KubeWeeklyは毎週Kubernetesに関する興味深いニュースを提供しています。(https://kubeweekly.io/ )この記事は 2020/02/07に発行された Kube Weekly #202を読んで、感じたことをメモ的にまとめたものです。
※この記事は、Z Labの業務の一環として作成したものです。
The Headlines
Michelle Noorali on Twitter
Michelle Noorali on Twitter | |
“Congratulations to our new TOC members: @k_gamanji @the_saad_ali @shengliang @justincormack and @lizrice for her re-appointment! Very excited to work with each of you. Hell of a group if you ask me.
Thank you @monadic & @jbeda for your time and work on the @CloudNativeFdn TOC!” |
Announcing the containerd Project Journey Report - Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Announcing the containerd Project Journey Report - Cloud Native Computing Foundation | |
Today we are very excited to release our Project Journey Report for containerd. This is the fourth such report we have issued for one of our graduated projects. containerd is... |
The Technical
How to Develop and Debug Python Applications in Kubernetes
How to Develop and Debug Python Applications in Kubernetes | |
Kubernetes is an open-source project for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containers. It has rapidly become the standard to run production workloads and the community around it is jus |
DNS Lookups in Kubernetes
DNS Lookups in Kubernetes | |
In this post, I'll talk about how I learnt about FQDN, Search Paths and ndots to tackle slow DNS resolution in Kubernetes |
Continuous Profiling Go applications running in Kubernetes
Continuous Profiling Go applications running in Kubernetes | |
Kube-Profefe is an open source project that acts like a bridge between Kubernetes and Profefe. It helps you to implement continuous profiling for Go applications running in Kubernetes. |
収集したプロファイリングデータはKubectlのプラグインである kube-profefeで取得することができる。
A bit of Istio before tea-time
A bit of Istio before tea-time | |
To say that service-mesh is a controversial area of cloud computing, would be an understatement, learn how deploying Istio doesn't mean needing 32GB of RAM |
Latest Jepsen Results against etcd 3.4.3
Latest Jepsen Results against etcd 3.4.3 | |
A distributed, reliable key-value store for the most critical data of a distributed system |
その理由としては、シンプルなコアであること、厳格なテストの実施 をあげている。
Konveyor | |
Open Source, Migration Assistance for Kubernetes |
Troubleshoot Kubernetes with the power of tmux and kubectl
Troubleshoot Kubernetes with the power of tmux and kubectl | |
Kubernetes is a thriving open source container orchestration platform that offers scalability, high availability, robustness, and resiliency for applications. One of its many features is support for running custom scripts or binaries through its primary client binary, kubectl. Kubectl is very powerful and allows users to do anything with it that they could do directly on a Kubernetes cluster. |
- よく使うコマンドには引数を含めたエイリアスを作る
alias ksysex='kubectl --namespace=kube-system exec -i -t'
- kubectl pluginを作る
- tmuxとの連携
- 一気にPodのログを閲覧するバッファを作るスクリプトの紹介
Load balancing and scaling long-lived connections in Kubernetes
Load balancing and scaling long-lived connections in Kubernetes | |
Kubernetes doesn't load balance long-lived connections, and some Pods might receive more requests than others. If you're using HTTP/2, gRPC, RSockets, AMQP or any other long-lived connection such as a database connection, you might want to consider client-side load balancing. |
FairwindsOps/astro | |
Emit Datadog monitors based on Kubernetes state. Contribute to FairwindsOps/astro development by creating an account on GitHub. |
The Editorial
GitLab, with Marin Jankovski
GitLab, with Marin Jankovski | |
Kubernetes Podcast。今回のゲストはGitLabの1番目の社員であるMarin Jankovski。
(全部は聞いていないけど、”Tanuki Logo"の話とかしているようで、気になる・・ )
The old logo was.. “threatening”
HPE acquires zero-trust networking, security firm Scytale | ZDNet
HPE acquires zero-trust networking, security firm Scytale | ZDNet | |
The startup is made up of engineers from AWS, Google, Splunk, and other tech giants. |
Everything's coming up Kubernetes: Google Cloud adds support for Windows Server Containers
Everything's coming up Kubernetes: Google Cloud adds support for Windows Server Containers | |
All your clouds look like K8 |
GKEでWindows Server Containerがベータサポートされたという話。
併せて紹介されている、GCPのリソースをKubernetes wayで操作できるようになるというGCP Config Connectorも気になる。
Kubestone - Kubernetes & OpenShift performance benchmarking
Kubestone - Kubernetes & OpenShift performance benchmarking |
CPU, Disk, Memory, Network, HTTPなど多岐にわたるベンチマークを提供している。
Kubernetes’ Inevitable Takeover of the Data Center
Kubernetes’ Inevitable Takeover of the Data Center | |
In this special series, DCK takes a close look at the rise of Kubernetes and what’s to come for the last few years’ most disruptive technology. |
If You’ve Got It, Flaunt It — Kubernetes Experience, That Is - SDxCentral
If You’ve Got It, Flaunt It — Kubernetes Experience, That Is - SDxCentral | |
Employer demand for IT professionals with Kubernetes experience is growing faster than candidate interest, according to new data from Indeed. |
Kubernetes Operators: 4 facts to know
Kubernetes Operators: 4 facts to know | |
Without real automation, you won’t realize the full potential of containers. That’s where Kubernetes Operators play a growing role. Here’s what IT leaders should know. |
Kubernetes Operatorについての4つの事実。
- Kubernetes Operatorの数は増加中でますます利用されるようになってきている
- Operatorを導入しても、オペレーションがなくなる訳ではなく、むしろ何が起きているかを把握し、注視する必要がある。
- OperatorはDBのためだけのものでは無い
- 全てにおいてOperatorが必要な訳では無い
Register Now: KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU Day Zero Events - Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Register Now: KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU Day Zero Events - Cloud Native Computing Foundation | |
KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU 2020 in Amsterdam is just around the corner! The schedule is now live. As you are planning your trip, don’t forget to register for a Day... |
KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU 2020 の Day Zero Events の紹介。
- Cloud Native Security Day
- Serverless Practitioners Summit
- Service Mesh Con
How Frame.io Built a Full Security Program Around Its Video Cloud with Falco - Cloud Native Computing Foundation
How Frame.io Built a Full Security Program Around Its Video Cloud with Falco - Cloud Native Computing Foundation | |
From Netflix to Fox Sports and Vice, some of the most prominent creators of video and film content use the Frame.io platform for cloud-based review and collaboration across multiple teams.... |