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KubeWeekly #157

Last updated at Posted at 2018-12-10


半年ほど細々と「KubeWeekly読書メモ」を公開してきました→ https://qiita.com/tags/kubeweekly


KubeWeeklyは毎週Kubernetesに関する興味深いニュースを提供しています。(http://bit.ly/kubeweekly )この記事は 2018/12/05に発行された Kube Weekly #157 ( http://eepurl.com/dP594T ) を読んで、感じたことをメモ的にまとめたものです。

The Headlines

Kubernetes 1.13: Simplified Cluster Management with Kubeadm, Container Storage Interface (CSI), and CoreDNS as Default DNS are Now Generally Available

Kubernetes 1.13: Simplified Cluster Management with Kubeadm, Container Storage Interface (CSI), and CoreDNS as Default DNS are Now Generally Available
Author: The 1.13 Release Team We’re pleased to announce the delivery of Kubernetes 1.13, our fourth and final release of 2018! Kubernetes 1.13 has been one of the shortest releases to date at 10 weeks. This release continues to focus on stability and extensibility of Kubernetes with three major features graduating to general availability this cycle in the areas of Storage and Cluster Lifecycle. Notable features graduating in this release include: simplified cluster management with kubeadm, Container Storage Interface (CSI), and CoreDNS as the default DNS.

1.13はいつもの3ヶ月周期より早く10週でリリースされた。 Kubeadm GA, CSI GA, CoreDNSデフォルト化に注力したリリース。

Production-Ready Kubernetes Cluster Creation with kubeadm

Production-Ready Kubernetes Cluster Creation with kubeadm
Authors: Lucas Käldström (CNCF Ambassador) and Luc Perkins (CNCF Developer Advocate) kubeadm is a tool that enables Kubernetes administrators to quickly and easily bootstrap minimum viable clusters that are fully compliant with Certified Kubernetes guidelines. It’s been under active development by SIG Cluster Lifecycle since 2016 and we’re excited to announce that it has now graduated from beta to stable and generally available (GA)! This GA release of kubeadm is an important event in the progression of the Kubernetes ecosystem, bringing stability to an area where stability is paramount.


The Kubernetes Cluster API – Heptio

The Kubernetes Cluster API – Heptio
I’ve been close to Kubernetes for a long time (considering Kubernetes is just a little over four years old). My first commit was in…


The Technical

K8s Selenium Grid — Selenium Grid with Docker on Kubernetes

K8s Selenium Grid — Selenium Grid with Docker on Kubernetes
Getting Started

Selenium GridをminikubeとGCP(?)にデプロイする方法の紹介。

Kubernetes Ingress Controllers and Certificates: The Walkthrough

Kubernetes Ingress Controllers and Certificates: The Walkthrough
I have gone through a written walk through of Ingresses and Helm Charts before back in May, but this is the updated version with a video; I'm SO excited. The content I walkthrough today is something that's been asked about for a very long time and I could not be

Ingress Controllerと証明書について、動画で紹介している(みていない)

Unprivileged OCI image builds on Kubernetes · Banzai Cloud

Unprivileged OCI image builds on Kubernetes · Banzai Cloud
Bringing cloud native to the enterprise, simplifying the transition to microservices on Kubernetes

imgやKanikoを紹介し、またDrone.ioからKanikoを利用することができるプラグイン GitHub - banzaicloud/kaniko-plugin: A thin shim-wrapper around the official Google Kaniko Docker image to make it behave like the Drone Docker plugin. を紹介している。

The Mechanics of Kubernetes – Dominik Tornow – Medium

The Mechanics of Kubernetes – Dominik Tornow – Medium
By Andrew Chen and Dominik Tornow


Running Vault and Consul on Kubernetes

Running Vault and Consul on Kubernetes
In the following tutorial we'll walk you through provisioning Hashicorp's Vault and Consul on Kubernetes.

使ったスクリプトなどはgithubにまとめられている GitHub - testdrivenio/vault-consul-kubernetes: vault + consul on kubernetes

Kubernetes & Traefik locally with a wildcard certificate

Kubernetes & Traefik locally with a wildcard certificate
As a passionate software engineer at Localz, I get to tinker with fancy new tools (in my own time) and then annoy my coworkers by…

docker for Macで作成したKubernetesクラスタにTraefik-ingress-controllerをデプロイしSSLでingressにアクセスできるようにする。

Exposing Kubernetes workloads to the world without losing sleep (or your mind)!

Exposing Kubernetes workloads to the world without losing sleep (or your mind)!
So you’ve got your Kubernetes cluster up and running and now its time to expose workloads to the outside world in a secure fashion.

