysdigのエンジニアLeonardo Di Donato

Security concerns hampering adoption of containers and Kubernetes

Security concerns hampering adoption of containers and Kubernetes
According to a StackRox study, more than 90% of respondents have experienced a security incident in deployments in the last year.


Google Identifies Kubernetes-Ready Storage for Anthos - The New Stack

Google Identifies Kubernetes-Ready Storage for Anthos - The New Stack

具体的にはDell, NetApp, Portworx, Robin.io, HPE, VMware, Pure StorageのストレージをAnthots Ready Storageとして公表しています。

Managed Kubernetes Services Make K8s Simple for Platform Teams and App Developers - The New Stack

Managed Kubernetes Services Make K8s Simple for Platform Teams and App Developers - The New Stack


Linux Foundation study throws the open source sustainability debate into question

Linux Foundation study throws the open source sustainability debate into question
Commentary: We may be talking about sustainability and open source in the wrong way.

Linux Foundationの調査により、上位200のオープンソースソフトウェアのメンテナのうちの75%以上は、フルタイム、またはパートタイムとしての給料をもらっているようです。




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