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KubeWeekly #170

Last updated at Posted at 2019-06-18

KubeWeeklyは毎週Kubernetesに関する興味深いニュースを提供しています。(http://bit.ly/kubeweekly )この記事は 2019/06/06に発行された Kube Weekly #170 ( https://mailchi.mp/cncf/kubeweekly-170 ) を読んで、感じたことをメモ的にまとめたものです。


KubeWeekly #170

The Headlines

Reflections on the Fifth Anniversary of Kubernetes - Cloud Native Computing Foundation

Reflections on the Fifth Anniversary of Kubernetes - Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Guest post from the Kubernetes Project Five years ago, Kubernetes was released into the world. Like all newborns, it was small, limited in functionality, and had only a few people...


The Technical

Kubernetes admission controllers for secure deployments | Sysdig

Kubernetes admission controllers for secure deployments | Sysdig
By integrating Kubernetes admission controllers with Sysdig Secure image scanning and policies, you can enforce security by default on your deployments.

Admission Controllerの説明としてSysdig Secureがどのように組み込まれているかを紹介している。

Kyma - extend and build on Kubernetes with ease

Kyma - extend and build on Kubernetes with ease
Authors: Lukasz Gornicki (SAP) According to this recently completed CNCF Survey, the adoption rate of Cloud Native technologies in production is growing rapidly. Kubernetes is at the heart of this technological revolution. Naturally, the growth of cloud native technologies has been accompanied by the growth of the ecosystem that surrounds it. Of course, the complexity of cloud native technologies have increased as well. Just google for the phrase “Kubernetes is hard”, and you’ll get plenty of articles that explain this complexity problem.



Automated Canary Management to Kubernetes with Flagger, Istio and GitOps Pipelines

Automated Canary Management to Kubernetes with Flagger, Istio and GitOps Pipelines
Flagger automates traffic routing between canary deployments, reducing the risk of app downtime. This allows your team to confidently test and rollout innovative new features more frequently. This tutorial walks you through setting up Istio on a Kubernetes cluster, automating canary and A/B deployments with GitOps pipelines.


A Step-by-Step Guide For AWS Lambda Deployments with Ballerina - The New Stack

A Step-by-Step Guide For AWS Lambda Deployments with Ballerina - The New Stack
WSO2 sponsored this post. Ballerina is a programming language for developers seeking to create and integrate microservices applications in a single interface for cloud-native applications. In addition to ensuring security standards are met before applications can be deployed, the open source language supports APIs, event streams, distributed applications and other functions. In this post, we …

BallerinaでAWS Lambdaの処理を書く方法を紹介。

How to set up a serious Kubernetes terminal

How to set up a serious Kubernetes terminal
All the CLI tools a growing k8s nerd needs


CI/CD with Argo on Kubernetes

CI/CD with Argo on Kubernetes
Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery is something everyone strives to. It makes everything so much easier. Of course there are a…

Argo Workflowを使ってCI/CDを実現する例を紹介。
Argo CIの開発が芳しくないので、代替ツールを自分で作ったらしい。

Boosting your kubectl productivity

Boosting your kubectl productivity
This article contains a series of tips and tricks to make your usage of kubectl more efficient and effective.


  • 補完を使う
  • kubectl explain
  • -o custom-columns
  • JSONPath (-o custom-columnsでもJSONPathが使えるのを知らなかった)
  • kubectx, kubens
  • aliasを活用する
    • aliasの自動生成
  • pluginを使う
    • krew
  • fzf便利

Universal CICD pipeline for K8S on AWS

Universal CICD pipeline for K8S on AWS
At an abstract level, a deployment pipeline is an automated manifestation of your process for getting software from version control into…

Gateway,Lambda,CodePipeline, CodeBuildなどを駆使している。

Kubernetes — from the beginning, part IV, autoscaling

Kubernetes — from the beginning, part IV, autoscaling
Auto scaling enables you to handle sudden increases in load so that your app is still in business


Why I no longer use Terraform for Templating Kubernetes

Why I no longer use Terraform for Templating Kubernetes
One of the most important principles to being an engineer, is being able to admit when you are wrong. Well folks. I was wrong. Some of you…


terraform -> ssm <- aws-env -> helmfile -> helm -> k8s


The Editorial

Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Certification is Now Valid for 3 Years - Cloud Native Computing Foundation

Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Certification is Now Valid for 3 Years - Cloud Native Computing Foundation
In 2017, CNCF launched the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) exam which has become one of the most popular Linux Foundation certifications to date. Over 9,000 individuals have registered for the...


Kubernetes Podcast from Google

Kubernetes Podcast from Google

Kubernetes Podcast

Microservices, Containers and Kubernetes: Which Applications Benefit? - Container Journal

Microservices, Containers and Kubernetes: Which Applications Benefit? - Container Journal
Here's a look at what microservices, containers and Kubernetes do to understand which applications mesh with these emerging technologies.


Effective strategies for monitoring containerized environments - JAXenter

Effective strategies for monitoring containerized environments - JAXenter
When it comes to containerized environments, one must look in a top-down manner to choose the right tools and strategies to overcome certain challenges.



またrecording ruleやpre-aggregationなどを使うことで、集計を簡略化することもできますが、正確性とのトレードオフとなります。


Blockchain and Kubernetes, the technology behind Positive Energy Ltd

Blockchain and Kubernetes, the technology behind Positive Energy Ltd
This case study features Positive Energy Ltd, a project that simplifies renewable energy finance. It showcases how Positive Energy uses Blockchain, Cloud 66 Kubernetes solutions, and Google Cloud to achieve unbeatable performance. Positive Energy Ltd Background Nicolas Payen and Vincent Bakker founded Positive Energy Ltd in 2017. Positive Energy helps

Kubernetesの利用事例。 Cloud99 + Google Cloud.

How big companies are using Kubernetes - JAXenter

How big companies are using Kubernetes - JAXenter
Kubernetes' increased adoption is showcased by a number of influential companies which have integrated the technology into their services.


  • Tinder
  • Reddit
  • The New York Times
  • Airbnb
  • Pinterest
  • Pokemon Go

Building a Container Platform at Cruise (Part 1)

Building a Container Platform at Cruise (Part 1)
The backend for Cruise self-driving cars runs on Kubernetes.


Kubernetes Journey — Up and running out of the cloud — Kubernetes Overview

Kubernetes Journey — Up and running out of the cloud — Kubernetes Overview
We have walked a long path already in this journey. In the first article, we briefly described how the IT industry has evolved to the...


Observability should not slow you down - Cloud Native Computing Foundation

Observability should not slow you down - Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Originally published on Medium by Travis Jeppson, Sr. Director of Engineering, Nav Inc In any application, the lack of observability is the same as riding a bike with a blindfold...


  • Prometheus
  • StatsD
  • SignalFx

A Look Back At KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Barcelona 2019 - Cloud Native Computing Foundation

A Look Back At KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Barcelona 2019 - Cloud Native Computing Foundation
  Hot off an amazing three days in Barcelona, here is a snapshot into some of the key highlights and news from KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2019! This year we...

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Barcelona 2019のまとめ


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