External DNSで動的にDNSを設定、oauth2_proxyで認証、nginx-ingressでL7のクラスタの入り口を作成、Kube LegoでLet's Encryptの証明書を発行

A Cloud-Native API Part 2: Google Endpoints – High Alpha – Medium

A Cloud-Native API Part 2: Google Endpoints – High Alpha – Medium
In the first part of this guide (which you can find here), we created our Hello World api on Google’s Kubernetes Engine (GKE), and got to…

Cloud Endpointsを利用したAPIの公開。APIのバックエンドとしてKubernetes上のPodを登録している。
Cloud EndpointsにはOpenAPI形式で仕様を登録しておく、これにより、バリデーションやモニタリング、流量制限などが実現できるようだ。

Istio step-by-step Part 04 — Traffic routing path of Istio service-mesh (Part A — Ingress routing)

Istio step-by-step Part 04 — Traffic routing path of Istio service-mesh (Part A — Ingress routing)
Hi! Welcome back to my Istio step-by-step tutorial series. This tutorial contains two parts as Part A-Ingress traffic routing and Part…

Gateway, VirtualService, Serviceの流れの解説

Tooling Spotlight


Virtual k8s cluster for testing. Contribute to danderson/virtuakube development by creating an account on GitHub.



Istio progressive delivery Kubernetes operator. Contribute to stefanprodan/flagger development by creating an account on GitHub.


The Editorial

Benchmark results of Kubernetes network plugins (CNI) over 10Gbit/s network

Benchmark results of Kubernetes network plugins (CNI) over 10Gbit/s network
Kubernetes is a great orchestator for containers. But it does not manage network for Pod-to-Pod communication. This is the mission of…

10Gbit環境でのCNIのベンチマーク。Jumbo framesに対応したネットワークでの実験。

  • セットアップが簡単では無いCNI
  • MTUを自動で設定しないCNI
  • 通信の暗号化
  • ネットワークポリシーの実装
  • ネットワークパフォーマンス
  • CPU・メモリ利用率

SuperGloo: The Service Mesh Orchestration Platform – solo.io – Medium

SuperGloo: The Service Mesh Orchestration Platform – solo.io – Medium
Today we are thrilled to announce the release of SuperGloo, an open-source project to manage and orchestrate service meshes at scale…

対応しているのは istio,AWS App Mesh, Consul Connect, Linkerd2

As We May Kube* – ITNEXT

As We May Kube* – ITNEXT
We use different programming languages and development environments to write apps. Each language comes with a different flow and also we…

Kubernetesを使った開発フローを改善する様々なツールの紹介とkubed-sh | The Kubernetes distributed shell, for the casual cluster user という一風変わったkubernetesの開発環境の紹介。


New Contributor Workshop Shanghai

New Contributor Workshop Shanghai
Authors: Josh Berkus (Red Hat), Yang Li (The Plant), Puja Abbassi (Giant Swarm), XiangPeng Zhao (ZTE) Kubecon Shanghai New Contributor Summit attendees. Photo by Jerry Zhang We recently completed our first New Contributor Summit in China, at the first KubeCon in China. It was very exciting to see all of the Chinese and Asian developers (plus a few folks from around the world) interested in becoming contributors.

KubeCon上海でのContributer workshopの紹介

Both the “Great Firewall” and the language barrier prevent contributing Kubernetes from China from being straightforward.


The “Function” Package - Creating a Spec for Serverless Application Packaging - Cloud Native Computing Foundation

The “Function” Package - Creating a Spec for Serverless Application Packaging - Cloud Native Computing Foundation
by Yoav Landman, CTO, JFrog What’s in a function? Creating serverless applications is a multi-step process. One of the critical steps in this process is packaging the serverless functions you...

FaaSの実現方法としてコンテナ方式と、ベンダー独自の方式がある。ベンダー独自の方式の場合Functionの依存するライブラリなどは、それぞれのベンダー固有の方法で管理するが、それを企画化することで、ベンダーロックインを回避し、ポータビリティの高いFunction as a Serviceが実現できるのでは無いか?という提案

A Look Back At KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Shanghai 2018 - Cloud Native Computing Foundation

A Look Back At KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Shanghai 2018 - Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Now that we’ve finally caught our breath after a fantastic two days at the KubeCon + CloudNativeCon in Shanghai, let’s dive into some of the key highlights and news. The...

KubeCon+CloudNativeCon Shanghaiの様子
HarborがCNCF sandboxからincubationに移行した。Harborは中国コミュニティで作られたプロダクトで最初にCNCFに入ったものである。

Ever higher in the stack: the “app native” paradigm and the future direction of OSS projects

Ever higher in the stack: the “app native” paradigm and the future direction of OSS projects
The OSS world remains tightly focused on plumbing. But we will likely see the emergence of an “app native” paradigm of OSS focused on…

例として、note(evernoteみたいなの), calendars, task tracking and project management, chat, devaice, rental, multimedia content presentation(youtubeなど)を挙げている。

How we transitioned to Kubernetes – Ricardo Domingos – Medium

How we transitioned to Kubernetes – Ricardo Domingos – Medium
At the beginning of 2018 I've joined the Platform team at COUP, an eScooter sharing company providing scooters in the European cities of…

GKEはドイツリージョンがなかったのでkopsで作っているとのこと。  CI/CDはTravisCIとBuildkite

Everything You Need to Know about Containers, Part III: Orchestration with Kubernetes | Linux Journal

Everything You Need to Know about Containers, Part III: Orchestration with Kubernetes | Linux Journal


Cloud Computing Predictions for Containers and Kubernetes

Cloud Computing Predictions for Containers and Kubernetes
Containers have grown in popularity due to their mobility, speed, and functionality. The enterprise IT space constantly evolves, and for now, containers will drive this evolution. For example, team…



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