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KubeWeekly #166

Last updated at Posted at 2019-04-04


KubeWeeklyは毎週Kubernetesに関する興味深いニュースを提供しています。(http://bit.ly/kubeweekly )この記事は 2019/03/29に発行された Kube Weekly #166 ( https://mailchi.mp/cncf/kubeweekly-166 ) を読んで、感じたことをメモ的にまとめたものです。


The Headlines

Kubernetes 1.14: Production-level support for Windows Nodes, Kubectl Updates, Persistent Local Volumes GA

Kubernetes 1.14: Production-level support for Windows Nodes, Kubectl Updates, Persistent Local Volumes GA
Authors: The 1.14 Release Team We’re pleased to announce the delivery of Kubernetes 1.14, our first release of 2019! Kubernetes 1.14 consists of 31 enhancements: 10 moving to stable, 12 in beta, and 7 net new. The main themes of this release are extensibility and supporting more workloads on Kubernetes with three major features moving to general availability, and an important security feature moving to beta. More enhancements graduated to stable in this release than any prior Kubernetes release.

Kubernetes v1.14がリリースされました。

  • Windowsノードサポートがベータに
  • Kubectlのアップデート
  • Persistent Local VolumeがGAに
  • PID Limitingがベータに
  • その他の大きなアップデート
    • Pod priority and preemption
    • Pod Readiness Gates
    • Harden the default RBAC discovery clusterrolebindings

Scaling Up Smart: 4 key tips on successfully using cloud native technology to scale your infrastructure - Cloud Native Computing Foundation

Scaling Up Smart: 4 key tips on successfully using cloud native technology to scale your infrastructure - Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Today’s post is by Reda Benzair, CNCF Ambassador and VP of Engineering at Streamroot. This was originally posted on the Streamroot techdeveloper’s blog. In this post, I’d like to share...


  • #1 新しいものが必ずしも良いとは限らない。
    • CNCFプロダクトにも成熟度がある。何でもかんでも導入するとコストや複雑性が増すだけ。
  • #2 コストを管理しよう。
    • 早い段階でコストを管理できるようにする。これにより、どのように公立化すべきかが明らかになる
  • #3 プロダクション環境を分離しよう
    • Namespaceによる分離も良いが、オペレーションミスやセキュリティインシデントのコストがかかる。
  • #4 統一化と自動化を行おう
    • 今や自動化や開発環境の統一は様々な技術により簡単に行うことができる。なるべく早く行うことが大事。

Running Kubernetes locally on Linux with Minikube - now with Kubernetes 1.14 support

Running Kubernetes locally on Linux with Minikube - now with Kubernetes 1.14 support
Author: Ihor Dvoretskyi, Developer Advocate, Cloud Native Computing Foundation A few days ago, the Kubernetes community announced Kubernetes 1.14, the most recent version of Kubernetes. Alongside it, Minikube, a part of the Kubernetes project, recently hit the 1.0 milestone, which supports Kubernetes 1.14 by default. Kubernetes is a real winner (and a de facto standard) in the world of distributed Cloud Native computing. While it can handle up to 5000 nodes in a single cluster, local deployment on a single machine (e.

Minikubeが1.0となりKubernetes v1.14をサポートするようになりました。


The Technical

A Guide to Kubernetes Admission Controllers

A Guide to Kubernetes Admission Controllers
Author: Malte Isberner (StackRox) Kubernetes has greatly improved the speed and manageability of backend clusters in production today. Kubernetes has emerged as the de facto standard in container orchestrators thanks to its flexibility, scalability, and ease of use. Kubernetes also provides a range of features that secure production workloads. A more recent introduction in security features is a set of plugins called “admission controllers.” Admission controllers must be enabled to use some of the more advanced security features of Kubernetes, such as pod security policies that enforce a security configuration baseline across an entire namespace.

Admission Controllerの紹介。
図を用いたAdmission Controllerの説明と、Kubernetesの様々なところで利用されている例の紹介。

Managing Kubernetes RBAC Groups

Managing Kubernetes RBAC Groups
Announcing our open source project RBACSync



Boosting your kubectl productivity

Boosting your kubectl productivity
If you work with Kubernetes, then kubectl is probably one of your most-used tools. This article contains a series of tips and tricks to make your usage of kubectl more efficient.


