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KubeWeekly #207

Last updated at Posted at 2020-03-19

KubeWeeklyは毎週Kubernetesに関する興味深いニュースを提供しています。(https://kubeweekly.io/ )この記事は 2020/03/13に発行された Kube Weekly #207を読んで、感じたことをメモ的にまとめたものです。


※この記事は、Z Labの業務の一環として作成したものです。

The Headlines

Redefining extensibility in proxies - introducing WebAssembly to Envoy and Istio

Redefining extensibility in proxies - introducing WebAssembly to Envoy and Istio
The future of Istio extensibility using WASM.

さらにSolo.ioがWebAssembly拡張を集約するWebAssembly Hubを公開したようです。

ICYMI: CNCF Webinars


CNCF Member Webinar: Immutable Infrastructure in the Age of Kubernetes - Cloud Native Computing Foundation

CNCF Member Webinar: Immutable Infrastructure in the Age of Kubernetes - Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Immutable infrastructure promises huge benefits to most software application architectures. Stateless containers promise more stable upgrades and rollbacks, resulting in less downtime and more deployment flexibility. As sophisticated container orchestration...


CNCF Member Webinar: Kubernetes Security Best Practices for DevOps - Cloud Native Computing Foundation

CNCF Member Webinar: Kubernetes Security Best Practices for DevOps - Cloud Native Computing Foundation
For many DevOps teams, Kubernetes has become an enterprise IT mandate, but like previous waves of infrastructure change, Kubernetes security best practices must be followed throughout the container life cycle....


CNCF Member Webinar: Use Open Source, Bare Metal, & 5G to Achieve Autonomous Drone Delivery! - Cloud Native Computing Foundation

CNCF Member Webinar: Use Open Source, Bare Metal, & 5G to Achieve Autonomous Drone Delivery! - Cloud Native Computing Foundation
We will be discussing a use case for utilizing drones to make deliveries to warehouses, as well as looking at the technologies used to build an end to end IoT...


CNCF Project Webinar: What’s New in Linkerd 2.7 - Cloud Native Computing Foundation

CNCF Project Webinar: What’s New in Linkerd 2.7 - Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Linkerd 2.7 significantly advances the promise of zero trust security in Kubernetes. This security-themed release adds support for integrating Linkerd’s mutual TLS infrastructure with external certificate issuers such as Vault...

Linkerd 2.7の新機能紹介のWebiner

The Technical

What Is A Service Mesh?

What Is A Service Mesh?
it’s an architecture that aims at breaking large monolithic applications into small units that communicate with each other through HTTP protocol.


Managing service meshes with Meshery

Managing service meshes with Meshery
If you ever wanted to quickly evaluate service meshes and even run a couple of performace tests, you might want to look into Meshery. Meshery is a multi-service mesh management plane for lifecycle, config and performance management of service meshes.


Kubernetes Monitoring: Full Overview, Tools & Best Practices - Sematext

Kubernetes Monitoring: Full Overview, Tools & Best Practices - Sematext
Learn what Kubernetes metrics to monitor, how to do it & what are the best open-source and commercial tools to help ensure peak performance of your cluster!



Kubernetes deployment visibility like a pro. Contribute to similarweb/statusbay development by creating an account on GitHub.


What makes a good Operator? – Red Hat OpenShift Blog

What makes a good Operator? – Red Hat OpenShift Blog
In 2016, CoreOS coined the term, Operator. They started a movement about a whole new type of managed application that achieves automated Day-2 operations with a user-experience that feels native to Kubernetes. Since then, the extensions mechanisms that underpin the Operator pattern, have evolved significantly. Custom Resource Definitions, an integral part of any Operator, became …

OperatorFrameworkが提供しているOperator Bestpracticesの紹介。

Connecting AWS managed services to your Argo CD pipeline with open source Crossplane | Amazon Web Services

Connecting AWS managed services to your Argo CD pipeline with open source Crossplane | Amazon Web Services
This article is a guest post from Dan Mangum, a software engineer at Upbound. Cloud infrastructure is maturing rapidly, enabling businesses to take advantage of new architectures and services alongside applications running on Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS). Infrastructure teams find that they are managing both traditional cloud environments, using tools such as AWS […]


NTP in a Kubernetes cluster

NTP in a Kubernetes cluster
Anyone who doesn’t know what is NTP (Network Time Protocol), directly from Wikipedia, “The Network Time Protocol is a networking protocol for clock synchronization between computer syst…



The Editorial

Helping You and Your Development Team Build and Ship Faster - Docker Blog

Helping You and Your Development Team Build and Ship Faster - Docker Blog
We heard from you that easily going from code to cloud is a problem, and Scott outlined the complexities. However, what if you are a developer in a small team at a startup, and need something easy, fast, and efficient? Or, if you are a developer who is part of a team in a large organization that uses multiple clouds?

Docker社の今後の方針の紹介と、パブリックなロードマップをGitHub Projectで公開しているという話。

Announcing Istio 1.5

Announcing Istio 1.5
Istio 1.5 release announcement.

Auto mTLSという機能により、サイドカーが注入されているPod同士の通信は自動的にmTLSとなります。

Become a Modern Software Organization with VMware Tanzu - Cloud Native Apps Blog

Become a Modern Software Organization with VMware Tanzu - Cloud Native Apps Blog
At VMworld US, we introduced VMware Tanzu as a concept. Today we introduce it as a portfolio of products & services that are generally available.

VMWare Tanzu がGAとなりました。
これによりVMWare CloudでVMを払い出すのと同じようにKubernetesクラスタを作り、管理することができるようになります。

  • Tanzu Kubernetes Grid
  • Tanzu Mission Control
  • Tanzu Application Catalog
  • Tanzu Observability
  • Tanzu Application service
    • (元はPivotal Application Service)


gRPC, with Richard Belleville

gRPC, with Richard Belleville

Kubernetes Podcast。今回はgRPCの話、ゲストはGoogleでgRPCに携わっているRichard Belleville。

How does Monzo keep 1,600 microservices spinning? Go, clean code, and a strong team

How does Monzo keep 1,600 microservices spinning? Go, clean code, and a strong team
Well-known software development principles count for more than technology choices


Open Policy Agent's Mission to Secure the Cloud - The New Stack

Open Policy Agent's Mission to Secure the Cloud - The New Stack


How Visa built its own container security solution

How Visa built its own container security solution
The homegrown solution takes advantage of the native capabilities that already exist on container orchestration platforms and is primarily built on top of open-source tools and libraries.


Containers and Kubernetes: 3 transformational success stories

Containers and Kubernetes: 3 transformational success stories
This powerful combo of workload portability and orchestration has become an invaluable business asset in multi-cloud and hybrid cloud environments.

Expedia社、Primerica社,Clemson Universityの3つのコンテナ・Kubernetesへの移行事例紹介。

Top Six Open Source Tools for Monitoring Kubernetes and Docker - DevOps.com

Top Six Open Source Tools for Monitoring Kubernetes and Docker - DevOps.com
Kubernetes and Docker are two of the most commonly heard buzzwords in modern DevOps conversations. Docker is a tool that enables you to containerize and


  • Prometheus
  • Grafana
  • Elastic Stack
  • Sensu Go
  • Sysdig Inspect
  • Jaeger

Essential things to know about container networking

Essential things to know about container networking
Networking is a crucial component in the container ecosystem, providing connectivity between containers running on the same host as well as on different hosts.



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