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KubeWeekly #181

Last updated at Posted at 2019-09-03

KubeWeeklyは毎週Kubernetesに関する興味深いニュースを提供しています。(https://kubeweekly.io/ )この記事は 2019/08/22に発行された Kube Weekly #181を読んで、感じたことをメモ的にまとめたものです。


The Headlines

CNCF Archives the rkt Project - Cloud Native Computing Foundation

CNCF Archives the rkt Project - Cloud Native Computing Foundation
As part of a new Archiving Process initiated earlier this year, CNCF announced today that the Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) has voted to archive the rkt project. All open source...


A journey from containerization to orchestration and beyond

A journey from containerization to orchestration and beyond
Ever wondered what's the difference between dockerd and containerd or why Kubernetes CRI was introduced?


  • コンテナランタイム
  • コンテナマネジメント
  • Runtime shims
  • CNI
  • Orchestration

The Technical

[ANNOUNCE] Security release of Kubernetes v1.15.3, v1.14.6, v1.13.10 - CVE-2019-9512 and CVE-2019-9514

[ANNOUNCE] Security release of Kubernetes v1.15.3, v1.14.6, v1.13.10 - CVE-2019-9512 and CVE-2019-9514

HTTP HTTPSの実装の問題によりDoS攻撃を受ける可能性があった問題の修正が行われたようです。

Cilium 1.6: KVstore-free operation, 100% kube-proxy replacement, Socket-based load-balancing, Generic CNI Chaining, Native AWS ENI support, ... — Cilium

Cilium 1.6: KVstore-free operation, 100% kube-proxy replacement, Socket-based load-balancing, Generic CNI Chaining, Native AWS ENI support, ... — Cilium
Linux-Native, API-Aware Networking and Security for Containers. Open source project, Fork me on Github

Cilium 1.6がリリースされました。


k3sup: from Zero to KUBECONFIG in < 1 min. Contribute to alexellis/k3sup development by creating an account on GitHub.


Containers 102: Kubernetes and the Basics of Container Orchestration -- Redmondmag.com

Containers 102: Kubernetes and the Basics of Container Orchestration -- Redmondmag.com
To know containers is to know Kubernetes, the gold standard for container orchestration and deployment. Here's an explainer for how Kubernetes works and what makes it tick.


Kubernetes Web UIs in 2019

Kubernetes Web UIs in 2019
This post takes a look at different open source Kubernetes web UIs, my requirements, and why I created Kubernetes Web View to help with support and troubleshooting across multiple clusters. Use Case

この記事の著者はhttps://codeberg.org/hjacobs/kube-web-view/ を作っているようで、他のツールについては紹介+不満点が記載されていて参考になる。



Replica scheduling with Kubernetes federation · Banzai Cloud

Replica scheduling with Kubernetes federation · Banzai Cloud
Bringing cloud native to the enterprise, simplifying the transition to microservices on Kubernetes

Kubernetes federation v2の動作の解説。
特にPreferenceを設定しクラスタ間でレプリカ数に重みをつけてPodをデプロイする方法と、意図した数Podがデプロイできない場合にrebalanceをするReplica Schedulerの動作を説明している。

この記事を書いたBonzaiCloudではすでにFederation v2を提供し始めているようだ。

Proxying services into Kubernetes · Banzai Cloud

Proxying services into Kubernetes · Banzai Cloud
Bringing cloud native to the enterprise, simplifying the transition to microservices on Kubernetes

kurunというツールの紹介。go runのような感じで簡単にKubernetes上にアプリケーションをデプロイできるコマンドです。


Running Kubernetes end-to-end tests with Kind and GitHub Actions

Running Kubernetes end-to-end tests with Kind and GitHub Actions
Using Kubernetes in Docker in GitHub Actions

GitHub Actionsでkindを使ってe2eテストを実行する方法。

How To Deploy a PHP Application with Kubernetes on Ubuntu 18.04 | DigitalOcean

How To Deploy a PHP Application with Kubernetes on Ubuntu 18.04 | DigitalOcean
Kubernetes is an open source container orchestration system. It allows you to create, update, and scale containers without worrying about downtime. In this tutorial, you will deploy a PHP 7 application on a Kubernetes cluster with Nginx and PHP-FPM ru


The Editorial

How to explain Kubernetes Secrets in plain English

How to explain Kubernetes Secrets in plain English
What is a Kubernetes secret? How does this type of Kubernetes object increase security? How do you create a Kubernetes secret? What are some best practices? Experts break it down.


Pivotal CTO: Kubernetes means we're all distributed systems programmers now • DEVCLASS

Pivotal CTO: Kubernetes means we're all distributed systems programmers now • DEVCLASS
Kubernetes is changing the way organisations develop their software and manage their systems. But can we expect it to start changing the nature of organisations themselves? It’s certainly changed the nature of Pivotal – which launched a drive onto Kubernetes last month, not long after being lambasted by financial analysts for scaling back financial targets …

最近になってKubernetesを使う方向に舵を切ったPivotal CTOへのインタビュー記事。

Kubernetes Workloads in the Serverless Era: Architecture, Platforms, and Trends

Kubernetes Workloads in the Serverless Era: Architecture, Platforms, and Trends
Explore how microservices architecture has evolved into cloud-native architecture, where many of the infrastructure concerns are provided by Kubernetes in combination with additional abstractions provided by service mesh and serverless frameworks. In addition, the serverless ecosystem is evolving by exploring standard and open packaging, runtimes, and event formats.


Solving 2 Common Deployment Dilemmas in Kubernetes With Istio


Orka, with Chris Chapman

Orka, with Chris Chapman

Kubernetes Podcast. 今回のゲストはMacOS as a ServiceのMacStadiumのSVPの方です。

Flux Joins the CNCF Sandbox

Flux Joins the CNCF Sandbox
Flux, the Kubernetes GitOps operator, has been accepted as a Sandbox project by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). Built to drive Weaveworks’ own deployment pipeline, Flux operates by updating Kubernetes manifests, applying them, and then committing the change to git.


Kubernetes, Data Portability, and the Rise of Portable Stateful Applications - The New Stack

Kubernetes, Data Portability, and the Rise of Portable Stateful Applications - The New Stack
A primer on getting Kubernetes to work with stateful applications, using the container storage interface.



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