  • シェルの補完機能 kubectl completion
  • kubectl explain
  • custom-columnsによるgetの制御
  • contextの切り替え
  • aliasの勧め
  • pluginの活用

Kubernetes-based Microservice Observability with Istio Service Mesh: Part 2

Kubernetes-based Microservice Observability with Istio Service Mesh: Part 2
Explore the observability tools that are part of the latest version of Istio Service Mesh 1.1.0: Jaeger, Kiali, Prometheus, and Grafana.


  • Logging
  • Metrics(Prometheus,Grafana)
  • Traces(Istio, Jaeger)
  • Microservice Observability(Kiali)

How to use Knative on Kubernetes to deploy a Serverless Application

How to use Knative on Kubernetes to deploy a Serverless Application
Container or Serverless? A question that will soon be superfluous with the open source project Knative.


Litmus: Journey of a storage e2e and chaos framework for Kubernetes

Litmus: Journey of a storage e2e and chaos framework for Kubernetes
This article is part of a #ProjectUpdates series on Litmus. In this blog post, we will share the latest developments in the project, which…



Tuning Jaeger’s performance

Tuning Jaeger’s performance
Jaeger was built from day 1 to be able to ingest huge amounts of data in a resilient way. This post shows you the tuning possibilities.


  • client側
    • サンプリングの割合を変更する
    • Queueのサイズを変更する
    • Flash Interrvalを変更する
    • clientがagentやcollectorにspanの情報を送る間隔
  • agent側
    • Queueのサイズを変更する
    • processor worker数を変更する
  • collector側
    • Queueのサイズを変更する
  • worker側
    • worker数を変更する
  • 構成など
    • controllerの水平スケール
    • 早いストレージをつかう
    • agentをアプリケーションから近いところに置く
    • Kafkaの利用を検討する

Setting up secure endpoints in Kubernetes

Setting up secure endpoints in Kubernetes
Note This post requires a basic understanding of Kubernetes and how it works for it to be most useful. Source Code All the code and configuration files for this post are available here. One Simple App, Two Endpoints One of the most basic needs of a new application that's deployed

DigitalOceanのManaged Kubernetesを例に、一般的なWebアプリケーションの公開方法を紹介している。
Nginx Ingress Controller, External DNS, Cert Managerなどのツールを活用している。

How to build your own CDN with Kubernetes

How to build your own CDN with Kubernetes
Design and code to deploy a self-hosted content delivery network.

KubernetesでCDN ilhaan/kubeCDN を自作した話。



Understanding Network Policies in Kubernetes

Understanding Network Policies in Kubernetes
Let's learn how to manage traffic to and from your Pods using Kubernetes Network Policies with a set of ingress and egress rules.


PostgreSQL anywhere — via Kubernetes with some help from OpenEBS and credativ engineering

PostgreSQL anywhere — via Kubernetes with some help from OpenEBS and credativ engineering
by Murat Karslioglu, OpenEBS and Adrian Vondendriesch, credativ


Getting started with Jaeger to build an Istio service mesh

Getting started with Jaeger to build an Istio service mesh
Improve monitoring and tracing of cloud-native apps on a distributed networking system.


Kubernetes End-to-end Testing for Everyone

Kubernetes End-to-end Testing for Everyone
Author: Patrick Ohly (Intel) More and more components that used to be part of Kubernetes are now being developed outside of Kubernetes. For example, storage drivers used to be compiled into Kubernetes binaries, then were moved into stand-alone Flexvolume binaries on the host, and now are delivered as Container Storage Interface (CSI) drivers that get deployed in pods inside the Kubernetes cluster itself. This poses a challenge for developers who work on such components: how can end-to-end (E2E) testing on a Kubernetes cluster be done for such external components?

Kubernettes v1.13からE2Eには大幅な改良が加わったようで、そのことについて記載されている。

Tooling Spotlight


[WIP proof of concept] show who has permissions to `verb` `resources` in kubernetes - aquasecurity/kubectl-who-can


Routing Traffic to Applications in Kubernetes with Contour 0.10 - Cloud Native Apps

Routing Traffic to Applications in Kubernetes with Contour 0.10 - Cloud Native Apps
Version 0.10 of Contour adds some exciting features to address TLS certificates and how they are referenced. This new version brings a feature called TLS Certificate Delegation, which makes it possible for an IngressRoute objects to reference a Kubernetes Secret object in another namespace.

