KubeWeeklyは毎週Kubernetesに関する興味深いニュースを提供しています。(https://kubeweekly.io/ )この記事は 2019/07/31に発行された Kube Weekly #178を読んで、感じたことをメモ的にまとめたものです。
The Headlines
What's New in Kubernetes 1.15 - Cloud Native Computing Foundation
What's New in Kubernetes 1.15 - Cloud Native Computing Foundation | |
CNCFによるKubernetes 1.15の新機能紹介Webinar
Kubernetes: What is "reconciliation"?
Kubernetes: What is "reconciliation"? | |
A very brief exploration of what we mean when we talk about reconciliation in the context of Kubernetes APIs and controllers. |
The Technical
Deprecated APIs Removed In 1.16: Here’s What You Need To Know
Deprecated APIs Removed In 1.16: Here’s What You Need To Know | |
Author: Vallery Lancey (Lyft) As the Kubernetes API evolves, APIs are periodically reorganized or upgraded. When APIs evolve, the old API is deprecated and eventually removed. The 1.16 release will deprecate APIs for four services: NetworkPolicy PodSecurityPolicy DaemonSet, Deployment, StatefulSet, and ReplicaSet Ingress None of these resources will be removed from Kubernetes or deprecated in any way. However, to continue using these resources, you must use a current version of the Kubernetes API. |
Kubernetes 1.16では今までよく使われてきapiVersionが廃止となるので、事前告知されている。
Day 2 Kubernetes: Migrating EKS Node Groups with Zero Downtime
Day 2 Kubernetes: Migrating EKS Node Groups with Zero Downtime | |
Managed Kubernetes offerings greatly reduce the overhead required in
administering Kubernetes. However, the cluster is only one of the
components under management, as app lifecycles are self-driven tasks
that vary by workloads.
In Kubernetes, node groups are a useful mechanism for creating pools of resources that can enforce In this post, we’ll see how to use Pulumi for Day 2 Kubernetes administration. |
Get started with Kubernetes (using Python)
Get started with Kubernetes (using Python) | |
Author: Jason Haley (Independent Consultant) So, you know you want to run your application in Kubernetes but don’t know where to start. Or maybe you’re getting started but still don’t know what you don’t know. In this blog you’ll walk through how to containerize an application and get it running in Kubernetes. This walk-through assumes you are a developer or at least comfortable with the command line (preferably bash shell). |
Announcing Polaris Snapshot
Announcing Polaris Snapshot | |
Polaris Snapshot will let you generate a report and allow teams to sync on how to make their Kubernetes workloads more stable, efficient, and secure. |
Running Apache Kafka over Istio - benchmark · Banzai Cloud
Running Apache Kafka over Istio - benchmark · Banzai Cloud | |
Bringing cloud native to the enterprise, simplifying the transition to microservices on Kubernetes |
マルチクラウド環境でKafka on Istioを動かしたベンチマーク。シングルクラスタでのベンチマーク、シングルクラウドマルチリージョンでのベンチマーク、おまけでLinkerdを使ったベンチマークなども掲載されている。
この記事を書いているBonzaiCloudが提供するIstio operatorを使うことで簡単にマルチクラウド環境でIstioを利用できるようだ。
How a Production Outage Was Caused Using Kubernetes Pod Priorities
How a Production Outage Was Caused Using Kubernetes Pod Priorities | |
On July 19, Grafana Cloud’s Hosted Prometheus service experienced a 30-minute outage. Here’s our incident postmortem. |
Grafana社の提供するHosted Prometheus serviceが引き起こした30分にわたる障害についてのレポート。
Container Security: A Look at Rootless Containers
Container Security: A Look at Rootless Containers | |
This blog article discusses Rootless Containers, which was introduced in Docker 19.03, and how this feature further improves the security and manageability of containers. |
Docker 19.03で実験的にサポートされたRootless Conatinerについて、簡単な仕組みと、実際の動作チュートリアルの紹介。
Kubernetes Network Policies 101
Kubernetes Network Policies 101 | |
Kubernetes uses the NetworkPolicy resource to fulfill the firewall role. Learn how to utilize NetworkPolicies to control and secure network traffic. |
Webinar video: Kubernetes RBAC: Getting Permission or Asking for Forgiveness?
The Editorial
Happy birthday Knative! Celebrating one year of portable serverless computing | Google Cloud Blog
Happy birthday Knative! Celebrating one year of portable serverless computing | Google Cloud Blog | |
At one year old, Google’s open-source Knative project is helping to realize the dream of portable serverless workloads. |
Knativeの生誕1周年を祝う記事。またGoogleが提供しているKnativeを基にしたサービス”Cloud Run”についての紹介。
CKAD (Certified Kubernetes Application Developer) program review
CKAD (Certified Kubernetes Application Developer) program review | |
Review of the CKAD (Certified Kubernetes Application Developer) program of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) with tips & tricks |
Why Kubernetes will disappear
Why Kubernetes will disappear | |
The prize of ubiquity is invisibility |
Intent-based Capacity Planning and Autoscaling with Kubernetes
Intent-based Capacity Planning and Autoscaling with Kubernetes | |
Intent-based Capacity Planning is Google's approach to declare reliability intent for a service and then solve for the most efficient resource allocation plan dynamically. Learn how you can start using this approach to manage the reliability of your services running on your Kubernetes cluster. |
Intent-based Capacity Planningの考え方の紹介と、それをKubernetesで実現するための機能紹介。
Resource Limit/Request,HorizontalPodAutoscaler,ClusterAutoscalerの紹介。
Kubernetes Podcast from Google
Kubernetes Podcast from Google | |
Kubernetes Podcast
ゲストはクラウド周りの分析をやっている調査会社のResearch Vice President.