Ingress Controllerの実装の一つであるContour。内部的にはEnvoyを利用している。

The Editorial

The evolution of serverless and FaaS: Knative brings change - Red Hat Developer Blog

The evolution of serverless and FaaS: Knative brings change - Red Hat Developer Blog
The terms "serverless" and "Function as a Service" (FaaS) often are used interchangeably, but they do not mean the same thing. This article describes the terms and how Knative is speeding the evolution of both by enabling any service to be available as a function.


Using Istio to Secure Service Meshes


Going Cloud Native: 6 essential things you need to know

Going Cloud Native: 6 essential things you need to know
Are you just starting on your digital transformation journey and still wondering what cloud native is, and why you need it? This article discusses the key takeaways to know about the term cloud native. It also describes how you can take advantage of cloud native capabilities to speed up your development team’s productivity and increase your company’s innovation output.


  • クラウドネイティブの歴史
  • エンタープライズでクラウドネイティブを採用することの利点
  • クラウドネイティブアーキテクチャはどんな感じか
  • クラウドネイティブな戦略を実践すると何が起きるか
  • CNCFの役割について
  • DevOpsとクラウドネイティブの関係

Bringing Kubernetes to the bare-metal edge

Bringing Kubernetes to the bare-metal edge
New Kubespray features enable Kubernetes clusters to be deployed across next-generation edge locations.



A Self-Hosted Global Load Balancer for OpenShift – Red Hat OpenShift Blog

A Self-Hosted Global Load Balancer for OpenShift – Red Hat OpenShift Blog
Introduction This is the fifth installment on a series of blog posts related to deploying OpenShift in multi-cluster configurations. In the first two posts (part 1 and part 2), we explored how to create a network tunnel between multiple clusters. In the third post, it was demonstrated how to deploy Istio multicluster across multiple clusters …

OpenShiftでマルチクラスタを活用する際に必要なGlobal Loadbalancerについて

External-DNSはマルチクラスタの要件ではそのまま使うことは難しいが、Federation V2の機能を使うことで、うまくマルチクラスタのDNSを設定できるようだ。
そして、マルチクラスタの各クラスタでDNSサービスを動かし、それらをDomain Registrarに設定することでGlobal Loadbalancerを実現している。

(Federation V2の動きがよくわかっていないので、いまいちピンと来ていない)

Kubernetes Learning Resources

Kubernetes Learning Resources

Google SpreadSheetにまとめられた、Kubernetesの資料集

AppDirect Case Study

AppDirect Case Study
CASE STUDY:AppDirect: How AppDirect Supported the 10x Growth of Its Engineering Staff with Kubernetess Company  AppDirect     Location  San Francisco, California      Industry  Software Challenge AppDirect provides an end-to-end commerce platform for cloud-based products and services. When Director of Software Development Pierre-Alexandre Lacerte began working there in 2014, the company had a monolith application deployed on a "tomcat infrastructure, and the whole release process was complex for what it should be,"



Kubernetes 1.14 Ships With Production-Grade Support For Microsoft Windows Worker Nodes

Kubernetes 1.14 Ships With Production-Grade Support For Microsoft Windows Worker Nodes
The Kubernetes community continues to make brisk progress. The latest release marks yet another milestone for the most popular, open source container orchestration engine.

Kubernetes v1.14のリリースについて。

Why Kubernetes?

Why Kubernetes?
There was a recent blog post by Matthias Endler on why you might not need Kubernetes. I'll try to explain why I believe Kubernetes is worth a close look, even if you just want to run some containers.

なぜ Kubernetesなのか、という問いについての意見。

APIの抽象度、一貫性、拡張性、互換性、みんなが使っている という点が挙げられている。

Kubernetes 1.14 Enhances Cloud-Native Platform With Windows Nodes

Kubernetes 1.14 Enhances Cloud-Native Platform With Windows Nodes
Kubernetes 1.14 introduces new features and a new process for the open-source container orchestration platform to determine which enhancements will land in upcoming releases.

Kubernetes v1.14のリリースについて。
Kubernetes Enhancement Proposal(KEP) を使ったリリースは1.14が初めてだと書かれている(もっと前からあった気もする)

Kubernetes 1.14 Brings Docker Orchestration to Windows Server - The New Stack

Kubernetes 1.14 Brings Docker Orchestration to Windows Server - The New Stack
The latest release of Kubernetes, version 1.14, is out with production-level support for Windows nodes and 10 enhancements moving to the stable release. “The thing I’m most proud of is that this release has the most stable enhancements of any release of Kubernetes,” said release lead Aaron Crickenberger, senior test engineer at Google.“You have heard …

Kubernetes v1.14のリリースについて。


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